As you may recall there was a good deal of opposition when Frederik joined the IOC and a council was set up to ensure Frederik didn't end up in a political awkward situation.
However, in 2017 in connection with the Russian doping scandals Frederik voted against the wishes and guidelines laid out by the government and Parliament. That caused some political stir at the time.
Now the PM elaborate on that in an interview to the newspaper Politiken.
"We have this council around him and have - also on top of the somewhat unfortunate communication from several sides in Rio - tried to frame it in somewhat firmer, because of course you can that (Frederik's membership of the IOC) contains some challenges. But it also contains some opportunities.
And then it's obvious there is also another side of the coin, - and you have to address that."
In the recent portrait book Frederik commented on the incident:
"I have been accused of having spoken against the then Minister for Culture and Sports. I haven't. That would have been me conducting foreign policy if I on my own had asked for the floor in the IOC assembly and said: I think it's reprehensible that all Russian athletes are not barred."
Frederik adds that he stands by what he did.
- There is still some debate as to whether Frederik was not informed properly, i.e. communication failure.
Whether he, and the advisors around him, misunderstood the ministerial guidelines.
Whether Frederik deliberately and knowingly went against the wishes of the Parliament.
Or whether Frederik chose to "interpret the guidelines selectively".
There is also the conspiracy theory: That Frederik took one for the team. That the politicians officially had one stance but secretly wanted DK to have another and as such Frederik voted against the official policy and took the blame. - I don't believe that one for a second, but now it's included.