Crown Prince Christian's Military Studies: 2025 -

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Maybe that’s partly why he cut it in Africa — knowing it was all coming off again in a few months and didn’t matter very much.
During the first week of basic training, Crown Prince Christian and his new fellow soldiers will be put to the test.
They have to pass a basic physical test, muscle test and a running test.

Will the Royal Household release photos of Crown Prince Christian ba military training?
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During the first week of basic training, Crown Prince Christian and his new fellow soldiers will be put to the test.
They have to pass a basic physical test, muscle test and a running test.

Will the Royal Household release photos of Crown Prince Christian ba military training?
I am sure there will be updates. However, I truly hope Christian is allowed to be allowed to do his training like a normal conscript along with the others, even with being the heir. There is no reason to follow him around with a camera and post constant photos and videos of everything. That, ultimately just makes his military service look more performative than anything and for PR.
I too find it likely that there will be a press day at some point. Probably towards the end of bootcamp, when the recruits know left from right, have become more lean and have learned to dress, so they look smart and act like soldiers.
After all Christian is a godsend for the regiment as a living recruiter.
Any recruit in reasonable shape should be able to complete the physical demands. Even though it's a combat regiment, the purpose is after all to have as many who are suitable to complete bootcamp as possible.

The purpose of conscription in DK is partly to maintain an affiliation with the military and the general population, but also as a recruitment drive. You get the conscripts to have a sniff at military life, in the hope that those who like it will sign up as a professional or sign up for future deployment abroad. While at the same time weeding out the rambos, who think the military is like a movie and who are thus not suited.
In my time we went through bootcamp and then we stayed on getting a function, in my case in an NBC recce unit. And depending on the unit the conscription could last a year or nine months. At the end of that period we were trained well enough to go to war. Not as an elite, but well enough. At the end of our conscription we were send home to be a part of the mobilization force and called up a couple of times for a few weeks of training.
Denmark will be returning to that system over the next couple of years as we expand our military with more regiments, call up more conscripts and weapons and material is delivered.

We are not quite there yet, so Christian and his comrades will still only be required to go through bootcamp. Those who volunteer for the Horse Squadron, will stay for some eight months more, where they learn to ride in formation and take part in parades and such. - Actually it will very much be up to the horses to teach the recruits.
Because most hussars horses will be seasoned cavalry mounts who know perfectly well their position in the formation and who know how to ride in formation. The horses also know the signals from the trumpets (hussars use trumpets, not horns or bugles) and obey the command instantly, which is more than their silly riders do...
I can well imagine the horses gossiping about their riders in the stable and complaining about the conscripts getting more and more stupid and hopeless.
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