Confirmations: Victoria - 1992, Carl Philip - 1994, Madeleine - 1997

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Nov 8, 2002
here are a few photos from Victorias confirmation 1992


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here are a few more


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Carl Philip Conformation 1994


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I have not found anything yet
if you find any just post them and i will change the title
so what churches were they at
does anyone have madeleine photos if her Confimation
Here´s some from Madeleines confirmation in august 1997


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Ooopss i think i missed something here... what's about a confirmation? i saw the Vics picture and seemed to me a religious confirmation, but Madde's like a toga party... so what is a confirmation for the swedes?
La Chen said:
Ooopss i think i missed something here... what's about a confirmation? i saw the Vics picture and seemed to me a religious confirmation, but Madde's like a toga party... so what is a confirmation for the swedes?
There´s not much difference between the confirmation of Swedes to the confirmations of other nations. You decide as "mature" individual to become part of the religion to which you belong since your baptism.
The reason, why Madeleine looks like participating in a toga-party is simply, that she and her colleagues/friends acted in a little play about a story in the bible. This was part of the programme and they probably rehearsed it in the confirmation camp, which was held in the weeks before. In other pictures you see Madeleine wearing the same as Victoria. That´s the official dress for the confirmation (don´t know if it´s in all counties of Sweden worn, but I guess in many)
Lena is right. That long dress with a collar is the official dress and I think its worn at all confirmations in Swedish churchs.

The month before her confirmation Madeleine stayed at Medevi Brunn close to the lake of Vättern where she and her friends studied the bible and talked about various things, like life, love, right/wrong...

1. Madeleine and Lussan taking a walk
2. Closeup of Madeleine
3. Madeleine during the traditional "Grötlunken" (dunno what that is really :))
4. Madeleine again¨
5. Madeleine during the camp at Medevi


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Thanks Lena, i got it!

I first did my confirmation and days after my 1st comunnion at 11 years old (i didn't feel a mature) into the catholic religion, but if you ask me, well i did it because i have to, like a tradition, your parents did, brothers, sisters, friends, etc... because you are baptised catholic you must do those things,but of course as a baby you are not in position to choose religion, so no with the whole conviction you must have, i did it. Now i'm not into religion... hows is in Sweden? Lutheran, Baptise?
La Chen said:
hows is in Sweden? Lutheran, Baptise?
Sweden has no State religion anymore; it was abolished as we entered the new millennium. The biggest church in Sweden is the Church of Sweden – the old State church, which is Lutheran Evangelical. 87% belongs to the Church of Sweden, that’s the last figure I heard at least – it might’ve gone down a little. The Church of Sweden's webiste can be found here: Svenska Kyrkan
some random photos from their confirmations!


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queen beatrix was at victorias conformation was there other royals there

Is it compulsory for members of the Royal Family to be confirmed?

Josefine said:
queen beatrix was at victorias conformation was there other royals there
Queen Sonja of Norway was there as stand in for Victorias godfather king Harald.
And ofcourse Victorias family and aunts were there aswell
Yennie said:
Queen Sonja of Norway was there as stand in for Victorias godfather king Harald.
And ofcourse Victorias family and aunts were there aswell

thank you so much

who was guests at carl philips and madeleines confirmation?
Josefine said:
Carl Philip Conformation 1994

Why was queen Margarete of Denmark at Carl's confirmation?? Is she his godparent? Do they have godparents when they confirm?

In Spain, if you are a catholic and decide to be confirmed, you have to choose a godparent... it can be whoever you want but it's advisable that you keep one of your godparents from baptism, if that's possible... maybe one of them is dead or not in good health conditions to act again as a godparent. Does it work the same way in Sweden? If so, who were their godparents? Were the same as when they were baptised?

Thanks a lot

Are there any photos with Carl dressed for his confirmation? I didn't see him in the ones connected to his confirmation

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I dont think it works that way in Sweden. You get godparents when you are baptised (which ofcourse you can be as adult to) but I dont think theres any new godparents chosen for the confirmation? Perhaps thats an catholic tradition?

Yes, Queen Margrethe is Carl Philips godparent ("fadder" in swedish)

Here´s photos from Carl Philips confirmation on July 9, 1994


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was victoria trhe only one that did not go to a Confimation camp
Josefine said:
was victoria trhe only one that did not go to a Confimation camp
Both Carl Philip and Madeleine went to Medevi and was confirmed at Vadstena klosterkyrka. They went with the church Oscarskyrkan in Stockholm and their reverend Hans Rhodin.

He confirmed Victoria to, but in Räpplinge church on Öland, close to Solliden.
Victoria and her group had their camp at Solliden, where they slept in an old barn and lived wilderness life with various exercises.
were there any royals at princess madeleines confirmation other then the royal family
Well it seems that Princess Benedikte of Denmark attended Madelaine's confirmation. I don't know about anybody else? It seems that only the godparents attend, so does she have royal godparents?
so there is no specifik vhurch were royals have their Confirmation as for the stockholm castle church
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The Crown Princess was confirmed in the summer of 1992 at Räpplinge church on the island of Öland

Prince Carl Philip was confirmed in the summer of 1994 at Vadstena Church, after confirmation studies in Medevi

Princess Madeleine was confirmed in the summer of 1997 at Vadstena Church, after confirmation studies in Medevi

How about the king and his systers?
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Is it an obligation in Sweden to have turned 15 years old to be confirmed?
The Crown Princess was confirmed in the summer of 1992 at Räpplinge church on the island of Öland

Prince Carl Philip was confirmed in the summer of 1994 at Vadstena Church, after confirmation studies in Medevi

Princess Madeleine was confirmed in the summer of 1997 at Vadstena Church, after confirmation studies in Medevi

How about the king and his systers?

Princess Margaretha, Princess Birgitta and Princess Desirée was confirmed in Levene Church in Västergötland.

Princess Christina and The King was both confirmed at Öland.
Princess Christina in Gärdslösa Church (where Margareta later married) and The King in Borgholm Church.

Is it an obligation in Sweden to have turned 15 years old to be confirmed?

I haven't heard that there would be an age limit. The only requirement i have heard about for confirmation in "Church of Sweden" is that you have to be baptized.

so there is no specifik vhurch were royals have their Confirmation as for the stockholm castle church

A very long time ago it was there but Princess Sibylla wanted her children to have the same confirmation as all swedish children so they got a "normal" confirmation. It has been that way ever since.
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Is it an obligation in Sweden to have turned 15 years old to be confirmed?

From the website of Svenska Kyrkan (Church of Sweden)

The year you turn 14 Swedish church invites you to be confirmed
Early confirmation
Did you start school earlier and would like be confirmed along with your buddies? According to the guidelines for the Swedish Church's confirmation work confirmation worship service can be at the earliest the year when a person turns 15 years. But if there are special circumstances, the parish can make exceptions.
När kan jag konfirmeras_ - Svenska kyrkan - Tro och andlighet

What is the laying on of hands by the officiant supposed to represent in the Lutheran church? I know in the Catholic Church you are addressed by the Bishop by your chosen Confirmation saint (with your sponsor standing behind you with their right hand on your right shoulder), and he dips his thumb into the holy oil, lays his hand on your forehead and says, "(your chosen saint's name), I sign you with the sign of the cross (+), and I confirm you with the oil of salvation in the name of the Father (+), and of the Son (+), and of the Holy Spirit (+). (your chosen saint's name), be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit." I also know that in the Lutheran church, you are confirmed with the words of a Bible verse, and you do not take an additional name. The officiant says "(your name), I confirm you with the words of (book, chapter number, verse number)," followed by the text of the verse. I was just wondering what the laying on of hands in the Lutheran church symbolized.

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