Great article, I think there are some worthy points to consider here. But at the same time, I disagree with a few things.
I don't think royals today are not taking their duties seriously because they are more common than royal these days. Meaning, because they are acting like everyday normal people is not the reason for their behavior. I think it has to do with them not having a lot of political power. Now, I am not advocating for the return of absolute monarchies or whatever. I am just saying maybe the reason why some royals, like Prince William, Prince Frederik and Prince Felipe, are in a sense just sitting around living the rich life, is because they constitutionally are not allowed to do much.
I see nothing wrong with a royal waiting a long time to get married. These days, monarchs a living longer lives (ie, the Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth II). Look at Prince Charles. He'll be 60 and he's still not the King. It will be decades before William will be King. So, I don't think there should be a rush for heirs to get married and produce children. I believe a younger monarch is more appealing than an elderly one. This way not too many people look at them as being from a different era.
As for commoners taking away the grandeur of royalty, I think the right ones add to it. Look at Queen Silvia, Princess Maxima, Princess Mathilde. I think those royals are just as royal as those born as one.
Also, I don't think all royals could care less about social issues. Seeing Princess Mary in Uganda recently changed my opinion about her. Seeing pictures of her with children, wiping away tears, told me she does care about those in need, and did not become a princess only so she could wear a tiara and beautiful dresses. And also, Haakon and Mette-Marit are doing a good job as royals, and they might be the most liberal royals of all!
And about rock music not being appropriate for royalty since that music is about rebellion and anti-establishment, honestly, I think that complaint is overblown. If royals did not move with the times, they would be extinct already. Look what happened when Princess Diana died. The British people wanted their royals to be more in touch with the regular people. The royal family's approval rating was dismally low because they were distant and seen as out of touch with the rest of the country. Yes, the younger royals - such as William, Beatrice and Eugenie - have been acting too ordinary by falling out of clubs smashed. But if the royals acted like they were from another time period, they would lose their positions. So, modernity is not a bad thing.
Times are changing for royalty. Time will tell if royalty could survive post-modernism.