carlota said:
i'm sorry to mette marit's fans, but she comes to my mind when i think of clumsiness :s
her special hunchback way of walking that makes her look quite unelegant sometimes,
I wouldn't say that this is clumsy of Mette-Marit though. It's poor posture for sure, but it's not clumsy.
carlota said:
the (don't remember if 1 or 2) times she had to use crutches and that time she fell in front of a house (i think it was in london) when coming out.
I think this is part of my trouble with this thread. Unless you live with someone or spend a lot of time with them, you can't really tell if someone is clumsy. Being clumsy implies fumbling around incessantly. If you trip or fall once or twice (and as royals have the bad luck of being photographed for the world to see when doing so), well, that's just life. Who hasn't tripped now and then? Or who hasn't suffered an injury from participating in sports? At least one of the occasions Mette-Marit was on crutches was the result of a skiing accident. Plenty of people injure themselves while skiing annually but that doesn't make them clumsy.
carlota said:
poor queen sofia... falling in front of the president of the united states wasn't a really good entrance. hillary could have been much more helpful: she just standed there looking at her without turning a hair while mr. clinton and the king helped her.
I think it might've been considered polite and gentlemanly for President Clinton to reach out and help Queen Sofia up. It would've looked even
worst if Hillary had reached out and helped Queen Sofia up while President Clinton stood there staring at her without turning a hair.
carlota said:
both martha louise and maxima (as far as i remember) got their long dresses "stepped on" by someone... (maxima in the national day and martha louise in a royal wedding, don't remember which one), not royal people but it's not nice stepping on someone's dress worth thousands of dollars
But getting your dressed on isn't the result of clumsiness on Martha Louise or Maxima's part. They didn't step on the trains of their own dresses. And I'm sure that nobody intended to step on the trains of their dresses (making "not nice" redundant); simply that it was an accident -- that whomever wasn't paying attention to how fast Martha Louise and Maxima were walking and accidentally stepped on their dress. (The one time was at Haakon and Mette-Marit's pre-wedding dinner and King Constantine stepped on Martha Louise's dress.)
Again, I think you have to know someone before you can judge them clumsy. A trip here and there, a mis-step or a fall here and there doesn't amount to labelling someone as clumsy. A picture of a royal stumbling now and then doesn't mean they are clumsy. That is like saying that just because you've seen a royal pictured with a glass of wine in their hands a couple of times that they are an alcoholic.
I had a roommate in university who was truly clumsy. She banged into every corner in our apartment. Every morning she banged into something, whether it was her bed post as she was getting up in the morning or the wall opposite her door on the way to the bathroom in the morning. I never got out of bed until I could hear go "Oooph" then "Owww." There is a big difference between my roommate's clumsiness and Queen Sofia tripping on the steps up to the White House or Mette-Marit having a skiing accident and ending up on crutches or King Constantine stepping on Martha Louise's train.