Not only the rooms, but QI also dressed her three daugthers according to this colour schemeHer daughters rooms had individual colour schemes. To honour their mother they had adorned her coffin with 3 reefs in the colours of their rooms at Amalienborg Palace; the blue reef from QMII, the red reef from Princess Benedikte and the yellow reef from QAM.
I quite forgot to mention that a renovation of Christiansborg's tower is currently taking place. The plan is to open a restaurant with a lofty view of Copenhagen. The restaurant is scheduled to open May 1st 2014.
How is it that I always show up when you are about to post some photos, Sun Lion!
Truly coincidental!
But I'm happy it happens. Waiting for your photos. P.S. There they are!
That's funny Lady Nimue - we must be on the same wavelength or something!
The last photo is of the actual tower, and you can see a few figures peeping over the rails - probably taking photos of me below near the riding arena.
Some photos are zoomed in, and so you can see people flying about on one of the rides at the Tivoli.
Also, I think one of the churches is where the twins were christened and another is where F and M were married.
In the far background of another, you can see the ship I was on.
The ship is actually berthed alongside the apartment block where M lived before the wedding.
I remember taking quite a few photos of CP Mary's former home from the deck - I'll post some if I can find a thread for them.
(I remember some very modern sculpture in the area - not sure if I photographed that though - I'm more for classic. But a very cheerful place to be when a ship is in - a lot of locals walked ,and biked, up and down looking at us - as we looked at them.)
Also, I think one of the churches is where the twins were christened and another is where F and M were married.
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #47, 2015.
The Velvet Chamber that is a part of the DRF representation room at the palace of Christiansborg is arguably among the grandest rooms in DK.
It's named after the silk-wallpaper that used to hang there from 1924. But after almost a hundred years the wallpaper was worn out, not least because people over the decades had to touch the wallpaper. So fingers combined with cigarette smoke and what not took it's toll.
But now a new silk-wallpaper has replaced the old one. and there is a sample at hand for people to touch, so that they may keep their little hands away from the wallpaper.
The 250 meters of very, very expensive silk wallpaper was made in India. It simply wasn't possible to find a manufacturer in Europe who was able to make the wallpaper.
At the same time the Velvet Chamber has been renovated, not only ahead of schedule but cheaper than expected!
The cost of the wallpaper alone was almost 3½ million DKK = 469.000 € = 498.900 $ = 330.700 £
But then the wallpaper is expected to last for 200 years.
But look for yourselves and enjoy the craftsmanship.
Until 1933 the room was used as throne-room.
The main decoration is the Danish national crest, with three lions.
As you can see the Velvet Chamber is where the DRF line up to receive guests, before entering the adjacent Gobelin Hall, where official dinners often take place.
Is the Throne Room at Christiansborg used much by the queen and royal famiy?,_CHRISTIANSBORG_PALACE,_COPENHAGEN.jpg
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #47, 2015.
The Velvet Chamber that is a part of the DRF representation room at the palace of Christiansborg is arguably among the grandest rooms in DK.
It's named after the silk-wallpaper that used to hang there from 1924. But after almost a hundred years the wallpaper was worn out, not least because people over the decades had to touch the wallpaper. So fingers combined with cigarette smoke and what not took it's toll.
But now a new silk-wallpaper has replaced the old one. and there is a sample at hand for people to touch, so that they may keep their little hands away from the wallpaper.
The 250 meters of very, very expensive silk wallpaper was made in India. It simply wasn't possible to find a manufacturer in Europe who was able to make the wallpaper.
At the same time the Velvet Chamber has been renovated, not only ahead of schedule but cheaper than expected!
The cost of the wallpaper alone was almost 3½ million DKK = 469.000 € = 498.900 $ = 330.700 £
But then the wallpaper is expected to last for 200 years.
But look for yourselves and enjoy the craftsmanship.
Until 1933 the room was used as throne-room.
The main decoration is the Danish national crest, with three lions.
As you can see the Velvet Chamber is where the DRF line up to receive guests, before entering the adjacent Gobelin Hall, where official dinners often take place.