It is suddenly Thursday again and another issue of Billed Bladet has hit the streets.
We have a very detailed comparion of M&F and W&K, focusing on how much they have in common. - I may deal with if there is any interest or if I get bored...
We have the story of our Marie presenting a prize at the French embassy.
In the Q&A, we have a question about the ancient Danish nobility, i.e. those who were nobles before the Reformation. - I'll take it if there is an interest.
There is also a question as to whether the children of Queen Anne-Marie are in the Danish line of succession. - They are not.
We have a detailed review of the dresses Mary wore during the visit to USA, including who the deigners are.
We also have the story about M&F meeting the singer Medina. - You know, the goofy looking one, who used Frederik to lean on.
We have the story about Countess Alexandra and the Parkinson Association, for which she is patron.
We also have the first day of Joachim and la belle Marie's visit to Japan. It the journalist Trine Larsen who is covering this and she has really developed as a reporter in recent years, so we can expect a good coverage. - I think I'll save that for next week.
Next week is going to be full of coverage, both from Japan and UNICEF.
And we have this:
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #44, 2011.
Christians nye klassekammerater - Christian's new classmates.
Written by Anna Johannesen. fordelt Christians nye klassekammerater.aspx
As you may recall Christian and his mates, were to be assessd by the teachers before the permanent classes were established. That has now happened and among Christian's new classmates are some whom he knows well.
Friends of M&F, Sysser Zachau and Morten Efferbach, have a daughter in Christian's class. - Sysser is sister of Birgitte Handwerk, married to Jeppe Handwerk.
Caroline Heering's daughter Rosemarie. - She is perhaps the child whom Christian knows best. (*)
Nina Bruun Rasmussen's son, Julius.
Jacob and Anne Sofie Reese's Mathilda. - They previously lived on London, but Jacob Reese is a childhood friend of Frederik.
So that means that at least four of the 25 pupil's in Christian's class are someone he already knows.
And they are likely to stay together for the next ten years.
(*) Can anyone say childhood sweetheart?