Christening of Princess Eleonore of Belgium

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Serene Highness
Apr 28, 2008
Does anyone know Eléonore's christening date? And, what do you think, it will be a private cerimony or a public one as, for example, Princess Isabella's christening?
Does anyone know Eléonore's christening date? And, what do you think, it will be a private cerimony or a public one as, for example, Princess Isabella's christening?
Not yet. Probably it will be similar christening like her older siblings.
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It will be a private ceremony with only family and close friends that always have been like that with treir other 3 childern.
Elisabeth was born 25 oktober 2001 and was baptized 9 december 2001: 1,5 month later
Gabriël was born on 20 august 2003 and was baptized 23 october 2003: 2 months later
Emmanuel was born on 4 october 2005 and baptized 10 december 2005: 2 months later
:ermm:So we have to espect the christening in June. I hope it will be very soon, I look forward it, I can't wait to see little Princess Eléonore again. She's soooooo beautiful!:wub:
Maybe they will select June 11th, which is Queen Fabiola's 80th birthday. I think that would be a lovely gesture since the new little Princess has the Queen's name.
Maybe they will select June 11th, which is Queen Fabiola's 80th birthday. I think that would be a lovely gesture since the new little Princess has the Queen's name.

That would be lovely indeed, a very sweet gesture! Can't wait till they announce the exact date!
I can't wait to see what date the new little princess's christening will be.
I Predict June 27th -Queen Fabiola Godmother
I Predict June 27th -Queen Fabiola Godmother

Why exactly June 27th?

At the announcement of the birth of Princess Eléonore the palace also announced that Princess Claire of Belgium and Princess Victoria of Sweden will be the godmothers, so not Queen Fabiola unfortunately.


Le Prince Philippe et la Princesse Mathilde sont très heureux de pouvoir annoncer la naissance, le 16 avril 2008 à 4h50 à l’hôpital Erasme à Anderlecht, d’une petite sœur pour la Princesse Elisabeth, le Prince Gabriel et le Prince Emmanuel.
Elle portera les prénoms de Eléonore, Fabiola, Victoria, Anne, Marie.
La Princesse et sa fille se portent bien.
L’enfant pèse 3,210 kg et mesure 50 cm.
Les marraines d’Eléonore seront la Princesse héritière Victoria de Suède et la Princesse Claire de Belgique.
Le parrain sera le Comte Sébastien von Westphalen zu Fürstenberg.

Monarchie - Presse

Maybe they will select June 11th, which is Queen Fabiola's 80th birthday. I think that would be a lovely gesture since the new little Princess has the Queen's name.

That would be lovely indeed, a very sweet gesture! Can't wait till they announce the exact date!

I do agree that it would be a nice gesture, but I also read the announcement on the official website of the Belgium Monarchy that the King and Queen are not in Belgium that day.

Le Roi, La Reine

Visite d'Etat

Visite d'Etat en Estonie.
(Jusqu'au 12 juin).
Monarchie - Presse

So I don’t think that the child will be christened that day. Although it will be a modest ceremony, with family and friends I suppose, I don’t think that they will hold it without the grandparents. And also the health of the father of Princess Mathilde can be a factor of delay, I think.

[Knowing that Queen Fabiola has her 80th birthday on June 11th, and the King and Queen not being in the Country, I guessed that they would have some celebration at a day in a weekend nearby, but I have not seen any announcement of some special celebrations of Queen Fabiola yet, though, B.T.W.]
Maybe they release some pictures of Queen Fabiola with the little Princess Princess Eléonore on June 11th.
The oldest and the youngest member of the Belgium Royal Family :wub:

Can't wait till the christening indeed.
According to Het Laatste Nieuws the christening will be on June 14th, at the chappel of the castle Ciergnon.

Article in Dutch here.
I knew it will be on June 14th too, at the castle of Ciergnon, but for this second information, I think we were all agree. Anyway, even if it will be on 11th,the important is that finally we have a date, and it will coming very soon. We have only to wait.
According to all the belgian media it will be on the 14th of june in the church of Ciergnon, also the place where athe christening off all the other childern were. It was always in an intimate atmosphere with only family and close friends. They always invite a select amount of press to make pictures and images
I Was wrong I Just picked a ramdom date
Normally today is the cristening of Eléonore! I hope it is today and that we can see some nice pictures!
They said on tv that the film and pix will be v isi ble in around three hours time
What lovely pictures! The kids all look wonderful!:wub: I love Mathilde's outfit! How nice to see Victoria holding little Eleonore, it suits her ;)
I love the whole look of CP Victoria, her outfit, her smile and with a beautiful baby in her arms! All the Belgian children are so cute. I bet there will be a lot of news about the three cute cousins Elisabeth, Louise and Maria Laetitia in a few years time.
Wasn't uncle Laurent and the boys there? I think I've seen the rest of the Royal Family, including Queen Fabiola and Lorenz, who had some function today.
Beatiful pictures!!!:) I like very much Mathilde, Claire (rarely i like her style) and Victoria's outfits. But in this "competition" Victoria wins surely.
Such a sweet moment when CP Victoria were holding Eleonore on her arms:wub:.
But I found odd for this christening we have more pics than the other of Eleonore's siblings, because she isn't the future queen, like he sister Elisabeth(how she were sweet!!!).

I'm looking forward the video!!!

Prince Laurent was ther too, in this photo he's on the left holding one of the twins (I can't recognized him).
Picture details
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video... - Prinses Eléonore is gedoopt
How cute those children are...

The voiceover just explains that the christening is taking place in the chapel of the castle of Ciergnon, that the whole family is there, and that the two sons of prince Philippe didn't really want the ceremony to start. Apparently they ran away and hid for a while.
It also says the girl has two godmothers because Princess Victoria is protestant, and they need a catholic as well, Princess Claire.
Does make her seem like second choice doesn't it?
All four looks so beautiful with Eleonore. I mean Philippe (holding his youngest), Victoria (holding her goddaughter), Claire and Mathilde.

Sorry to Mathilde but Victoria steal the show as we talk about fashion. Second place take Claire and Mathilde.

Children looks so sweet with the candles.:wub:
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Lovely photos and lovely to see!!!!
They are a such a lovely family! Mathilde is a great mother!
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