Children of Prince Feisal and Princess Alia: April 2008-

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
According to Al-Ghad newspaper, their royal highnesses Prince Omar, Princess Aisha & Princess Sarah, who have recently arrived back home are currently under precautionary quarantine applied to all Jordanian students returning from abroad.خضوع-الأمراء-عمر-وسارة-وعائشة-أبناء-ال/

Where do the three currently live? I know little other then their ages. The only kid I know of his is the eldest who just had her second child.
Princess Ayah Al Feisal, President of the Jordanian Volleyball Federation, attends the signing ceremony of the cooperation and partnership agreement signed by the Federation with Steps Foundation.
Princess Aisha is engaged!

The engagement of was announced between Princess Aisha bint Faisal of Jordan (b.27 March 1997) [one of twin daughters of Prince Faisal bin Hussein of Jordan (b.11 October 1963, only full brother of HM the King) & his first wife Alia Tabbaa (b.15 September 1964)] & Kareem Yazeed Al-Mufti (b.1994) on 6 June.

Source: All about Arab Royals 👑 on Instagram‎: "‎أعلن عن خطوبة صاحبة السمو الملكي الأميرة عائشة بنت فيصل بن الحسين على السيد كريم يزيد المفتي. ‎ولدت الأميرة عائشة في عام 1997 وهي الشقيقة التوأم للأميرة سارة بنت فيصل. تعمل سموها باحثة ومنسقة اتصال، إضافة إلى عملها في مجال الأمان الرياضي. تحمل الأميرة درجة الماجستير في القانون مع تخصص في التشريعات الدينية والمجتمع، ودرجة البكالوريوس في علم الجريمة. ‎أما العريس السيد كريم يزيد المفتي، فقد ولد في عام 1994. درس في مدرسة كينغز مع ولي العهد، ويحمل درجة الماجستير في الإدارة الرياضية من جامعة جورج تاون، ودرجة البكالوريوس في إدارة الأعمال من الجامعة الأمريكية. يعمل حالياً مديراً لتطوير الأعمال في عدد من الشركات المملوكة لعائلته في قطاع الضيافة والفنادق. The engagement of HRH Princess Aisha bint Faisal bin Al Hussein to Mr. Kareem Yazeed Al-Mufti has been announced. Princess Aisha was born in 1997 and is the twin sister of Princess Sara bint Faisal. She works as a researcher and communication coordinator, in addition to her involvement in sports safety. The princess holds a master's degree in law with a specialization in religious legislation and society, as well as a bachelor's degree in criminology. The groom, Mr. Kareem Yazeed Al-Mufti, was born in 1994. He studied at King's Academy alongside the Crown Prince and holds a master's degree in sports management from Georgetown University and a bachelor's degree in business administration from the American University. He currently works as a business development manager in several family-owned companies in the hospitality and hotel sector. . . #الملكة_رانيا #النشامى #الهواشم#الأميرة_سلمى #الملك_عبدالله_الثاني #الأمير_الحسين #الأمير_هاشم #الأميرة_إيمان #الهاشميين #عمان#الأميرة_رجوة #الكويت #الصباح #ولي_العهد ‎#على_العهد25 #الأردن #kingabdullahii #queenrania #jordan #alhusseinjo #princessiman #amman #princesssalma #princehashem #الملك_حسين #princehussein #princessrajwa #hashemites"‎

Congratulations to the couple!
Princess Sarah and Ali Al-Sawaf's engagement announcement!
Both twins engaged at the same* time! :)

*Aisha has been engaged for months but you all know what I mean.
Congratulations to Sara!
Omar is now the only one of the adult children that isn't engaged or married, right?
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