Will we see her at Cannes this year? I hope so. I'm really curious to see what Gucci does to her hair
Best answer on the topic, ever.
Her occasional projects probably allow her to earn more in a few sessions than most of us earn in a year. We could get jealous, or we could get over it. Rich people have rich people problems too.![]()
I agree with majority of your post, but I should say that it's a bit unfair to blame the styling and editors for the spread being boring. It's actually the subject that makes the photograph interesting. I think people are so used to seeing professional models and actors in magazines that they expect someone like Charlotte have the same quality of print work just because she is pretty, while in reality the most interesting photographs are of people who are able to project themselves in front of the camera. Charlotte is not a model/actress with natural talent for it and she does not yet have a strong presence like her mother or aunt, which is why whatever the styling her photos can look slightly boring/awkward/photoshopped to hell. In my personal opinion they've done better than Vogue or Self Service with her, because, although boring, she does not look as awkward in her poses and the photos are all about her, not about the make-up/outfit/setting. Perhaps with time she will get more comfortable with shoots, with herself etc and her photos will be more interesting, styled or notShe looks lovely in the spread, albeit a tad boring. She's such a gorgeous girl, I wish they would've done something more interesting with her. I don't know. Something about the styling and the pictures themselves just bored me to tears. I haven't read the interview yet, but I know one thing, she can't really complain about her privacy after this and expect to be taken seriously. At this point, she's putting herself out there, which I don't mind--she's gorgeous and has some degree of interest in fashion even if it's not as passionate as say Eugenie's or Tatiana's or Margherita's--only, it's going to be hard for her to pull the "I just want my privacy; I didn't ask for the attention" card.
I agree with majority of your post, but I should say that it's a bit unfair to blame the styling and editors for the spread being boring. It's actually the subject that makes the photograph interesting. I think people are so used to seeing professional models and actors in magazines that they expect someone like Charlotte have the same quality of print work just because she is pretty, while in reality the most interesting photographs are of people who are able to project themselves in front of the camera. Charlotte is not a model/actress with natural talent for it and she does not yet have a strong presence like her mother or aunt, which is why whatever the styling her photos can look slightly boring/awkward/photoshopped to hell. In my personal opinion they've done better than Vogue or Self Service with her, because, although boring, she does not look as awkward in her poses and the photos are all about her, not about the make-up/outfit/setting. Perhaps with time she will get more comfortable with shoots, with herself etc and her photos will be more interesting, styled or notBut it's slightly unfair to say that any gorgeous girl can be made interesting. If that was the case people like Kate Moss wouldn't be as big as they are. Charlotte always looks more interesting in candids, just because you can see a bit of her personality there
Just my opinion, of course
charlotte, this week on the cover of Elle ..
Pomeline-Fizz ♣ Charlotte Casiraghi: Charlotte Casiraghi en Une du magazine Elle France
Charlotte Casiraghi for Elle France #3517 May 24th 2013 | Art8amby's Blog
many new wonderful photos!!!
Pomeline-Fizz ♣ Charlotte Casiraghi: Charlotte Casiraghi en Une du magazine Elle France
That's the best photo of her. Plus, this is the best outfit.I hate the cover. It doesn't even look like Charlotte.
But the rest is very nice and she seems more confortable than in other previous interviews.
I love her hairstyle in this photo
I agree with you completely, but I think you misunderstood me. I never said nor did I mean to imply that beauty alone automatically equals interesting. If that were the case, so many of these up-and-coming actors/actresses would be able to gain the star power of a Brad Pitt or George Clooney simply by reason of looks alone. As we all know that's not the case. Some of these pretty boys and girls have no talent and no charisma to make up for it; they're just cute. And your example with Kate Moss is appropriate, too.
What I mean is, Charlotte has a very universal appeal with her beauty and I think they should've utilized it more. She's got classic looks and thin frame that would work in pretty much anything. No, she's not a model and her lack of presence has been discussed before. I don't expect her to be anywhere on the same par in a photoshoot as Cara Delevingne or Keira Knightley, both of whom have experience and presence. But I think they could have done a lot more with Charlotte than what's been presented. That's all I meant.
Don't you think that the French jurnalism is weird? Those of you who know French or are native speakers, does this article about Charlotte seem unnatural to you?