Ok, at the Zspoke dinner, who were the ladies she was sitting with? I think... they were Elizabeth von Guttman and Alexia Niedzielski, but if so, Alexia looks different! Darker hair? I can't put my finger on it.... And as for the guy, he is Jefferson Hack, right?
Now, when Trep said Charlotte was too skinny now (referring to the Gucci-Paris Vogue/Paris Couture Week party pics) I thought, Eh, maybe, but not necessarily.... I was on the fence. But in these latest pics from NYC, I can see it. I think she might be too thin. I say this with a lot of hesitation. It's not easy to criticize someone's, especially a woman's physicality. For some time now, Charlotte has been looking very fit, with beautifully toned arms and legs. But now I think she is looking more skinny than fit. She's starting to look uncomfortably skinny.
So anyway, if she was hanging out at the dinner party with her fellow Ever Manifesto founders and Jeff Hack, it could be a sign of her getting back into writing and publishing. I hope Jeff Hack is still trying to get her to write more for AnOther magazine.
Oh, I really do hope Charlotte does NOT marry Alex Dellal. I think she might do it. It's not that I object to alex for any personal reason. I don't find him objectionable for anything, except...... no, not his looks. I don't care about his looks. He's not even THAT bad looking. I mean, I can totally *get* her attraction to him. He's obviously intelligent. I bet he is also funny and charming. But he is so d--n elitist. Oh well. She's probably so infatuated with him, and he with her, they won't resist it. They will get hitched. She will be boring elitist, snobbish Mrs. Alexander Dellal!