
never I thought that of the members of this forum. I simply repeated the comment of a presenter who does certainly much humour to "the strong current of the daisies"...
one of the titles of his emission was, "people who were not present" in ratio at "Laure Manaudou was not there, Caroline was not there..."
he explained why Laure Manaudou was not with "Evening dress", because she broke the small finger of the foot, and that the Italian doctor her (with laure) had said to continue to swim but not to walk
awkward comparison of "charlene and her shoulder" "Laure Manaudou and her foot", and he added, that it would have better been to entrust Laure to Albert, he would not be nothing to arrive to her, then he said: "look at Charlene that successful to herwell, all goes well for her, she even hopes to take down the title of Princess" fault of...
moreover that after the emission of Drucker...
it came just is French humour,