Charlene Wittstock Current Events 7 : Nov.2006 - Jan.2007

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Apr 11, 2005
Welcome to part 7 of the thread to discuss the current events of Charlene Wittstock, Prince Albert's official companion.

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Au Revoir, Charlene?

No appearance at Mass, on/near the balcony, nor at the Opera. Should we all agree that Charlene is now yesterday's news?:flowers:
paca said:
Don't count on it.
I agree it's still too soon to say. If after new years there are no photos from the holidays then I'd say she is possibly on her way out. Only time will tell!
He shouldn't have taken her out in public in the first place. He did it backwards.
hibou said:
I agree it's still too soon to say. If after new years there are no photos from the holidays then I'd say she is possibly on her way out. Only time will tell!

I wonder if he is phasing her out quietly...a very quiet alleged appearance at the PGA in sign of her at National Day...probably nothing at Christmas but then there is New Year's...(their 1st anniversary??? -- :sick: ) I wonder if she'll go out as quietly as Alicia did?
paca said:
Don't count on it.

How do you know this Paca? Living in France, do you have inside info?

Please do tell! Nosey mind want to know! :)

Thanks, Bijoux
pinklady1991 said:
...I wonder if she'll go out as quietly as Alicia did?
The politest version of my answer to that is No.

All other versions are left to those of naughty imaginations. :rolleyes:

LadyMichelle said:

From Italian News paper: IL RESATO DEL CARLINO.

They says that the relationship between Charlene and Albert is over.

It seems that Charlene, don't want to became a princess but, she prefer to win a gold medal at Olympics games.


I do not think tht she ever had this kind og choice:bang:

I mean, she is not sure that she will win...... and of course, It is obvious that PS never asked her hand......
At least it´s over!! I hope this is completly true!!!! I´m sorry but the girl is no material for a principality.
rosana said:
At least it´s over!! I hope this is completly true!!!! I´m sorry but the girl is no material for a principality.

Please don't mention that it is OVER!!:sad: Every time we do that, SHE REAPPEARS!!!!!!!!!!!:bang: Please make it stop.:wacko:
I agree. It's not over to me until I see CW actually swimming in the Olympics - if she makes it there again that is.

Well, it could still happen, right? Who knows, she might be hiding out somewhere practicing.

Time will tell.
pinklady1991 said:
I wonder if he is phasing her out quietly...a very quiet alleged appearance at the PGA in sign of her at National Day...probably nothing at Christmas but then there is New Year's...(their 1st anniversary??? -- :sick: ) I wonder if she'll go out as quietly as Alicia did?

There will not be a choice
Then can she bother another royal family? I don't think language would be a barrier.

Okay that was mean...but I still would prefer it.

I'll just give thanks (its USA Turkey Day) that she hasn't gotten pregnant yet!

Suonymona said:
Then can she bother another royal family? I don't think language would be a barrier.

Okay that was mean...but I still would prefer it.

I'll just give thanks (its USA Turkey Day) that she hasn't gotten pregnant yet!

:lol: Well, if she does get pregnant Albie should think about setting up all his baby mamas together and create his own little babymama colony. It's cheaper in a dozen the say. And since they have so much in common they should get along nicely and be able to create new ways of promoting all their little princes and princesses in the tabloid. They could have regular dates and group shootings, they could leak some delicate details about the others and Albert and be on the tabloids cover every other issue. Wouldn't that be nice? Just imagine all those lovely pics we would get of Charlene, Tamara and Nicole and whoever else will join them, trying out their gowns for the investiture of their child. People might even forget about the children and leave them alone.

But apparently Charlene is swimming again, so I guess we might have to wait for the next one.
I have feeling Charlene will appear again when we would at least expect her. Maybe on Xmas?:rolleyes:
But apparently Charlene is swimming again, so I guess we might have to wait for the next one.
According to Bunte :ermm: Charlene has been spotted alone in London (Remember Albert was in the UK recently?) and in Paris. They also changed their tune with regard to the Princess Grace Awards - from allegedly to certainty over one edition - Albert met up with Charlene in NY after the PGA. No allegedly about it anymore apparently...

Must be nice, having her working for you. Such a reliable, trustworthy, ever-present employee. Never off gallivanting around the world, always there when you need her...

I liked her, sorry
Now if it is over I think he will never marry
Ghislaine said:
Paca:According to Bunte :ermm: Charlene has been spotted alone in London (Remember Albert was in the UK recently?) and in Paris. They also changed their tune with regard to the Princess Grace Awards - from allegedly to certainty over one edition - Albert met up with Charlene in NY after the PGA. No allegedly about it anymore apparently...

Must be nice, having her working for you. Such a reliable, trustworthy, ever-present employee. Never off gallivanting around the world, always there when you need her...


I'm confused. Is Bunte saying she wasn't there and now she was at the PGW? Also are they saying it isn't over? What about the Point du Vue article saying it appears over? Is this just more Albert throwing smoke screen or has she become his mistress? Someone you keep around but never take out officially? What happened to the official companion status?
Has Camilla been giving her advise? Alone in London doesn't sound like she was with him unless he caught up with her after his Prince Charles visit.
Lets not go into Camilla/Charlene comparisons; dangerous territory!

PA ran through her like a bag of chips. She is obviously not the one. And, her 15 minutes was up long ago, so lets wait and see who the next potential princess will be!
Suonymona said:
Lets not go into Camilla/Charlene comparisons; dangerous territory!


I so agree. I was voicing by biggest fear because Camilla is one sharp cookie and we don't need Charlene taking lessons!
Ghislaine said:
Paca:According to Bunte :ermm: Charlene has been spotted alone in London (Remember Albert was in the UK recently?) and in Paris. They also changed their tune with regard to the Princess Grace Awards - from allegedly to certainty over one edition - Albert met up with Charlene in NY after the PGA. No allegedly about it anymore apparently...

Must be nice, having her working for you. Such a reliable, trustworthy, ever-present employee. Never off gallivanting around the world, always there when you need her...

I find the story interesting especially after the things that were posted when Mw7060a's shared her first hand account of seeing and meeting Charlene.
I wouldn't be surprised if she was being kept in Paris or London. She does not have anywhere else to go and nothing else to do, so why not be Albert's companion/mistress/girlfriend/friend/employees or whatever. Albert can get her into wherever she might need to go.

She probably has a nice place to live in his apartments, whereever they may be
sashajones said:
PA ran through her like a bag of chips.

Oh my goodness..:ohmy: I got a visual when reading your comment..:lol:

The saga continues.....:D
lynda said:
sashajones said:
PA ran through her like a bag of chips.

Oh my goodness..:ohmy: I got a visual when reading your comment..:lol:

The saga continues.....:D

LOL What a great expression - He ran through her like a bag of chips! I'll have to remember that one!
Okay..a good laugh was had by all...let's move on please.
Today I heard on the TV news that according to Novella2000 mag Charlene is in Paris and met Prince Albert soon after Monaco National Day. The reason she wasn't in Monaco, and there is no pics of her and Albert together in Paris, is that he wants to protect her from the press. He also stated that their romance is not over.
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