bbb: and after the fire she's been through lately she more than DESERVES one. bless her heart to face the rest of my life knowing no matter what i do i'll be condemned for it, never be "good enough", never win for losing would be horrible. i don't envy her position- at least her husband adores her and she has the respect of her close friends and family, and being a down to earth, sensible woman hopefully it just rolls off her back. but still what a heavy burden that would grind you down over time (me anyway)
BeatrixFan: Leave the woman alone, she works hard and she wants a holiday.
And let's face it -- none of us know anything about Camilla. She has never given an interview or even a real speech. No authorized biographies are out there. Supposedly she talked to The Sun about Diana, and Diana said a few things about her, and Charles said even fewer things and her step-sons said the fewest things yet. I haven't heard what her ex-husband has ever said about her. I haven't heard what her children thought of her as a mother. Except for the huge amount of hearsay, we know nothing for certain about Camilla. We don't know if she has the respect of her close friends and family or if she is really down to earth. We don't know if she is sensible or even what "normal" is for her. Does she think she works hard? Do her friends really think she is lazy? It's all a mystery. Is it a mystery nobody cares enough to wonder about?
We hear she's angry after the way the Diana Memorial played out. Is she really? Should she be angry, or should she just be relieved it's over, or was she completely indifferent to it?
The luxury yacht vacation does seem a bit excessive though. Did Diana ever do that while still married to Charles? Has QEII ever hired such a luxurious yacht vacation for herself and her friends only without Prince Philip? I can't imagine Prince Philip would approve this blatantly lavish vacation of Camilla anymore than he approved her last one.