Queen Victoria's view...
liv said:
I think that in former times most royal ladies didn´t breastfeed.
I found this in "An Uncommon Woman" by Hannah Pakula, a biography of Crown Princess Victoria of Prussia (later the Empress Frederick of Germany), Queen Victoria's eldest daughter:
"By the time her fourth child was born Vicky had enough self-confidence to defy her mother and mother-in-law and nurse the child herself. "I am sorry to find that Vicky's determination to nurse her baby makes you so angry," Queen Victoria's sister Feodora wrote to the Queen, "the Queen of Prussia feels the same as you. I have no opinion as I have always felt it a
duty for a mother to nurse her child if she can."
And Vicky herself: "It is too strange that crowned heads have sworn such enmity to this very innocent occupation."
"Queen Victoria not only disapproved of Vicky's nursing her baby, but was furious at her for influencing sister Alice to nurse her newborn as well. The Queen had thought that Alice, like herself, "disliked the disgusting details of the nursery... 'all and every one of which Vicky
delights in', and was pained to discover otherwise. "there is in everything the
animal side of our nature...", Queen Victoria wrote to Alice.
"... but this - when one is high-born - one
can avoid
and ought to avoid... I maintain...that a child can
never be as well nursed by a lady of rank and nervous and refined temperament - for the less feeling and the more like an animal the wet nurse is, the
better for the child.
"It hurts me
deeply that my own 2 daughters should set at
defiance the
advice of a
Mother of 9 children, 46 years old."
"Both Vicky and Alice had wasted countless words defending their "awful and disgusting" preference for nursing their own children. "It does make my hair stand on end to think that
my 2 daughters should turn into cows" the Queen said."
Needless to say that both daughters only felt secure in standing up to their mother because they were far enough away in Germany to avoid a direct confrontation!