Biographies of Princess Caroline's Children

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Nov 8, 2002
could someone help out and post their bios a summery of things about them

and how do one say their name phonetically

thank you so much for the help you all do at LTR
Information on Andrea Casiraghi
Full name: Andrea Albert Pierre
Last name: Casiraghi
Age 2003: 19
Born: 8th June, 1984. Centre Hospital Princess Grace, Monte Carlo, Monaco.
Parents: Stefano Casiraghi (1960-1990) and 1983, Caroline Princess of Monaco
Stepfather: Ernst August Prince of Hanover (1954)
Siblings: Charlotte, August 03 1986, Pierre September 05 1987
Height: 5'7
Language: Fluent in French and English, and some German and Italian
Personality: sensitive, gentle, shy, pleasant person, sportive.
He admires his late father.
Hobbies: Football, horse riding, water sports, snow skiing.
collecting Swatch-watches, reading.
The Monegasque royal is highly regarded for his skills as a skier, rider and footballer.
Though his first love is long distance running.
He enjoys because of the solitary mental discipline required.

Andrea is third in line to the throne of Monaco behind his uncle.
Prince Albert, and Princess Caroline.

His first school: Saint Maur School in Monte Carlo.
Second school: L'Ecole de la Republique in Saint Remy de Province.
Third school: Lycée Jeanne-d'Arc de Saint Aspals, Fontainebleau in France.
Currently it is believed that he is studying in La Sorbonne Paris.

The marriage of his mother, Princess Caroline, to Prince Ernst August
of Hanover has also made a great impact on Andrea. He is said to get along very well with his new stepfather. His stepfather bought him a motorcycle for his 13th birthday in 1997. The marriage and subsequent birth of a young sister gives Andrea a total of six siblings - his sister Charlotte and brother Pierre, half-sister Alexandra, and stepbrothers Ernst August and Christian.

As Andrea spends increasing time in the future spotlight.
The support of a large family will help him cope with the notoriety that comes with being a child of a princess. He is also very respectful of his grandfather Prince Rainier who in turn adores him.

Grungy Andrea’s flowing locks and just-out-of-bed look have boosted his heart-throb appeal, as have occasional flashes of his body lounging on sun-kissed yachts.

Andrea lives in a manor house just outside Paris, but spends much of his time at the family farm in St. Remy-de-Provence.
The dashing teenager also returns to Monte Carlo for major functions and to see relatives living at and close to the main palace.

I read that his Assets = US 12 million
Originally posted by billabong@Dec 30th, 2003 - 5:25 pm
:huh: Where did andrea get his assets, from his father??
you should not belive everything you read !!!! (andrea`s fortune), Caroline got the money from Stephano...Besides he was in dept, huge amount of money..Andrea has not got much money.By the way, andrea is not 5`7, he is 5`10..Hope you have got it know, who ever you are... :huh:
Information on Pierre Casiraghi

Full name: Pierre Rainier Stefano
Last Name: Casiraghi
Age 2003: 16 years old
Born: September 5, 1987 in Princess Grace Hospital, Monte Carlo.
Parents: Stefano Casiraghi (1960-1990) and 1983, Caroline Princess of Monaco
Stepfather: Ernst August Prince of Hanover (1954)
Siblings: Andrea, Charlotte, and Alexandra
Stepbrothers: Prince Ernst & Prince Christian of Hanover
Hobbies: Soccer, jet skiing, snow skiing, volleyball, swimming, and playing with his bulldog.
Pet: Bulldog's name is Romeo.
Personality: He's extroverted and has an excellent sense of humour. He is the funniest child in the family as his grandfather revealed in an interview. He has inherited the passion for car races (especially the F1 variety). He relishes his role as big brother ever since Alexandra was born in 1999.

His first school: Saint Maur School in Monte Carlo.
Second school: L'Ecole de la Republique in Saint Remy de Province.
Third school: Lycée Jeanne-d'Arc de Saint Aspals, Fontainebleau in France.
Musical instruments: he can play include the saxophone. (His maternal grandfather, Giancarlo Casiraghi, also played the saxophone.)
Languages: French, Italian, German and English."

He apparently has a license to drive now. He was photographed in the Summer 2002 by paparazzi cruising around in a convertible Mercedes-Benz.
Originally posted by milli@Dec 31st, 2003 - 3:21 pm
Information on Pierre Casiraghi

Full name: Pierre Rainier Stefano
Last Name: Casiraghi
Age 2003: 16 years old
Born: September 5, 1987 in Princess Grace Hospital, Monte Carlo.
Parents: Stefano Casiraghi (1960-1990) and 1983, Caroline Princess of Monaco
Stepfather: Ernst August Prince of Hanover (1954)
Siblings: Andrea, Charlotte, and Alexandra
Stepbrothers: Prince Ernst & Prince Christian of Hanover
Hobbies: Soccer, jet skiing, snow skiing, volleyball, swimming, and playing with his bulldog.
Pet: Bulldog's name is Romeo.
Personality: He's extroverted and has an excellent sense of humour. He is the funniest child in the family as his grandfather revealed in an interview. He has inherited the passion for car races (especially the F1 variety). He relishes his role as big brother ever since Alexandra was born in 1999.

His first school: Saint Maur School in Monte Carlo.
Second school: L'Ecole de la Republique in Saint Remy de Province.
Third school: Lycée Jeanne-d'Arc de Saint Aspals, Fontainebleau in France.
Musical instruments: he can play include the saxophone. (His maternal grandfather, Giancarlo Casiraghi, also played the saxophone.)
Languages: French, Italian, German and English."

He apparently has a license to drive now. He was photographed in the Summer 2002 by paparazzi cruising around in a convertible Mercedes-Benz.
he has not got license to drive, he has to be 18 :blink:
Pierre license to drive.
There is more than one test to get a license. Here in England people have a learners permit first. With that they are able to take part in lessons and drive with a passenger who has a full license. I did read that France is simular but I can't remember where.

I hope I have attached a picture of him in his benz from 2002


  • pierre_benz.JPG
    22.2 KB · Views: 942
Currently it is believed that he is studying in La Sorbonne Paris.
That's university/college? If so, you or anyone else out there knows what he's majoring in?

ETA - Nevermind, already found the answer in another thread. :)
Originally posted by rudi_moen+Jan 4th, 2004 - 6:44 am--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (rudi_moen @ Jan 4th, 2004 - 6:44 am)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-milli@Dec 31st, 2003 - 3:21 pm
Personality: ...He is the funniest child in the family as his grandfather revealed in an interview...
do you have a copy of that interview? B) i'd love to read it.. thanks.
Reply to Moby 7 January

No I don't have any interviews, I just read that on the web some where.
Jean 6 January wrote

That's university/college? If so, you or anyone else out there knows what he's majoring in?

ETA - Nevermind, already found the answer in another thread.

What did you find, in which thread.
Do you or anyone else know what he is majoring in?
hi im new to the board, i was just wondering do any of you know what type of music charlotte, andrea, or pierre, like and listen to?
hmz...i never really thought about that...are the French/Monaguese big fans of English/American/Australian songs anyhow???
:D I suppose they DO like -at least- some English/Australian/American songs. I mean, they go out right? Hittin' the clubs in Paris? They don't play Patrick Bruel-songs in those clubs right? ahahahah! No offense to his fans or fans of "chansons françaises" but it would be kinda corny to listen to dull music when you're such a hipster/fashionista/royal/celeb right?
Take Careeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! -x-x-x-x-x-x-x
Since someone started a topic about MUSIC, I started wondering, if maybe, the Casiraghi kids have persons they idolise or that they are a fan of, you kn ow, knowing, the Casiraghi's themselves are being idolised/fan-target of some people...
Let me know -or not haha- what you know/think/like to tell about this topic!
Byeee! -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-
PS: I am a 1-year member today! Hooray! Hooray! Cling!(champagne-glass haha) :D:D
Maybe it's not an idol in the way you meant it, but I read Andrea collected pictures of his father and tried to dress as him and have the same kind of style. His long hair is just like the haircut Stephano had when he was young. I also read that Charlotte liked Ricky Martin and asked Rainier to invite him to her 14th birthday party but I don't think it's really true.
i think charlotte maybe has an equestrian as a idol.
She named one of her horses after a French horseman who is still competing. I can't remember his name now, it was Herve something.
Hi Laura!

The horseman's name is Hervé Godignon, but I think that we can't by any means be sure that it was Charlotte who named the horse. :huh: Surely the horses already have names when they are auctioned... ;) And Charlotte was rumoured to have bought Danube (which died in the fire), for instance, in the horse auction in Fontainebleau. The horse must have been at least four years old when Charlotte bought it.

Besides, she seems to ride horses that belong to the team Marionnaud and, thus, are ridden by other riders as well. I have found competition results in the net that prove this. I am fairly sure that for example Hestia Delta, which is often listed as being Charlotte's horse, does not belong to her. Clairechen, the horse she was spotted riding in the last competition she took part in, belongs to French actor Julien Leclerc's (?) wife. In fact, I don't know if she even has horses of her own at the moment. :wacko:
im 90-99 percent sure that Andrea is a huge, huge fan of Bob Marley and most reggae gods. he likes those bob colored necklaces and bracelets which in past pics he's used. and it's my theory that based on the way he dresses, he's a bohemian, or an aspiring rasta man. ;) he's so laid-back and carefree the guy's almost like a hippie.
Besides, she seems to ride horses that belong to the team Marionnaud and, thus, are ridden by other riders as well. I have found competition results in the net that prove this. (...) In fact, I don't know if she even has horses of her own at the moment.

Yeah, that's something I've noticed too. Last year all her horses had "du parc Marionnaud" written after their name, so it's highly possible that she wasn't the one who named Hervé Godignon. She used to ride her one horses when she lived in Saint-Rémmy (like Tempete du Midi), as well as the ones from the Hannover's but I guess now she doesn't have any of her own, as you said.
Our finnish gossip column (OHO) claimed that Charlotte was in Rasmus (a band from Finland) concert in Paris...

here is the band: The rasmus
This is off topic but I love The Rasmus :)

D :flower:
Totally off-topic! ;)
It would be very cool if Charlotte liked the Rasmus
kind of "rough" music for a royal haha :D

PS: The guy on the right looks like the singer from American Rock-band Hoobastank
( also off-topic! :eek: lol)
Another off topic thing but I love Finland. I want to go there really badly. It's such a beautiful country. I'm actually trying (and failing badly :cry: ) to learn Finnish which is very interesting. :)

D :flower:
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