Well, I laughed my head of with these kids.
Claus-Casimir throwing the pillows in the air, running around and throwing with even more pillows. Leonore was walking around too, from her parents to her sister and back again. Amalia pretended to sing along with the final hymn, opening the book containing the programme of the service. The kids pretending to sleep during some speech/music that they found boring, another time they were putting their hand against their ears as they obviously didn´t admire the soprano´s voice. Alexia lost her bow somewhere and Amalia´s hair at the end of the service was completely out of order. Luana was rather quiet and shy compared to the others, never letting go of her stuffed sheep & staying with her mother most of the time. Samuel and Isabella were fed up at the altar quickly too, after 5 minutes they went to their mother as well. When they left the church, Constantijn and family wanted to pose for the camera´s, but Leonore soon had enpough of it and kept walking forward, likewise Alexia was more interested to look what was inside her purse than in posing for the camera´s and she quickly had enough of it too and headed for the car.
The sermon of Rvd van der Boon was very nice, and to underline it they borrowed a painting of the Catharijneconvent in Utrecht. A paining by Rembrant showing Phillipus baptising an entheopian eunoch/minister. Nice that Princess Margriet was the one who read from the bible btw, a nice tribute.
Ines Zorreguita was obviously nervous and shy, she walked curved and she trembled while she handed over little Ariane to Maxima. Didn´t care much for the coat and hat but it was appropriate for her I think, young at least.
Now about the clothes, some got it wrong and thought they were going to a costumed party; Laurentien tried to impersonate Mary Poppins while Mabel went as Barbara Cartland. The Queen had a nice hat this time and Mrs. Zorreguieta looked elegant as usual. I noticed she was wearing the Orange earrings of Maxima while Valeria Delger wore the new purple ones that we first saw in Slovenia.
Maxima ok, didn´t care much for the shiny fabric but still the overall look was elegant enough, esp. on television. Annette looked ok, her normal look, Anita however was the most elegant of the younger ladies. Both Margriet and irene had nice outfits and looked very well. Apparently they made a mistake on the guestlist as it wasn´t Prince Jaime but his brother Carlos jr. who attended the christening.