Summary of article in Billed Bladet #28, 2017.
Written by the incomparable Ulrik Ulriksen.
Carina Axelsson and Prince Gustav have joined M&F at Gråsten days ago.
M&F are expected to leave Gråsten shortly after the photo session tomorrow.
The locals in Gråsten are delighted with the presence of the DRF. The Ring rider celebration in Gråsten started Thursday and will end with the procession Sunday. (There are many such celebrations each summer all over Southern Jutland.)
The chairman of Gråsten shop-owners, Gunnar Hattesen says: "It means everything for Gråsten that the royals are here during the summer. And that the CP-Couple has been here for so long for the past few summers. It's definitely also a special signal wen the Queen alongside the CP-Couple together with the rest of the family recieve our ring-rider procession. It's something special. Yes, it's something extra and show the strong bonds between the DRF and the rest of us. We are so pleased that it has now turned out like that that Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary carry on the tradition, which was created by Frederik IX and Queen Ingrid.
Previously we had to enjoy the royals presence at the palace and in the town for three weeks, but in the latter years the royals at the palace for six-seven weeks. Three of the weeks it's the CP-couple and their children. This continuation of the royal Gråsten-summer is something everyone on the town is tremendously pleased with.
It's good for the activity in the town and then it's always nice to meet the royals. Whether it's Princess Benedikte who visits the optician, the Crown Princess and her children riding or Crown Prince Frederik on a morning run in the woods".
The owner of the local inn, Doris Pørksen Schmidt, is pleased as well: "There is a special good mood in town with the royals at the palace. At some point we didn't quite know whether the CP-couple would carry on the tradition with the royals staying here during the summer. But for the past summers we have been delighted to see that they are here more and more and that they have taken over. That's what we had hoped for. It almost can't get any better".
She has set up a room for the guardsmen who has come along to Gråsten.
"Here they can come and have the local dish (an egg-dish) and they can have roast pork with parsil-sauce (absolutely delicious!!) and a Fuglsang beer (local brew) and a Bommelunder-schnapps (Not bad either!)".
She adds that there are some 3.000 extra visitors to Gråsten when there is a change of the guards at noon on Fridays, in front of QMII.
QMII is expected to join her husband at Chateau Cayx during the second week of August.
BB will live-stream from the procession tomorrow.
ADDED: M&F and the children emerged from the wall around Gråsten Palace to have a look at a Ring rider procession as you can see in this video:
There is a big celebration at the ring-rider square this evening with a traveling tivoli and fireworks. Who knows? Maybe M&F will be there as well?