An Ex of Mette-Marit to write a book on their relationship

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Serene Highness
Apr 24, 2005
from Aftenposten

'Can never forget Mette-Marit'

Crown Princess Mette-Marit's former live-in boyfriend is speaking out for the first time about the couple's relationship in the mid-1990s. He's contributed to a new book about Mette-Marit, due out in October, and says he'll never be able to forget her.

The 46-year-old resident of Lillestrøm, where he and Mette-Marit Tjessem Høiby once shared an apartment, still doesn't want his name to appear in print. But he agreed to talk to journalists Frode Hansen and Tommy Fossum, who have written the book.

"Every time I look around inside a store, I see her face on the front page of magazines," he told local newspaper Romerikes Blad. "It's not possible to just close your eyes to it.

"I just have to accept that I'll never be finished with her."

And if You read furthermore You'll see her former 46 year old boyfriend saying:

The Lillestrom man said it didn't come as a big shock that she would marry the heir to Norway's throne. "Through the media I'd known they'd become a couple," he said. "And I know that Mette-Marit generally gets what she wants."

I find it interesting...:rolleyes:
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Oh my god, she must spend every night regretting all the unwise things she's done, such as shacking up with this guy.
Let this be a lesson to us all, girls. There are things we don't want to do for fear they'll haunt us in the years to come.

As far as the "MM usually gets what she wants" I can only refer to the first book about her where it says that she was really reluctant to marry Haakoon and not that she's some kind of gold digger after the prince.
Necessary for a Queen

I think it's a compliment to a women being a coming "first lady" of her country if she knows what she want's and know how to get it.;) It's necessary for a coming Queen knowing how to make influence. It is, in my meaning, a great quality for the forthcoming first lady of Norway, present wife of the man who is order of succession to the throne, knowing how to get what she want's to have. :rolleyes:
Sure, a queen ought to be self-confident and able to achieve things. But if the man from Lillewhatever says ANYTHING about MM I would not take it a s a compliment and most Norwegians wouldn't, either, given the fact that he is such a loser. Secondly, telling the world that somebody managed to marry the crown prince "because she knows what she wants" does not sound like a compliment either, as if she was only interested in the CP for money or fame.
No smoke without a fire.

Smilla said:
Sure, a queen ought to be self-confident and able to achieve things. But if the man from Lillewhatever says ANYTHING about MM I would not take it a s a compliment and most Norwegians wouldn't, either, given the fact that he is such a loser. Secondly, telling the world that somebody managed to marry the crown prince "because she knows what she wants" does not sound like a compliment either, as if she was only interested in the CP for money or fame.

Well, perhaps it's something about Your opinion I've missed. I respect the way You see it. It's not easy knowing what the former boyfriend really means. But he give her some credits though - that one can't denie.
Have many ex's of Mette-Marit spoke publicly about her?

I know a lot has been written about drugs etc but if an ex spoke about his sex life with Mette-Marit (or any ex of a Princess) would/could the press print it? Not that I want to read about it but I just wondered if that sort of thing was allowed.

How long have she and Hakkon been together now? Oh and does anyone know how long they had been dating when their relationship became public knowledge
I think it speaks rather poorly of Mette-Marit's ex that he's chosen to write a tell all about her. Certainly more poorly than about her.

I loath people who try to make a profit off of others who are now famous because of some previous connection. That is purely self-serving.

Her ex-boyfriend is just out for his 15 minutes of fame. And when it's over he'll still be a nobody and she'll still be the Crown Princess of Norway. So what does he gain in the long run?

I have to say that I much more admire those who have kept their mouths closed and are discreet about their previous relationships with now famous royals.
I personally think that this dude is jealous.He can't stand that his "former" girlfriend is now the crown princess, and he gets nothing.How come she get's all the fame and sympathy, and he only get's closed doors? I believe this man is just trying to get famous and cash in on his 15 minutes of fame. He is looking for a way to humiliate Mette-Marit and recieve attention. What a dirty man!!!:mad:
CPMary lived with her boyfriend for 7 years and she does not get criticized at all. I think that this guy must have some bad felelings. His ex is the future Queen of his country and he has to live with this for hte rest of his life. it must be hard.

Also I was under the impression that he was contributing to the book that is being written about her, not a book of his own. Also he has not allowed his name to be released so I don't see him trying to get alot of fame.
It must be love

It isn't easy being MM! A former boyfriend speaking openly about their relation. (He've been knowing her as her boyfriend for 7 years so You can't say they are strangers to eachother) Her father, Sven Olav Høiby, living with strippars, also take advantage of "his famous daughter", writing books about her and giving interviews in scandalmagazines. And as it wasn't sufficient, the father of Maurius (she was a singel mother when she meet CP Haakon) often speaks open in the sandal magazines about Maurius and MM.When You see CP Haakon together wit MM You understand it must have been love making CP Haakon fall for MM. She is good for CP Harald. But her relatives and former relations are doing everything that's not good for Norway.:(
Karisma said:
(He've been knowing her as her boyfriend for 7 years so You can't say they are strangers to eachother)

The article doesn't say how long they were together - Reina talked about Cpss Mary living with her boyfriend for seven years, not Mette-Marit.

I mean, ten years ago, Mette Marit was 22 years old, she had Marius when she was 24, or thereabouts, so a seven year relationship with this man?

It's just timewise it doesn't fit with them having a lenghty relationship like that.

It will be interesting to read the biographies coming about Mette-Marit, both official and unofficial versions, to see how much she and the royal family are willing to reveal about her life - they are usually fairly open.
Karisma said:
And as it wasn't sufficient, the father of Maurius (she was a singel mother when she meet CP Haakon) often speaks open in the sandal magazines about Maurius and MM.
Marius father Morten Borg, his wife and his mother and father never talks to the magazines. Infact they seem to try to get on with their lifes as best they can considering the situatioon they are in. His parents are in the same circkles as the King and Queen and Sonja is godmother to Mortens brother wife. Mortens father in law however has spoken to the magazine sometimes but never about Mette-Marit.
polop said:
I personally think that this dude is jealous.He can't stand that his "former" girlfriend is now the crown princess, and he gets nothing.How come she get's all the fame and sympathy, and he only get's closed doors? I believe this man is just trying to get famous and cash in on his 15 minutes of fame. He is looking for a way to humiliate Mette-Marit and recieve attention. What a dirty man!!!:mad:

I total agree with you about this man,
gosh did she start living with him at 15 years old thats nothing to brag about
I think he just wants to make money, thats what it all comes down too.
pretty sad bloke if you ask me.
No she did not start living with him at 15:confused: Mette-Marit turned 15 in 1988 and then she lived a normal life in Kristiansand and attended obligatory school. This period that involves this man is around 1994-1995, and not 7 years.

He says he has not gotten money (but who knows), but his wished to tell his side of the story, that he has at time be harassed by the journalists and he is tired of them. He further says that he has only good things to say about Mette-Marit
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well what ever reason he is doing it for , its all rather sad ,
why doesnt he just get on with his life and leave the past alone.
( even if journalists are harassing him) .
Morten Borg

Larzen said:
Marius father Morten Borg, his wife and his mother and father never talks to the magazines. Infact they seem to try to get on with their lifes as best they can considering the situatioon they are in. His parents are in the same circkles as the King and Queen and Sonja is godmother to Mortens brother wife. Mortens father in law however has spoken to the magazine sometimes but never about Mette-Marit.

I've read about him (Morten Borg) "telling his version" in German magazines, but i will rather belive in You, Larzen. German scandal press are'nt confidence-inspiring at all.

sm1939 said:
well what ever reason he is doing it for , its all rather sad ,
why doesnt he just get on with his life and leave the past alone.
( even if journalists are harassing him) .

I do agree! But perhaps it's so sad it's "money speaking".
(Money makes the world go around).:rolleyes:
i don't think he wants to humiliate her. what he says is super sweet: "Every time I look around inside a store, I see her face on the front page of magazines," "I just have to accept that I'll never be finished with her.", "says he'll never be able to forget her".... i think it's really hollywood-y :)
mmmmm I dont trust him for some reason,
I just think he shouldnt say anything , or give all the
money he makes from the book to charity. so then he's not making money out
of her.
Karisma said:
It isn't easy being MM! A former boyfriend speaking openly about their relation. (He've been knowing her as her boyfriend for 7 years so You can't say they are strangers to eachother) Her father, Sven Olav Høiby, living with strippars, also take advantage of "his famous daughter", writing books about her and giving interviews in scandalmagazines. And as it wasn't sufficient, the father of Maurius (she was a singel mother when she meet CP Haakon) often speaks open in the sandal magazines about Maurius and MM.When You see CP Haakon together wit MM You understand it must have been love making CP Haakon fall for MM. She is good for CP Harald. But her relatives and former relations are doing everything that's not good for Norway.:(

I do SO agree with you! (and for the other bits, let's just agree to disagree.)
As far as Havard Melnaes says in his book about Mette-Marit, the guy harrassed her when she broke up with him (up to the point where he was arrested). Apparently he also owns some films and pictures of MM which are highly compromising material. He would have sold it for 1 Mio Euro, but that was too much for the prospective buyers.
So this guy hasn't exactly acted like somebody who has the best interests of Mette-Marit at heart. I don't think you can trust him, so I'd rather he'd refuse to get interviewed by journalists.
poor old MM , what with her father , now all this!!!
wish these people would crawl back into the wood work where they came from!!
It isn't easy being MM! A former boyfriend speaking openly about their relation. (He've been knowing her as her boyfriend for 7 years so You can't say they are strangers to eachother) Her father, Sven Olav Høiby, living with strippars, also take advantage of "his famous daughter", writing books about her and giving interviews in scandalmagazines. And as it wasn't sufficient, the father of Maurius (she was a singel mother when she meet CP Haakon) often speaks open in the sandal magazines about Maurius and MM.When You see CP Haakon together wit MM You understand it must have been love making CP Haakon fall for MM. She is good for CP Harald. But her relatives and former relations are doing everything that's not good for Norway.:(

marius' father even married again and some time ago had a child...
i remember that in my country the day they married the press decided to put some images from that show mm went to find a boyfriend in the tv. that must also be quite dissapointing. not even the press had a little of compassion and not emit those images just in her wedding day.

you are totally right. about all the scandals concerning her family and related people. wonder how she felt in those moments her father humiliated her, and all these peopl start talking about her. that really must be love the thing between haakon and mm...
Reina said:
CPMary lived with her boyfriend for 7 years and she does not get criticized at all. I think that this guy must have some bad felelings. His ex is the future Queen of his country and he has to live with this for hte rest of his life. it must be hard.

Mary never lived with her boyfriend for 7 years. They were together for that time, but the time they actually lived together was never explicitly stated.

I actually, don't see anything wrong with MM's former boyfriend/companion contributing a good story about MM in the biography. I don't get the impression that the man is jealous or mean-spirited. I think him telling us a bit about her (he said only good things) might give the public a nice insight to MM pre-Haakon.
hmm..I can't help but feel that there are some individuals in here leaning more towards the german tabloids than the more reliable press -intentionally.Which is very sad. First of all Mr. Høiby has never written a book about his daughter. As for Marius father, he has NEVER spoken a bad word about Mette- Marit! He comes from a very well suited family, and as some have insinuated here, they do mingle with the royals. He is now married with a wealthy heiress, ( ) and the relationship with MM seems excellent! So please think a little before you present gossip as truth...
Spitzy said:
hmm..I can't help but feel that there are some individuals in here leaning more towards the german tabloids than the more reliable press -intentionally.Which is very sad. First of all Mr. Høiby has never written a book about his daughter. As for Marius father, he has NEVER spoken a bad word about Mette- Marit! He comes from a very well suited family, and as some have insinuated here, they do mingle with the royals. He is now married with a wealthy heiress, ( ) and the relationship with MM seems excellent! So please think a little before you present gossip as truth...
I think the confusion may lie in the fact that Sven O. Høiby said that he was going to write a book about Marius, once upon a time.

And certainly, the German tabloids, as well as tabloids in other countries... don't always present the truth.
Personally, I think that whatever any previous boyfriend/girlfriend has to say about any current princess should be left by the wayside. I mean, MM has already paid for her mistakes in the past. Both in public and in private. She should not have to continue to pay the price over and over again. What's done is done. She has moved on with life, changed for the better, has a husband and a family that loves her for what and who she is. EVERYONE makes mistakes in their youth. That is part of growing up, part of life in general.
Just because someone makes good with their life, over comes bad/negative things in their life, and moves on to become a better person, does not give others the right to try and tear them down, or make money off of them just because they happened to have been part of that persons life for a short period of time. Even if what these other people have to say is either positive or negative, what she did BEFORE getting married is no ones business. And if people want to make it public, they are doing it for no other reason than for money, pure and simple. Not to mention that they are jealous.
MM has proved herself to be of merit since her engagment by going public and making an apology. She did not have to do that. But because she did, that should give the public a little bit of insight into her character. She has continued to hold her head up and do her job to the best of her ability with dignity regardless of what type of slander is being bandied about.
But this does not sell magazines. So regardless of how old the dirt is, I guess "dirty" people will continue to dig it up to make a quick buck or two. Pretty sad.
I really hate it when ex-lovers of celebrities/royalty spill their guts to the tabloids. It's just so pathetic, it should be beneath any person.:mad:
Selling papers needs customers

sesa said:
But this does not sell magazines. So regardless of how old the dirt is, I guess "dirty" people will continue to dig it up to make a quick buck or two. Pretty sad.

Yes, It's sad magazines sell the way they do, and even more sad anyone buy them...:rolleyes: If MM does a very good impression for example among sick persons in a hospital, or meeting children at a school, we can't read so much about it as if she will be wearing wrong color on her shoes. Isn't it a shame anyone buys magazines about it. ;)
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