Thanks for the article Tosca
Here are my 2 cents on the the interview
Well, to whom it may concern, this lady, who has a body to die for, eats greedily ( I DO HATE those people that eat much and don't put even a milligramme on!),as the menu of the fine restaurant, hosted inside a romantic castle, where Ms. Coste had an appointment with Mrs. Barak and her friend, consisted of 7/8 courses (so says the journalist). Besides this well travelled African stewardess also appears to be a bit ignorant, since when Mrs. Barak apologizes for being forced to have delayed her interview, because she had to go and interview President Mougabe, Nicole asks her: "Mougabe? Is that an interesting country to visit?"
Then Mrs. Barak asks "What are you doing now?" " I'm busy with the restauration of my new home."
Mrs. Coste also stated that, she would like to do some charity work for her native Togo's children, but she hasn't a clear vision of the future yet...
I think that if Nicole wants to do something more productive with her time than good for her. Better than shopping and lunching around all day.
She also said that Caro, Steph and the media are waging war against her, but that Steph phoned her one day, and promised she would come and meet her nephew Alexandre.
IMO The Grimaldi's certainly have enough wealth, power and connections to wage any kind of media war with anyone if they so please. If this were ever to happen the public would certainly never know that the Grimaldi's were waging a war. It would be done quielty. Payoffs, tipping off the press, sources' popping up with stories....I'm not saying that this is happening only that it's impossible either.
I can see Stephanie reaching out to Alexandre, that seems to be in her nature, as for Stephanie waging anykind of media war against Nicole I highly doubt that. I think that Stephanie has handled her paternity and custody issues beautifully and Albert and Nicole would do well to take examples from her.
Ms. Coste also calls Tamara Rotolo a mentally disturbed woman, who's getting her daughter Jazmin live under the illusion that she's really Prince Albert's daughter. She also said that Albert accepted to give Tamara a lot of money to just silence her, and that while Tamara claims lots of money not for Jazmin, but for herself, she (Nicole), just needs the money for Alexandre.
I really don't know why Nicole is commenting at all on Tamara. She is not married to Albert, they are no longer together, it is just not her place to say anything about it. Maybe she has been privy to information the public is unaware of but that's probably only Alberts side of the story. The fact that she defends Albert and defames Tamara's charater tells me that she still loves Albert very much.
At that point the journalist asked Nicole controversially: "But, did you know that before dying, Prince Rainier wanted to say goodbye to his American niece?" Her answer: "But Albert didn't absolutey want to see Tamara."
Who is this journalist?? A Grimaldi family member??? To have such privilidged information about Rainiers requests before his death? How would he know this? Ridiculous! This journalist is just trying to confuse Nicole into possibly saying something incrimidating and juicy that he can publish. IMO the journalist has revealed his true colours by even publishing that section of the interview because it doesn't seem like Nicole took the bait.
Then Ms. Coste accused French mag "GALA" of manipulating the interview she gave them, by writing that her son is a Grimaldi and that she felt the next Princess Grace, which made Albert get angry with her, therefore from now on she will stay behind the scenes, but in the meantime she's hired a press agent in order to examine the various proposals she's repeatedly receiving.
It seems to me the reason Nicole did this whole interview in the first place is to clear up misinterpretations of the GALA story. Nothing wrong with that. I'm sure she'll soon figure out that no matter who you speak to in the press your bound to be misquoted or some part of your story will be incorrect. It seems she's always trying to rectify something that was said previously. She should just stop.
She seems very inexperienced when it comes to the press and people cut her down for it. She wasn't trained from birth on public relations.
I also think she keeps popping her head up in the media because she's afraid that Albert will forget about her and Alexandre aside from the monthly support payments that he probably doesn't even make out himself. Why should'nt she be afraid for her son? He barley sees him now, if Albert marries and has other children, will he ever see litte Alexandre? I hope so, but life doesn't always work that way. Nicole seems to still love Albert very much, I've never heard her speak badly of Albert.
What kind of magazine is CHI anyways? Is it a reliable source? The author does seem biased as someone stated earlier.