Abir Muhaisen News and Pictures: Part 1

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Feb 5, 2004
I am curious about the whereabouts of Abeer Muhaisin and if anybody has any recent pictures or links to news related to Abeer Muhaisin.

This is one of the recent images I found on the net for Abeer.


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Ok I found some stuff but its 4 years old. Apperently Abeer is living in the USA. Some where in the Washington area. She is working as a teacher at a school or college not sure which.

I am sure she is working to make herself usefull as I am sure King Hussain must have left her with a trust or something that will insure a respectfull life for the future.

If anybody has information to confirm the above or can elabortate I would sure be gratefull !!!
I actually heard that she's working at an organization in Jordan which helps send Jordanian students to study in American colleges and universities.
Can someone give some news from Abir Muhaisen adn how she is considered throught the JRF ? We haven't heard from her for a very long time and also, I was surprised that during King Hussein funeral's we have not seen her. Was she in Jordan at the time ?
The last time I saw her was at Hamzah's wedding in August. I don't know where she is. We don't really hear much about her.

I think she's considered as one of KH's daughters although she is not a princess. I think KH always treated her as one of his children. It didn't occur to me that she wasn't at the funeral. I'm sure she was there but I haven't seen any pictures of her at the funeral.
She was at the wedding, i saw her on TV at the beginnin she was walking in with P.Haya and Rym (UGH)
Abir Muhaisen

Abir was adopted into the Royal household which means she should be given all the rights and titles as the other royal children. But discrimination was set right from the time she was adopted. She was never given the title of a princess though she was called a daughter of KH. She was also in news only till KH was alive after which she just faded into the background. Several royal weddings have taken place and group photographs of all children of KH together but she is always missings. Several articles have mentioned KA of having 6 sisters. Again Abir is out. Most importantly, she was always mentioned as Abir Muhaisen and not Abir Bint Al Hussein to remind her that she was always an outsider. But it is amazing that brave Abir has taken all this in her stride and has always counted her blessings instead of complaining. I can say Well done Abir but I equally blame the royal family of singling her out. Any comments? :rolleyes:
She wasn't at Phamzah's wedding? ALso, isn't her father still alive. But I totally see what you are saying. She is ignored.
Savita said:
Abir was adopted into the Royal household which means she should be given all the rights and titles as the other royal children. But discrimination was set right from the time she was adopted. She was never given the title of a princess though she was called a daughter of KH. She was also in news only till KH was alive after which she just faded into the background. Several royal weddings have taken place and group photographs of all children of KH together but she is always missings. Several articles have mentioned KA of having 6 sisters. Again Abir is out. Most importantly, she was always mentioned as Abir Muhaisen and not Abir Bint Al Hussein to remind her that she was always an outsider. But it is amazing that brave Abir has taken all this in her stride and has always counted her blessings instead of complaining. I can say Well done Abir but I equally blame the royal family of singling her out. Any comments? :rolleyes:

you are so right.really sad story.
once i heard she lives in the states.
i only know the facts queen noor mentioned in her book.think they have contact?!
maybe she doesnt want the publicity?
well, the fact that her last name was not changed is an Islamic custom - not something the JRF did on its own. In Islam, a child's last name must reflect her biological father (for many reasons.)

and i don't think any royal family would give a non-blood member royal status (except, of course, through marriage.) so again, i don't see that action as discrimanatory.

Also, how can we say Abir is not treated equally? I am sure she was much loved by her adopted family but the fact that King HUssein's wives kept on changing is maybe why she didn't form a really close bond. I'm sure she maintains a close relationship with the jrf but maybe she herself wants to be closer with her biological family...
Abir was certainly loved by the Royal family. That is why Abir consider herself lucky. But this doesn't mean that she should be ignored at royal weddings and functions, after all she grew up and shared her life with them. Surely, they can invite her and count her as their sister while posing for cameras.

Regarding her biological family, she didn't have one. All her family perished in the plane crash over her house expect her father who wanted her to live in an orphanage. Serendipity is what brought Abir to the RF with the help of QA. So, I don't think she would like to go back to her father who didn't want her in the first place. Royal titles are easily conferred by the monarch which was also described in QN's book and there was an example of it too, though I don't remember the name of the man who was conferred the honorary title Prince. So, they could have conferred her the title HRH Princess Abir Muhaisen atleast keeping in line with the Islamic customs. :)
madonna23 said:
well, the fact that her last name was not changed is an Islamic custom - not something the JRF did on its own. In Islam, a child's last name must reflect her biological father (for many reasons.)

and i don't think any royal family would give a non-blood member royal status (except, of course, through marriage.) so again, i don't see that action as discrimanatory.

Also, how can we say Abir is not treated equally? I am sure she was much loved by her adopted family but the fact that King HUssein's wives kept on changing is maybe why she didn't form a really close bond. I'm sure she maintains a close relationship with the jrf but maybe she herself wants to be closer with her biological family...

I totally agree with you, look at CP Haakon of Norway, he is raising CP MM's illegitimate son, and he doesn't have any rights of succesion, or title!!!
Savita said:
Abir was adopted into the Royal household which means she should be given all the rights and titles as the other royal children. But discrimination was set right from the time she was adopted. She was never given the title of a princess though she was called a daughter of KH. She was also in news only till KH was alive after which she just faded into the background. Several royal weddings have taken place and group photographs of all children of KH together but she is always missings. Several articles have mentioned KA of having 6 sisters. Again Abir is out. Most importantly, she was always mentioned as Abir Muhaisen and not Abir Bint Al Hussein to remind her that she was always an outsider. But it is amazing that brave Abir has taken all this in her stride and has always counted her blessings instead of complaining. I can say Well done Abir but I equally blame the royal family of singling her out. Any comments? :rolleyes:

she was adopted in 1976. I thought Hayah, at least ,was very close to her, so Hayah herself wrote in her own website. I think she was at Hamzah's wedding.
You know I checked ou tQN's book and in the index it says "Abir, Princess (daughter)". I wonder why she put that. I think it was very thoughtful for QN to note her as Princess
madonna23 said:
well, the fact that her last name was not changed is an Islamic custom - not something the JRF did on its own. In Islam, a child's last name must reflect her biological father (for many reasons.)

and i don't think any royal family would give a non-blood member royal status (except, of course, through marriage.) so again, i don't see that action as discrimanatory.

Also, how can we say Abir is not treated equally? I am sure she was much loved by her adopted family but the fact that King HUssein's wives kept on changing is maybe why she didn't form a really close bond. I'm sure she maintains a close relationship with the jrf but maybe she herself wants to be closer with her biological family...

she has a very good relationship with QN, as Abir lives in Washington DC, She calls very often QN, and I heard they are quite close.

Savita said:
I wonder where Abir is right now. Is she married and to whom? Where does she live in Jordan or Washington? Does she have children?

I think she's working there, in Washington DC, for US gov, but not sure......
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Savita said:
Abir was adopted into the Royal household which means she should be given all the rights and titles as the other royal children. But discrimination was set right from the time she was adopted. She was never given the title of a princess though she was called a daughter of KH. She was also in news only till KH was alive after which she just faded into the background. Several royal weddings have taken place and group photographs of all children of KH together but she is always missings. Several articles have mentioned KA of having 6 sisters. Again Abir is out. Most importantly, she was always mentioned as Abir Muhaisen and not Abir Bint Al Hussein to remind her that she was always an outsider. But it is amazing that brave Abir has taken all this in her stride and has always counted her blessings instead of complaining. I can say Well done Abir but I equally blame the royal family of singling her out. Any comments? :rolleyes:

I don't think that Abir has been singled out, but lets face it she is a more low key member of the family. I don't blame her 4staying out of the spotlight. Just because she does not share the same sirname as her family, does not mean that she is not loved equally. I 4one would like 2c more of her @public appearances, but i guess she has decided not 2play a huge public role in Jordan.
QN thanks Abir for helping with her memoirs so I always assumed their relationship was close and continues to be. I think Abir--given all the ups and downs of her life--is more apt to "go with the flow" and chooses not to be part of the more frenetic world of the JRF. She certainly seems to be a very stable, responsible young woman who deserves to be part of any and all celebrations going on within the family.
Savita said:
I wonder where Abir is right now. Is she married and to whom? Where does she live in Jordan or Washington? Does she have children?

I read somewhere that Abir was married, but to whom, I'm not quite sure.
I've tried to look up recent news on Abir and the best I can discern is that she is married, lives and works in Washington, D.C.

I'd never read any news about her marriage ceremony so if someone runs across something, that would be interesting as I wonder if her family attended. As they all speak highly of her and she keeps a low profile, I would suspect it was a lowkey affair but, hopefully, Ali and Haya and QN, with whom she all seems to enjoy particularly close relationships with, were able to be there.
I hadn't heard of Abir before and wasn't aware that she had been adopted. Is there some precedence in the Jordanian Royal Family for adoption.
I don't really know if there is precedence. In this case, all I have read is that Queen Alia, then pregnant with Haya, learned of Abir's plight, losing her family--except for her father--and being badly injured in that plane crash and when she read her father was putting her in an orphanage, she asked him if she and KH could adopt Abir into their family. She wrote somewhere that she was very moved by Abir and nursed her back to health--even keeping her at night in her own room. I thought this reflected highly on Queen Alia's empathy and concern for others. Haya once wrote on her now defunct, I think, website, Team Harmony, Abir was the glue that held things together after Alia's death and the subsequent death of their nanny in an accident. I've always wondered if that bond has continued. Abir seems like she just gets along with everyone in the JRF.
Yes, from reviews and QN's book she is a kind and gentle soul. Would appreciate if someone has more pics of her.
I didn't realize that Abeer lost her parents in such an early age. I used to feel sorry for her (I still do) as I thought she lost her real parents and then QA in a short term, and I always wondered why Abeer was attached to KH and QA this much, I know they raised her but I don't know, thought she'd be less attached maybe, until I saw a photo at MGA Production where Abeer is just an infant then I realized that her parents died when she was only months old. I would ask about how her parent died, I read that an Israeli troop demolished a house over them—is it true?

I have seen a photo of her from Cover Press in PH's wedding, I recall someone here said that only her and Prince Faisal are the ones close to QN, beside her biological kids of course, out of all KH's children, so I guess she had to attend the wedding but did she attend Ali's?

Photo copyright Cover Press


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She's very pretty. Seems to still have a close relationship with the JRF. The photos on MGA show how close QAlia was to Abir even after PHaya was born. By the way Princess Zein's third child Tahani al-Shahwan is adopted.
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Pic of Abir

Thanks Lords for posting such a wonderful picture of Abir. She has gained weight but looks mature. How many kids does she have? Can someone post pictures of them?


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