Here is an article form ABC of a normal day in Zarzuela Palace. This article is a bit old (2003) but maybe the days in Zarzuela are the same...
The translation:
A day in the Zarzuela by Carmen Duerto
The life in Palace begins in the morning on the seven, when the King, madrugador of the Family, rises to make sport. The Zarzuela, just as the house of the Prince, it counts on a complete gymnasium in one of the lateral ones of palacete next to the track of pádel. After the matinal exercise, the Monarch receives the visit of his personal doctor and has breakfast. The first food of the day does not require of more company than newspapers and the summary of press that the Mass media Department of the Zarzuela elaborates in the morning for all its members from the eight.
The fiance'e of the Prince is the guest of the Kings from the same day of the announcement of the commitment, Saturday one of November of 2003. About a first moment, one thought about other options to lodge it with the maximum guarantees, since its floor of the avenue of the Almonds tree had become very conocido.Se considered the possibility that it resided in the Brown or to accept the amiable cession of a house of a friend in Aravaca, but both discarded by uncertain or expensive.
Letizia lives in the Palace but it does not live in the pavilion of guests, simply because the Zarzuela does not count on those facilities. Some rooms for guests in the same building exist who occupy the Kings and princess Irene, but nonpavilions. It could have occupied the old alcove of Infant Elena, the same one who yielded in her day Doña Elena to King Hassan of Morocco. A single room with views, on the one hand, to the gardens of the swimming pool (covered in winter and discovered in summer), and by the other, to the zone of the blocks, that were constructed to lodge the horses of Infant Elena, to the pit of the shot to the plate and the heliport. It could have been that room or the one of Infant Cristina, but she has not been that the chosen one, but the one that his fiance' inhabited, when still he lived with his parents. In fact, the three are contiguous and reunite the same characteristics of simplicity. That yes: they have suppressed póster of the walls, they have painted them and they placed a computer. Also it counts on a salita, in case it wants to receive private visits.
In the tranquillity of his room, it reviews the press and it examines the summary that happens to him. That summary also includes the books that on them are being published. Today it touches the turn to him to "Prince of hearts", a story on the personality and experiences of his fiance' and she herself. Soon it answers his electronic mail; before it had an account with yahoo but it was deactivated agreeing with his new life. It makes his calls personal, it has a line of telephone assigned with his own number and when official doubts of protocol, communications or acts arise to him, one goes to the people in charge of those departments, asks and it takes note.
If the Prince has work meals or is of trip, Letizia can take advantage of to meet with a group of old colleagues in reserved of the restaurant "a Shelter". Place to which always it has liked to go to its fiance'.
Letizia warns from its exit to the outside and security mounts operative the corresponding one for that displacement. Thus in two dark cars of the motor pool they arrive at the alley of Puigcerdá of the district of Salamanca and the future princess of Asturias passes a pair of hours to her wide ones, tasting vieiras with boletus and a hare. The account pays it to decollete. Fast purchases by the commercial zone of the elegant district and return to Palace. There still it can that has time to receive some class of history and in those it is when they communicate to him that they finish also receiving gastronomical exquisiteces of Semon and more wedding presents: several sets of dishes that request that they keep them, next to the other that already have arrived, in the warehouse of the house of the Prince.
One changes of clothes and, on the nine and average one meets with the Kings, princess Irene and the Prince to have supper. According to they are arriving take site in the deprived dining room from the first plant. They take a appetizer, until already are all the seated companions at table and both waiters, following the instructions of the head of waiters, begin to serve to them. Except the princess Irene, who does not eat anything that has eyes, the rest tastes an exquisite fish to the furnace with vegetable trimming. And of Greek dessert yogures, one of the few gastronomical incorporations of its country of origin that Doña Sofía has introduced in the familiar diet. Reina decides viandas for all the Family, according to the book of menus that appears to him daily. The infusions and coffees are taken in the contiguous hall. Today they do not make social gathering nor they watch, because they have film.
Next all go to the room of cinema of the Palace, to see the last opening of the moment, that could well be "the passion" of Mel Gibson, of that the Ministry of Culture facilitates a copy to them for his happens private. The Royal Family feels in the hall the first plant to comment it. The King ignites pure Cuban, a long one and fine of the mark "the king of the pure one" accompanied by his cotoots of whiskey, Reina shows preference for a Dutch cigarette and, as he does not drink alcohol, he chooses a juice of fruits and gin-tonic the fiance's. One more an evening.
P.S. The translation can be not very good...