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  1. I

    Who is the Head of the Brazilian Imperial Family?

    "And last one is Dom Pedro Luiz, son of Dom Antonio, that now is living in Belgium working in a bank (the main reason he´s there is to find a suitable spouse to him)". LECEN 2-12-2008 So this Prince of Brasil is not interested in marrying a Brasilian woman? Is his family pushing this? I do...
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    Imperial Family of Brazil 1: Ending 2021

    Morganatic Marriage I believe it is vital to the Monarchist movement, and to accurate history, that in Brasil we cease to use the term Morganatic Marriage. It has been used in practice in the former Imperial Family. This I recognize. However, in reality it has no legal or dynastic basis in the...
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    Imperial Family of Brazil 1: Ending 2021

    I heard about the coming marriage of D. Eudes. Does anyone know what city, church and the accurate date??
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    Death and Funeral of HI&RH Archduke Karl Ludwig (1918-2007)

    Funeral Videos: ZITA AND KARL-LUDWIG At the risk of seeming morbid and I would be interested in obtaining video's (not You Tube) of the funerals of HIRM Empress Zita and HIRH Archduke Carl-Ludwig of Austria-Hungary. I feel they must exist but have not a clue where. HELP? :angel:
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    Who is the Head of the Brazilian Imperial Family?

    I always rely on the Brasilian Imperial Constitution for my research and views. Where is this "Official and Valid" (my quotation marks) house rules. I think they do not exist except in wishful minds. Perhaps I am wrong?!
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    Who is the Head of the Brazilian Imperial Family?

    Brasilian Emperor I find this interesting and obviously written by someone familar with his subject. I would think that the reason Dom Pedro I could not marry Domitila was she was considered an adventuress and totally disliked by the Brasilians. It had nothing really to do with her lack of...
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    Brazilian Royals - A brief profile

    This just wonderful!! Good work and thank you. Alas, I tried to download it to help me in research. It does not work for me. It gets all squiched to one page. Assuming you don't mind me downloading it....any ideas? Send direct to me? I am from the old school. I can't work long off the...
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    Who is the Head of the Brazilian Imperial Family?

    There are no house rules regarding marriage. There is nothing in the Brasilian Constitution regarding marriage or renuciation. Well there is something. They must be Roman Catholics. Also, the ruling monarch must approve marriage of heirs. However, there is Nothing about the above mentioned...
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    Imperial Family of Brazil 1: Ending 2021

    Brasil I respect being disagreed with. I prefer if it were not so heated and intolerant. Please refer to Brasil and the Imperial Constitution. I repeat that there is nothing in this document that in anyway addresses renounciation. It is a fiction. Any Prince can marry as he chooses. Also, we...
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    Imperial Family of Brazil 1: Ending 2021

    Petropolis Branch The Petropolis branch of the Imperial Family is a tad on the disfunctional side. However, just because Prince D. Pedro Carlos does not run around showing himself off does not mean he is not interested. Various members of the Imperial Family have sold off family items simply...
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    Imperial Family of Brazil 1: Ending 2021

    Prince Of Paraty Branch Of Imperial Family If by genuine you mean his Brasilianess (Prince D. Joao). Yes, he is the natural for the job. He perhaps is the least European of the lot. He has made his own life and his own fortune. He worked on a ship as a commone seaman. He is a big surfista...
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    Imperial Family of Brazil 1: Ending 2021

    I believe all of them use the Prince or Princess title so long as the father uses it. We really must get away from "morganatic" marriage useage. It is from another time and no longer has any usefulness. In fact there is nothing in the Imperial Brasilian constitution which addresses it...
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    Imperial Family of Brazil 1: Ending 2021

    The Imperial Family never actually renounced their throne. The republicans control the government and you will never here them even mention the Imperial Family. I wonder why they are so nervous about this. Perhaps until recently republicanism has been a horrid failure in Brasil?
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    Imperial Family of Brazil 1: Ending 2021

    New Hd Of Petropolis Branch Of Imperial Family This Prince D. Pedro Carlos is now head of the Petropolis branch of the Imperial Family. His father, Prince D. Pedro Carlos, died two weeks ago (December 2007).
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    Imperial Family of Brazil 1: Ending 2021

    Prince D. Pedro Gastao died two weeks ago and now his eldest son, Prince D. Pedro Carlos is head of the Petropolis branch of the Imperial Family. His son, Prince D. Pedro Thiago, is his eldest son and heir.
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