IMO it is a bit of a missed opportunity: joining another student club (instead of the traditional choice) could have been a statement against bullying and misogynie.
(Bert and) Ernie from Sesame Street :)
I’m surprised of the negative reactions to the name Ernest. I actually like it! Where I live it’s not really considered oldfashioned.
What is the level of Joachim’s agricultural education? In the Netherlands agricultural sciences is considered university level (BA, MA). Don’t know about Denmark.
Thanks for the summary Hermione! I was wondering if anything was mentioned about Harry’s graduation in Eton (rumors say he got some ‘help’) and why he chose not to meet his future father in law before the wedding.
Maybe Charles didn’t embrace him, but sat next to him and tried to talk. Not everyone is the hugging kind, especially not men and especially not that generation.
Actually, there may be good reason for concern. Besides these security risks, I’m also not sure Harry is mentally prepared for (very) negative reactions to his book.
It's about time, I think, to close this thread, or even remove it. It was only based on social media gossip right from the start. Given this forum's policy I'm surprised that it was even allowed.