It'a pity that so many Royaltys like hunting.
Alexander and Maxima like it too.
Does somebody know or Henri and maria Teresa of Luxembourg like hunting?
I'm looking for a site where i cab find pictures of the wedding of Crown Prince Alexander and Princess Maxima.
Does somebody know where too find this?
Thank you
Pr. Antoinette a des chats.
Elle est la Presidente de SPA. ( societe Protection des Animaux)
Chez elle , elle soigne un nombre de chats et de chiens abandonnes.
Je ne sais pas op les autres membres de Grimaldi aime des chats.
Je l'espère.
I'm searching for photo's of Princess Antoinette. Do you know where to find and where to buy this photo's?
Is she still living in Eze sur Mer.
She adore's amimals?Like cats and dogs.
She is also again the bullfighting?
My Englis is not very good but i hop you understand me?Do you live in...
Paca, thank you very much for answer me.
Ou puisse- je regarder le Video officiel?
Pourriez- vous me donner l''adresse?
Je me rejouis à regarder.
Merci d'avance.
Amicalement Mar