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  1. N

    Diana's Engagements: 1981-1997, Complete List and Photographs

    After her divorce, she seemed a bit neurotic. Mostly I felt sorry for her and Charles: He dithered too long on deciding whom to marry and had to settle for someone too young and didn't share his interests; she was basically duped into believing that her husband would be faithful to her...
  2. N

    When Did The "Celebrification" of Diana Begin?

    Yes, the "Diana was so brave" sentiment gets to be wearing and devalues individuals who truly suffered for a cause. Compared to other royals, it's comendable of her to have highlighted the causes that she did; compared to, let's say, Nelson Mandela, Diana came across as a neurotic...
  3. N

    Princess Caroline & Family - Summer Vacation 2008 - 2016

    She's probably looking forward to future summer vacations with her grandchildren.
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