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  1. S

    Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark and Mary Donaldson: May 14, 2004

    According to 'Se & Hør' Frederik has lost his wedding ring during a diving trip to Florida... :eek:
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    State Visit from Romania to Sweden: March 11-12, 2008

    Sad to say, but I don't think any of the royal ladies look good - the sashes are way to big to look elegant. Why does Romania not make their sashes in a 'lady-size'? :smile:
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    General News about Frederik, Mary and Family 2: February - November 2008

    According to 'Se & Hør' Frederik has lost his wedding ring during a diving trip to Florida... It's not found yet but he promised that the diver who finds it will be invited to Copenhagen and to visit Fredensborg Palace... So - to all american divers in this forum - GO! :smile:
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    Lead-Up to Joachim and Marie's Wedding, 24th May 2008

    Alexandra's veil was a new one - made by Jørgen Bender.
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    Queen Silvia Jewellery 2: September 2005-December 2015

    To me it's the most ugly parure in the swedish collection - it looks like a mix between a dragqueen's costume jewellery and something on Dynasty's Alexis on a very bad day... But - as always: Silvia is too elegant to not looking good... :flowers:
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    Crown Princess Mary as Patron of Rare Disorders Denmark: 2005 - 2020

    When seeing Mary with the two children I'm so proud of our crownprincess. She looks so nice to them and just imagine what an amazing expirence they had in the royal chambers... I really like that she's the patron of not-so-photogenic organizations like overweight children. I myself is a member...
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    Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik's State Visit to Mexico: February 19-21, 2008

    Nice pictures of Margrethe with the children - she seems more comfident with babies and children now when she is a grandmother herself than before where she often looked scared and uncomfortable. :flowers:
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    Crown Princess Mary Jewellery 2: January 2006 - June2008

    Does anybody know the facts of Crownprincess Mary's new earrings that she wore at the new year gala jan. 1. at Amalienborg Palace. She wore them together with her ruby parure but they does not look like the big earrings that belongs to the paraure. ? :flowers:
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    Queen Ingrid Jewellery

    The big floral tiara is not in the foundation - it is the private proberty of MII. She was given the tiara by har mother in the mid 80 and wore it for the first time at the return dinner at Nationalmuseum Stockholm during the danish statevisit to Sweden. Queen Ingrid was presented with the tiara...
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    Lead-Up to Joachim and Marie's Wedding, 24th May 2008

    I guess that the wedding in the church will be filmed bus as the official message from the court says so is the dinner 'private' meaning without the press. The grande salle in Schackenborg is by the way not big enough for tv cameras and the press - it does not have a gallery like Christiansborg...
  11. S

    Distribution of Jewels in the British Royal Family

    In Denmark the late Queen Ingrid left her finest jewels - the ruby and diamond parure - to her beloved grandson Frederik because she wanted the set to stey with the future queen. Could the same be the case with the Queenmother's jewels? She was very close to Charles and may have wanted his wife...
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    Princess Marie of Denmark Jewellery 1: Ending Jun 2023

    It's the national colours of France used in the flag since the revolution. Marie is french... :flowers:
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    Crown Princess Mary's Ladies-in-Waiting

    The tiara Caroline is wearing is not from her own family but from her in-laws - the Heerings. The tiara was bought by the grandfather of Caroline's husband Peter Heering jr and was used in many years by Peter's mother Susanne Heering - one of the closest friends of Queen Margrethe II. It is now...
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    Queen Margrethe's Annual Press Conference & Holidays In Cahors: 2003-2009, 2013

    Sofia has not been operated twice this year in her knees!
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    Queen Sonja Jewellery 1: Ending 2021

    I have no written source but it was told by the guide last summer when I wisited the palace in Oslo and the group stopped by a portrait of Queen Alexandra and the guide told us about her jewels when a guest asked about the jewels in the royal family today... :flowers:
  16. S

    Queen Sonja Jewellery 1: Ending 2021

    It was King Olav who wanted the few jewels in the norwegian royal house to stay together. However - he gave/lent some fine pieces to his daughters because they acted as first ladies for many years. As none of their children will need great royal jewels in the future it was decided that the...
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    Queen Sonja Jewellery 1: Ending 2021

    When princess Ragnhild dies her jewels, including the tiara, goes back to the crown/queen so we will se it on Mette Marit in many years...
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    Victoria and Daniel's Relationship

    According to Victoria is to marry Daniel soon...
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    Other Royal and Noble Weddings Denpasar? Never heard of it...!
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    Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg, Fashion and Style: October 2003 - 2022

    Henrik Hviid - a danish designer who has designed a lot of her gala dresses... (and some of Mary's too...) :flowers: No - I don't think so as he is long time dead now...! :flowers:
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    Princess Märtha Louise & Family General News and Information: 2003 -

    Seems like Ari tries to do something in his own name for oce - in his biography from the homepage of the china-manufacturer nothing is said about his marriage to ML. :flowers:
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    A Princess is Born in Denmark!: April 21, 2007

    That's not the way it is. If you and your newborn are perfectly well you are given the oppurtunity to leave the hospital the next day if you feel safe enough. And most mothers choose it this was because they want to bring their baby into their own life as fast as possible. I know this as my...
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    A Princess is Born in Denmark!: April 21, 2007

    To me Christian has been one of the most beautiful babies since the day he was born. I have never seen such pretty eyes and such a happy smile... :flowers:
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    A Princess is Born in Denmark!: April 21, 2007

    Queen Margrethe has always said that she wanted to have a girl herself after the two boys so let's hope this little princess can be a consolation... :flowers:
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    A Princess is Born in Denmark!: April 21, 2007

    In the present ruling generation there are 3 queens and four kings. In the next generation there will only be one queen (sweden) and six kings. And now in the future generation there will be at least 3 queens again (Norway, Belgium and Holland)... Seems like the equal status is a fact... :flowers:
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