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  1. L

    HGD Guillaume: Relationship Musings and Suggestions

    According to Point de Vue, the young woman HGD Guillaume was talking about in his 30th birthday interview is Belgian Countess Stéphanie de Lannoy. L'essentiel Online - Le grand-duc héritier sort avec une comtesse - Actu des stars Countess Stéphanie is also a granddaughter of Princess Beatrix...
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    National Day Monaco: 2006 - 2024

    Here is a picture gallery from the Mass at the Cathedral this morning : Prince Albert II Pictures - Monaco National Day 2011 - Celebration Of Mass At Cathedrale Notre-Dame Immaculee Inside - Zimbio
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    National Day Monaco: 2006 - 2024

    Some other pictures from this morning : La princesse Charlene rejoint Albert et Stéphanie pour donner avec le sourire Presentation of the Orders of St Charles and Grimaldi took place at the Palace : Remise de décorations Ordre de Saint Charles et Grimaldi - Palais Princier de Monaco
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    Prince Albert and Princess Charlene Current Events - Part 1: July 2011- February 2012

    Thank you for the info melina premiere :flowers: Here is the online version with a picture of the Princess : La princesse Charlène auprès des enfants |
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    Will and should Camilla use the title of Queen when Charles becomes King?

    Will she? I actually think she will definitely use the title of Queen and be crowned with her husband. Should she? If her choice is to remain "Princess consort" or whatever title she chooses, good for her. :flowers:
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    Princess Marie's Maternity Fashion: November 2008 -

    She looks very nice in that shade of red. Beautiful pink earrings too !
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    Royal Pregnancy Announcements 2011

    Billed Bladet has the info about Princess Tatiana's pregnancy : Billed-Bladet - Ny babylykke i kongefamilien: Prinsesse Tatiana gravid
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    Princess Marie of Denmark Jewellery 1: Ending Jun 2023

    The brooch has amethysts (?), maybe it's from the same set of her future "Flora danica" tiara ?
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    Princess Marie is Pregnant with Second Child: Due January 2012

    :ermm: Talking too much? Really? Her second pregnancy was announced just like Crown Princess Mary's twin pregnancy last year: the family was informed at Graasten, then an official announcement was made some time later.
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    Princess Marie of Denmark Jewellery 1: Ending Jun 2023

    New tiara for Princess Marie ? Princess Marie will apparently get a new tiara very soon: On p.11, There is a story about "HRH Princess tiara"with a small picture. It's a silver diamond tiara adorned with amethysts, with 3 lilies : one for...
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    Victoria & Daniel's 1st Baby - Guess the Sex, Name and Godparents

    Karl Daniel for a boy, Kristina for a girl...:flowers:
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    Crown Princess Victoria & Prince Daniel Expect First Child in March 2012

    That's just....WONDERFUL!!!! I had a feeling this time it was true !!! Congratulations Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel !!! :flowers: :fireworks::swedenstandard::fireworks:
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    Tiara & Jewels guessing for upcoming events 1: Oct 2009 - Dec 2015

    I too hope we'll get to see that tiara on the wedding day ! :smile:
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    Trooping the Colour 2003-2022

    All the royal ladies look lovely. Even adorable Lady Louise :flowers: !
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    A second son for Prince Aimone and Princess Olga: Prince Amedeo, 24 May 2011

    What a nice surprise! :flowers: I had absolutely no idea that Princess Olga was pregnant again. Congratulations to TRH the Prince and Princess!
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    Catherine Middleton's Wedding Dress

    Maybe the bow on her back holding her train ?
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    Catherine Middleton's Wedding Dress

    A wonderful dress, totally fitted HRH the Duchess of Cambridge:flowers: A longer train would have been even better, but it doesn't matter now! Instead of Grace Kelly, I thought there is a resemblance with Princess Marie of Denmark's wedding gown.
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    Wedding of William & Catherine: Arrival of the Foreign Royals

    From Belga pictures : Queen Sofia of Spain with the Princes of Asturias arriving at the Mandarin Hotel:
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    Prince William and Catherine Middleton Possible Titles

    What about : Duke and Duchess of Kendal? Kendal was given to Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales, daughter of King George IV. She died in childbirth aged 21. Had she lived, she would have been Queen Charlotte I, instead of her cousin Queen Victoria I...
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    Catherine Middleton Wedding Dress Suggestions and Musings

    I agree with you ! I would love Philippa Lepley to be THE designer...Her wedding gowns are exquisite, and would perfectly fit Catherine. Who knows...maybe we're in for a nice surprise next Friday :flowers:
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    What Royal Wedding Gown Would You Wear?

    Princess Martha Louise of Norway's gown :biggrin: It's quite unusual, but with a fairytale touch I really loved. Plus it was 2 dresses in one, the long coat for the ceremony, and the version underneath for the dinner and the ball !
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    Royals Murdered

    Exactly! Though not being crowned wasn't a problem for Anne of Austria to become Regent for her son Louis XIV, 33 years later. In mediival times, King Louis X (Margaret of Burgundy's husband) is also rumored to have been poisoned by Countess Mahaut of Artois. The Countess's daughter Jeanne was...
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    Royals Murdered

    King Henri IV of France (III of Navarre), murdered by François Ravaillac on May 14, 1610. Four centuries later, it's still unknown who ordered the murder, though Ravaillac maintained he acted alone. However he had met people from a former mistress of Henri IV before...And Henri's wife Marie de...
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    Princess Antoinette has Died - March 18, 2011

    RIP Your Serene Highness. :rose::monacoflag: The funeral will be held on Thursday, March 24th at 10 am. in the Cathedral. Princess Antoinette's body was transferred in the Palace Chapel today. 2 weeks of mourning will be observed in Monaco. Décès de la Princesse Antoinette : deux semaines...
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    Princess Marie, Current Events Part 1: March 2009 - June 2016

    The first French Princess Marie in Denmark was Princess Marie of Orléans (1865-1909) from the former French royal family. She married Prince Valdemar of Denmark, the youngest son of King Christian IX in 1885. They had five children.
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