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    Princess Beatrix at 80: January 31, 2018

    Prachtige foto's van onze koninklijke familie ! Eindelijk weer wat nieuws !
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    The Nobel Prize 2013 - 2024

    Beautiful all the princesses ! They are great ! I love it !
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    Crown Princess Mary's Eveningwear Part 16: October 2015 - September 2016

    I like the color of her hair also the model !
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    Princess Haya's Fashion & Style Part 4: April 2014 - 2022

    I like therolorof her hair and also the model !
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    Crown Princess Victoria's Birthday (Victoriadagen) - July 14: 2008-2016

    All the pictures are beautiful, thank you. Estelle is adoreble !!!
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    Victoria, Daniel and Family Picture Thread

    Great so mutch nice pics of Victoria and Daniel !
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    Princess Estelle, News and Pictures Part 2: June 2014 - June 2016

    Sorry I have seen it is on the 12th of this month !!!
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    Princess Estelle, News and Pictures Part 2: June 2014 - June 2016

    great pictures of Estelle, is there in februar the nameday of Victoria been hold ????
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    Princess Haya's current events 5: November 2010 -2022

    Had someone a picture from Haya from cristmas?
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    Crown Princess Victoria Picture Thread, Part 5

    Great pictures from Victoria she is / looks always very happy !
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    Crown Princess Victoria's Birthday (Victoriadagen) - July 14: 2008-2016

    Thank you for all that beautiful pics you let see us !! great famili are they !!
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    Inauguration of King Willem-Alexander & Reception: April 30, 2013

    Thank you for all those very nice pictures you send. It was a beautiful day yesterday and we have a lovely king and queen with princesses !!!And we love princess Beatrix forever.
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    Crown Princess Victoria Picture Thread, Part 5

    Nice picrures of victoria , i like that when she has her hair long !
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    Princess Estelle, News and Pictures Part 1: April 2012 - June 2014

    Great, wunderfull those pictures. They let us see how she grown up !! I like that. Thank you for posting all these pics !
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    Princess Estelle, News and Pictures Part 1: April 2012 - June 2014

    A very nice family, they enjoy there holliday with snowrite !!
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    Crown Princess Victoria, Current Events Part 9: June 2010 - October 2014

    Thank you for all those nice pictures of Vicroria she is gorgius !!!
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    Engagement of Princess Madeleine and Chris O'Neill: October 25, 2012

    I'ám very happy for them and hope she have with Chris a better time ! congratulations!!
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    Death & Funeral of HH Princess Ragnhild (9 June 1930 - 16 September 2012)

    Also my condolences for the family, for her husband and the children grandchildren and ofcourse for king Harald, it is his sister, she was very negetive but it's sad.
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    Crown Princess Victoria's Daytime Fashion Part 6: June 2012 - March 2013

    Victoria looks great after birth of Estelle ! So differenth clothes she wears. I like that and also the hair !! not a ponytail, super.
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    Swedish Royal Family, Current Events Part 6: December 2010 - May 2014

    Lovely that photo from Victoria and Estelle. Nice to see they let us also enjoy the photo!
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