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  1. C

    Frederik & Mary's Interview with German Vogue about Amalienborg: December 2010

    Emmily asked for a translation. Google provides one which is very good if sometimes amusing as they've used "gemini" for "twins." I use Google for all Billet-Bladet translations which are free.
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    Danish Royal Family, Current Events 3: April 2010 - June 2012

    Have I missed the Royal Family's attendance at Princess Nathalie's wedding?
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    Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary, Current Events 8: Nov. 2008-Sep. 2012

    Sorry to be so late in getting back to Atene. Frederick's wedding speech can be found in "Mary," by Karin Palshoj & Gitte Redder, page 185. It was the first book written about Mary and I especially love my copy because I bought it in Tasmania.
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    General News about Frederik, Mary and Family 4: July - December 2009

    Those panama hats are expensive and the "in" summer hat these days. Todays New York Times had a lot of pictures of people in the city wearing them. Fads catch on quickly here and my local street fair had many cheaper varieties on sale today.
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    Crown Princess Mary Picture Thread 1: October 2004 - February 2012

    Mellie asked about the photo of P.Mary in the white evening gown with the corded trim. I wrote in Janusary that the picture appeared in the January 20th issue of "Hello" I have since come to think it was from the photo-shoot that appeared in "Vogue" four years ago, since the accipanying pictures...
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    Pictures of Mary before her Marriage

    I find this topic offensive--it is not anymore ethical than those reporters who dug into Mary's garbage in Tasmania. Who on earth wants their old, unflattering pictures displayed. I say, "Enough."
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    Prince Frederik and Princess Mary's Visit to the USA: March 22-27, 2009

    The New York Times of April 5th had pictures from the American-Scandinavian dinner; Mary looking great. Caroline Heering was also photographed. Mary's print stood out in the sea of predominately black.
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    Crown Princess Mary Picture Thread 1: October 2004 - February 2012

    The January 20th issue of "Hello" has a good article on Mary, AND a beautiful double page spread of her wearing a white evening gown and her wedding earrings. She looks very regal as she posed in the palace ballroom. The article also has 4 large pictures of M&F taken from the Australia "Vogue"...
  9. C

    Prince Frederik & Princess Mary as Patrons of Danmarks Collection: 2007 - 2021

    That necklace Mary is wearing looks like the one she was given by Frederick on the birth of Christian. I thought, at the time, it was choking her, but this time it loooks as if the fit is more relaxed.
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    General News about Frederik, Mary and Family 3: November 2008 - July 2009

    The card is a disappointment when I was hoping for a good recent picture of Isabella; however, perhaps M&F feel the children are already so exposed to cameras they wish to spare them a formal sitting.
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    Crown Princess Mary's Eveningwear Part 2: May 2008 - January 2009 shows Mary in a beautiful black dress--chiffon top-- Does anyone know what function she and Frederik were attendin?
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    General News about Frederik, Mary and Family 3: November 2008 - July 2009

    How is the renovation of the palace coming? Will M an F move in early in 2009?
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    General News about Frederik, Mary and Family 2: February - November 2008

    In the Internet, today, Billad-Bladat has a most loving picture of Mary and Frederik and, if my elementary use of a Danish-English dictionary hasn't led me astray, I think it says they are expected to stay together for ever. Amen to thaT!
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    Annual Photo Shoots & Holidays At Gråsten Slot: 2003, 2005-2023

    On the subject of books on the Danish Royals, I am interested in an English version of the one printed to coincide with Frederick's 40th birthday. I believe it is by Palshoj and Gitte. Can anyone give me help? As for pictures at Grastan, won't we see the family walk to the annual concert? M...
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    Crown Princess Mary's Accessories: January 2004 - November 2008

    I presume a tiara can be considered an accessory, so I'd like to suggest that Mary get one more. Her wedding tiara was perfect for the veil and her ruby and diamond is simply gorgeous for the extremely formal occasion However, now that Marie has been given a beautiful tiara I think Mary needs...
  16. C

    Crown Princess Mary's Daytime Fashion Part 3: March - September 2008

    Although I would have liked to see the dress she wore in London the other evening, perhaps it is better that it was covered by the gentleman's coat. What I saw of it peeking from the coat looked like a casual. too casual, dress for the evening.
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    Princess Marie's Fashion and Style Part 1: June 2007 - September 2008

    Poor Marie, the suit didn't suit and the hat was a big mistake. Is this the place to ask about the medal Mary was wearing?
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    Crown Princess Mary's Daytime Fashion Part 3: March - September 2008

    How beautiful Mary looks in the violet/blue redingote outfit she is wearing at what appears to be the Tattoo (at least Frederik is in the uniform that would make me presume that) That is the third redingote (the white print in London and the red at the Tattoo) so it must be the "in" fashion...
  19. C

    Crown Prince Frederik, Current Events 2: October 2007 - September 2010

    For information on the Polar Ice trip that Frederik took with Victoria and Haakon, go to where you will also see a short video of polar bears and the three royals on the ice.
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    Crown Princess Mary's Daytime Fashion Part 3: March - September 2008

    Wish Mary had removed the pink jacket when exiting the yacht. I believe she is wearing my favorite dress--worn about 2 years ago at the reopening of a museum. At the time, I believe the dress and her retro hairdo received more favorable comments than I've ever read. Love that hat, too, which...
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    Engagement of Crown Prince Frederik and Mary Donaldson: October 8, 2003

    Mary, on the day of the interview, was looking so beautiful and I wondered, in retrospect, if it wasn't because her face was fuller--maybe just love shining through. I especially remember the interviewer who was so taken with her that he said, "you look beautiful."
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    Crown Princess Mary's Eveningwear Part 2: May 2008 - January 2009

    Thank you, Ayvee, I hadn't seen those pix before. Lovely.
  23. C

    Crown Princess Mary's Eveningwear Part 2: May 2008 - January 2009

    The new photo heading on Royals shows Mary in her wedding tiara and a portion of a white evening dress. Anyone know at what event this was taken. I'd love to see what she was wearing.
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    Crown Princess Mary's Eveningwear Part 2: May 2008 - January 2009

    Loved the mint green evening coat but I wouls have liked something different underneath. Perhaps a fuller view of the pink dress will show it be a good choice. In any case, Mary won so many points with her dress, earrings, etc at the wedding, she's at the head of the fashion game.
  25. C

    Frederik and Mary's Work Schedule

    I find it hard to deal with such a thread as this. Why not suggest the royal couple have a time clock installed so they could satisfy the complainers about their work load. I believe their "pay" doesn't begin to compensate for the scrutiny they must endure.
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