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  1. S

    Personal Sightings of the Royal Family

    I think that kindness comes with the job description! :D But I have heard people say that some don't really care if there is someone there or not but she seemed happy to see that there was someone there except from the organisers.
  2. S

    Personal Sightings of the Royal Family

    Here is my first encounter with royalty: In october 2006, Their Majesties The King and Queen of Sweden paid an Official State Visit to Canada. During their visit, Her Majesty The Queen attended an engagement on violence made against women at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Montreal. I saw Her Majesty...
  3. S

    HSH Prince Albert Current Events 25 : Feb.2008 - July 2008

    H.S.H Prince Albert II is supposed to be in Montreal tomorrow (6 May 2008) to attend a Red Cross Ball. Does anyone have more information on that? I would love to get a chance to see him in Montreal!!!
  4. S

    Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh Current Events 17: January-May 2008

    Royal Maundy is held the Thursday before Easter and it does not replace the tradition Easter Church Service. This year, like most years, The Queen and the Royal Family have attended Easter Service at St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle.
  5. S

    The Queen's Churchgoing Habits

    Does she really attend church at St. George's Chapel? I heard that she attended church at All Saints Chapel near Royal Lodge. Also, when Her Majesty attends church, does the rest of the Windsor Castle community allowed to attend church at the same place where she is?
  6. S

    Prince William and Kate Middleton Current Events 1: October-November 2007

    I read on MSN News page that Prince William was seen again with Kate Middleton. Rumors are going on and they are saying that an engagement is coming up. Can someone tell me more about this! Thanks
  7. S

    Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh Current Events 16: July-December 2007

    Yes The Queen is at Balmoral. The Queen arrived there on the 4 August and was welcomed by the Lord-Lieutenant for Aberdeenshire. According to the Court Curicular she also inspected a Royal Gaurd of Honor at her arrival.
  8. S

    Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh Current Events 15: May-July 2007

    I think that to get The Queen somehow upset like this, Annie Leibovitz probably did a few things wrong that got The Queen anonyed. The Queen tolerates many things before speaking out loud. (Not mentioning the little «think twice» phrases that she says instead)
  9. S

    Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh Current Events 15: May-July 2007

    She did! She wore the outfit when she visited the Legislative Building in Alberta.
  10. S

    Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh Current Events 15: May-July 2007

    It is funny to see The Queen with a First Minister that wants to see Scotland as a country. In Canada, it would be REALY weird to see The Queen and a independentist leader of the PQ together. I guess politics are different in every countries.
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    Christening of Princess Isabella: July 1, 2007

    Does anyone know if the ceremony will be broadcast? I would like to watch it live like I did for Christian.
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    Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh Current Events 15: May-July 2007

    The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh will pay an Official Visit and not a State Visit. To bad, their in Belgium, why not have a State Visit while they are there
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    Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh Current Events 15: May-July 2007

    This is total ridiculous in my eyes. I think that it is not to a National Assembly or a Senate to decide whether you can accept the title or not. It is a simple individual to accept the award and not to a government. He is the one being rewarded. I find it sad that the government is not taking...
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    Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh Current Events 15: May-July 2007

    Maybe they invited the Earl of Wessex because of his title and not because if he fought or not. To me it makes more sense that Andrew would be their too.
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    A Thread about Frederik and Mary's Marriage

    I think that you are totally right Billie-Jo. They do not always want (and they do not always have) to show their love for one another in public. When they go out of the Chancellery or even their private appartments at Amalienborg, they become public figures. Like you said Billie-Jo, behind...
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    The Royal Windsor Horse Show 1: 2005-2009, 2014-2015, 2017-2022

    OMG!!! That is really funny. Can you share the picture with us?
  17. S

    Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh Current Events 14: February-May 2007

    OMG!!! That is really funny. Can you share the picture with us?
  18. S

    Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh: State Visit to the USA - May 3-8, 2007

    We also know what Her Majesty carries in her purse.....her glasses and her speech. LOL I think that The Queen looks fantastic in her outfit. I think that they were all made for that State Visit. I though that the State Dinner Speechs would aired on CNN but they weren't. Kinda sad. Anyways, I...
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    Crown Princess Mary, Current Events 8: March 2007 - March 2008 this the only episode or are there going to be some more?
  20. S

    Princess Máxima's Future Title also seems like if the marriage was only to produce a heir to the throne. I hope that she will get the title of Queen. I think she would make a really good one as well.
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    Letizia Gives Birth to Second Daughter - Sofía!: April 29, 2007

    Congradulations to Her Royal Highness The Princess of Asturias for the birth of her second daughter. I wish the new parents and the enlarged family happiness.
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    The Reported Breakup - April 2007

    On the french Royal magazine Point de Vue, they say that William would be in love with Isabella. Is this true? link - POINT DE VUE Point de vue
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    CP Mary admitted to hospital

    WOW, What a surprise!! I was expected to see this event in early May, but today is a surprise. The baby will celebrate her/his birthday on the same day as Queen Elizabeth II. I am extremly happy for Their Royal Highness. I hope that the baby amd mother will be fine.
  24. S

    Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh Current Events 14: February-May 2007

    Lets find a picture of last year on that day to see if she did wear this outfit. :lol: I think she loves the outfit or is it a way to celebrate the second anniversary of her son's second wedding? LOL I think that it is great to see The Queen commemorate this historic battle in Vimy today. Its...
  25. S

    Enthronement Ceremony of Dutch Monarchs

    Is there an age limite to when a monarch can reign in the Netherlands.
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