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    General Questions About The Ruling Family Of Dubai

    Thank you so what was the name of his sister who married the Saudi Prince Abdulaziz. I read it somewhere a long time ago but I forgot...
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    General Questions About The Ruling Family Of Dubai

    husband of Sheikha Shaikha bint Rashid Al-Maktoum Does anyone know the full name of the Saudi Prince that married Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid's sister. who is Sheikha Shaikha bint Rashid bin Saeed Al-Maktoum? Is he Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Mohammed Al-Saud? What kind of work does he do or...
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    Sheikha Hind current events: February 2006-

    Does she have 'courtiers' from the influential families in Dubai or does she hold court with certain gatherings in Dubai? Anyone know her style in receiving people?:flowers:
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    Princess Haya as UN WFP's Goodwill Ambassador

    A great honor for her I am really impressed with her getting this honor. It is really terrific. I also think she has improved her physical presentation a lot compared to before. She looks good.
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    Sheikh Mohammed's Children 3: March-September 2007

    Congratulations Hamdan! I wanted to congratulate Hamdan bin Mohammed for his wonderful win of silver in the race. I am also glad the UAE team as a whole placed high. I want to add that the color of the bridle for Hamdan's horse happens to be my favorite color, sea green...could this mean...
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    Sheikh Mohammed's Children 3: March-September 2007

    Hi Hi everyone, I am back on the forums after a long absence. I can't wait to see the results of the FEI European Championship endurance race in Portugal. It should be taking place either Friday or Saturday. I hope that Hamdan wins!!!:flowers:
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    Crown Princess Mary's Daytime Fashion Part 1: June 2004 - June 2007

    Absolutely stunning in the pic with the brown top and black skirt. There is absolutely no problem with recycling cardigans, because they are staples and in basic colors. This is not a fashion or etiquette faux pas. The blue polka dot and white skirt is Prada, and the long white skirt is a nice...
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    Dubai Ruling Family at Royal Ascot: 2004-2019

    If I'm not mistaken, that hat looks like Armani....I'll have to check my files, but I'm quite certain its Armani. She should wear black more often...its much more slimming, and very elegant in Europe. I thought the blue suit at FEI was a very nice cut and well-tailored, but the color...
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    King Charles and Queen Camilla

    RE: finishing schools and Duchess of Cornwall Actually I was recommended to one such Swiss school which is not publicized, but the person who wanted to recommend me flaked out at the last minute because I did not lose 10kg (and believe me I am already very thin)! --mind you she didn't attend...
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    King Charles and Queen Camilla

    I have a question to those who know more than me about the history of the English Monarchy and its establishment's transition into modernity. As my limited understanding, the Duchess of Cornwall was already a part of the establishment before she married the Prince of Wales. I have read she...
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    Sheikh Mohammed's Children 2: June 2006-February 2007

    Hi, I'm so glad that's the case, because I was beginning to wonder what was going on. I don't know why they featured that girl so promimently, it was confusing. But I am sooo glad I stand corrected:). Congratulations to them. Thanks Uae butterfly...What I said about Al-Qassimi is what people...
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    Sheikh Mohammed's Children 2: June 2006-February 2007

    Thank you Houri, you understood correctly what I meant to say. The fact is Iran is only a stones throw away from the UAE and the rest of the eastern side of the arabian peninsula. It is to my knowledge that the ruling family of Sharjah, Al-Qassimi, openly states that they are originally from...
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    Sheikh Mohammed's Children 2: June 2006-February 2007

    Hi Houri, Actually in farsi they sort of eat the sound of the first 'a' so it comes out like Fzzaa. or Fizzaa. They still pronounce the 'ayn' but it is not like 'aah' it doesn't actually carry an 'a' sound. I can't read farsi I can only speak some of it. If you go to his website...
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    Sheikh Mohammed's Children 2: June 2006-February 2007

    It has never been in press, but I saw his name on the list of students at Boston University when I was in college in the US, and he used to hang around a lot in Boston also...I don't know why his family has never printed this. I have never seen it mentioned even once. It would be better to show...
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