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  1. T

    What is missing from Monaco?

    :biggrin: Well, in that case it's a pity Britney Spears isn't single. I think she's his only hope now.
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    "Grace - An Intimate Portrait" by Howell Conant

    Like a lot of royal brides who were commoners, I don't think Grace was properly trained for her eventual role as Princess Consort. She went from freedom to a heavily restricted life and wasn't eased into her role. I think it's a pretty big mistake to throw someone used to being in charge of...
  3. T

    What is missing from Monaco?

    In that case, finding someone of respectable stature and someone able and willing to deal with the press, he would be lucky to find her. Albert, despite being a reigning prince, isn't that much of a catch. He has two illegitimate children whose mothers have pretensions to the throne of Monaco...
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    What is missing from Monaco?

    The Grimaldis in my opinion lack dignity and self respect. If Albert had any, he wouldn't be cavorting with Charlene and he would look for someone willing to accept his baggage and marry her. Either that or he would make Charlene into an honest woman and get engaged, marry her, and have plenty...
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    Emotional Royals

    That is so sadistic of him. Really, it's no wonder he talks to plants.
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    Sarah, Duchess of York Current Events 8: February-May 2007

    I think Sarah, harsh as it may sound, should lose visitation rights. She isn't growing up and as for telling a young man to kiss her daughter, that's just wrong. She's acting like this 'fun buddy' who drags her timid friend into unsafe situations, all for a lark. I know Beatrice might not be...
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    Sarah, Duchess of York Current Events 8: February-May 2007

    Am I the only one here who thinks that Fergie didn't deserve the "Mother of the Year" award?
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    "Princess Masako: Prisoner of the Chrysanthemum Throne" by Ben Hills (2006)

    I sometimes wonder if this could be considered a Human Rights violation.
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    "Princess Masako: Prisoner of the Chrysanthemum Throne" by Ben Hills (2006)

    After many people read this book, without a doubt Masako could actually gain some leverage. Never underestimate the power of the people; I imagine that the Imperial Family would come under more scrutiny and by default, the IHA. It might actually cause the public to challenge the IHA and demand...
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    "Princess Masako: Prisoner of the Chrysanthemum Throne" by Ben Hills (2006)

    I think the main concern is how the Emperor and Empress are portrayed and made to look as if they are not really all that involved in the affairs of their country.
  11. T

    Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg (formerly Princess of Denmark) Jewellery

    Grand Duchess, not Archduchess. Archduchesses came from Austria and other German empires and duchies. The Russian Royals were called Grand Dukes for the males and Grand Duchesses for the females.
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    "The Queen" (2006) - Film about Elizabeth II and the Death of Diana

    Oh, I didn't think of it in terms of the mythical figure of "Diana." The Queen saw a stag and thought of him as beautiful and at the time didn't want something that was also beautiful to die. She was, right before she saw the stag, crying a bit.
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    Kate Middleton Current Events 17: January-February 2007

    The only reason they are not considered attractive by today's standards is that they do not cater to the recent fashions. They wear what they like and are comfortable in.
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    "The Queen" (2006) - Film about Elizabeth II and the Death of Diana

    Certainly, but at the time it was a fairly traumatic time and I'm sure she wasn't looking at things so clinically and humdrum.
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    "The Queen" (2006) - Film about Elizabeth II and the Death of Diana

    I think the Queen saw the stag as a symbol of what Diana went through. If that stag had escaped and not been killed I think that the Queen felt like Diana in a way hadn't really died somehow. However, once the stag was killed I think that for her Diana was finally dead. I also think she wanted...
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    Princess Alexandra to Marry Martin Jørgensen: February 7, 2007

    From what I have read (however limited) I don't think that Alexandra was the perfect princess either. She was married to a royal prince, knew the world and had to have known what she was getting into. She did it for the wrong reasons and does have her fair share in the divorce. If she was seeing...
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    Morganatic Marriages In European Monarchies

    Well, it brought benefit to the people of the nation, not really the two actually involved in the marriage. Not to mention love is sometimes a tricky thing considering the divorce between Alexandra and Prince Joachim. Marriage should be based on practical considerations beyond love, it should be...
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    Morganatic Marriages In European Monarchies

    I would say the marriage between Tsar Nicholas II and Princess Alexandra of Hesse Darmsdat a misalliance. It was love, but she was grossly unsuited to her role of Tsarina and the social life it demanded.
  19. T

    "The Queen" (2006) - Film about Elizabeth II and the Death of Diana

    It was Grand Duchess. Many of the prominent Russian females in the royal family were Grand Duchesses. "Princess" was considered to be too low. Grand Duchess was a more simple yet imposing title.
  20. T

    Will Prince Charles receive the Nobel Peace Prize one day?

    I think it would be wonderful if he were nominated and won. He's founded several charities, run around the world trying to promote multicultural and multi-ethnic understanding, and helping the homeless and underprivileged all the time, so yes, I think a Nobel Prize would be appropriate.
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    What do you think of Charlene?

    Not just that, but always having two other women bragging about their kids and their supposed 'rights' to the throne of Monaco. Now legally they wouldn't have any, but still it would cause a headache that any sensible woman would avoid. Exactly, especially in this situation. The Grimaldis...
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    What do you think of Charlene?

    I don't think Albert will be able to snag a smart, hardworking, successful in her own right female who has it together. No female in her right mind worth her weight on gold is going to want to go near him with a ten foot pole, money and power or no money and power. Too much trouble and two...
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    The Monarchy after Elizabeth II

    This sort of out of control royals situation is so similar to that of the Romanovs. They were eager for the privileges, reluctant about the duties, and didn't care about presenting a proper public image in order to protect the dynasty and the prestige of the monarch. They did what they wanted...
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    A Wife for Prince Andrew, Duke of York

    I know I'd never marry Andrew. He has too much baggage (ie, Sarah) and the thought of having my husband's ex wife around at all times would be awkward and humiliating.
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