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    Crown Princess Máxima Jewellery 2: November 2006-April 2013

    It's the complete collection and I consulted about the price The big one cust R$ 15.200,00 reais = U$ 7.000,00 dollars The ring cust R$ 17.640,00 reais = U$ 8.320,00 dollars Picture
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    Crown Princess Victoria, Current Events Part 6: June 2007 - March 2008

    Hi GrandDuchess What program are you seem this video?. I can't see in my Windowa Media Player Thank you
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    Mette-Marit: Current Events, Part 1

    I agree with you. And I think,...she is the crown princess, she need to be all good (hair and outift)
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    Princess Máxima, Current Events 5 (September 2007 - March 2008)

    I like her hair and her red dress
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    Crown Princess Mary, Current Events 8: March 2007 - March 2008

    I don't like her dress, belt, and shoes. But her hair and skin are very pretty
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    The 30th birthday - 14 July, 2007

    Thank you Lena, it was wonderful:wub:
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    Christening of Princess Isabella: July 1, 2007

    I love the name Isabella, my daugther name's is Isabela But I didn't like Mary dress
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    Princess Madeleine, Current Events Part 6: January 2007 - February 2008

    Why did prinss Henrik came for Europe nostra?
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    State Visit from China to Sweden: June 8-10, 2007

    thank you mybags. You can type "Kinesiska statsbesöket" and all pics will be there cheers
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    State Visit from China to Sweden: June 8-10, 2007

    :ermm: How can I find it?
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    State Visit from China to Sweden: June 8-10, 2007

    Queen Silvia is very elegant, as always
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    Danish Royal Family, Current Events 1: April 2003 - March 2008

    it's a very beautifull family. I can't remember, but, Mary were this shoe other ocasion
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    State Visit from Sweden to Denmark: May 9-11, 2007

    I really liked this State Visit
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    A Princess is Born in Denmark!: April 21, 2007

    wonderfull it's a girl.................... congratulations
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    State Visit from Spain to Luxembourg: April 16-18, 2007

    I agree with you lufer queen sofia is elegant, but I don't like her blue gala dress, to much
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    Princess Letizia's Maternity Fashion: May 2005 -

    I like her out fit, she's classic
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    70th Birthday Celebrations of King Harald V of Norway

    Where are Mathilde and Philippe?
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    Princess Alexandra, Current Events 3: April 2006 - March 2007

    I agree with you Heike, it's very hard for her
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    Frederik and Mary's Private Visit to Australia: November 2006

    I would like to know how can I see it?
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