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    How / Why did you get interested in royalty?

    im interested because their history and family lineage amazes me. you see these royals walking around just like regular people when some of them are descended from Marie-Antoinette or Isabella of Spain. i dont know if im accurate but im just very impressed with their blood lines.They may not be...
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    Princess Margaret Jewellery

    now i know why they say shes the "last real princess." in her pictures, you can tell she knew that she was a princess. she wasn't aloof or apologetic about it. there's confidence in the way she looks and how she displayed her jewels. it's as if she knew she was above the rest of us, sounds...
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    Buckingham Palace 1: Ending Sep 2022

    buckingham palace isn't really that huge but it looks bigger on t.v. though. it pales into comparison with the spanish royal palace.
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    The Queen: Would She Consider Abdication or Retirement?

    why should she retire? her position is for life. her reign should be celebrated...
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    Infanta Margarita and the World's Greatest Painting

    your explanation about the painting is fascinating ysbel. it made me appreciate this truly beautiful painting. thank you...
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    just because you're not perfect, it doesn't mean that you have to hate the ones that do look perfect. nothing in this world is perfect. yes, diana was pretty and gorgeous but she also suffered from bulimia. i dont know about you, but i would rather be unfortunate looking than be someone with...
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    Spain Seeks Sainthood For Queen Isabella

    i totally agree. saints don't kill people. she did a lot for the wealth and power of the roman Catholic church but forgot its basic teachings. kindness and faith in your heart is more important than being a member of an institution made of gold and marble. Im not even sure if she's gone to...
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    Pavlos and Marie Chantal current events: August 31, 2004 - October 11, 2005

    all i see are pics of fashion shows she attended. jeez, enough already...
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    Royal Twins

    i dont think that this is a hard question. whoever goes out first will, obviously, be the eldest. therefore, he will be the heir to the thrown. no twins are ever born at the same time. if woman can't rule then the boy will be heir to the thrown.
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    Gustaf Magnuson's 30th Birthday Masquerade Ball: August 20, 2005

    madeleine looks super tanned and her tan looks very natural too. u can never be too tanned, IMO. she looks great.
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    The Mechanics of Abdication and of Succession to the Throne

    wow, i didn't know about the crown estates. where is this income coming from? why does she give back the crown estates to the governtment? this fact should be advertised to the public to shut them up once and for all.
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    The Mechanics of Abdication and of Succession to the Throne

    Yes, the Queen is your head of state. but your government is independent from the control of the queen. the queen doesn't control it. so the queen is more like a national symbol.
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    Monarchs & Royals During WWI & WWII?

    it must be so sad to be unable to save your cousin because of your position. i think that's what makes them "royal": duty first, before family. sad but there's something very regal about it.
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    Monarchy and Restoration; Rival Families and Claimants

    it is so sad that romanovs are fighting against each other. they should, instead, work together. i wish that the people of russia would again welcome having an emperor and an empress. are there any pro monarchy movements in russia though?
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    Will Charles Ever Reign?

    he was christened as charles, so i think he should use the name charles. i don't live in the UK so i wouldn't know how the royals are perceived over there. but is there is any reason why charles won't reign? if they skip charles in favor of william, that would be very awkward. it is not natural...
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    Princess Alexandra, Current Events 2: May 2005 - April 2006

    it's good to know that alexandra is still princess of denmark and has the title "her highness." she deserves it for working so hard for the danish royal family. denmark deserves to have a princess like her: stunning, elegant, charismatic and hardworking. though not by birth, she is truly a princess.
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    Preferred Wives For William and Harry

    earlier in this thread, somebody mentioned that there's a law stating that an heir to the throne cannot marry a non-protestant. what if charlotte converts from catholic into protestant before she marries william? does that count? is it still against the law? that is a silly law and they must...
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    Royals & Celebrities

    nicole kidman was so gorgeous at that cold mountain pic... it would be nice to see this big headed hollywood stars curtsy or somethin...
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    Monarchy and Restoration; Rival Families and Claimants

    so after these developments, do you guys think that russia will ever restore the monarchy?
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    Prince Joachim to Marry Alexandra Manley: May 31, 1995

    somebody mentioned that he proposed to her in the philippines? why was he there? is she filipina by any chance?
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    HRH Crown Prince Pavlos of Greece & Marie Chantal Miller - 1995

    prince pavlos of greece looks like david schwimmer a.k.a. "ross" from friends.
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    Surname of the Danish Royal Family

    the greek royal family are also glucksburg, right? and ann marie was a princess of denmark, right? so are they both descendants of the first glucksburg king of denmark? must be weird sharing the same last name and ancestry with your husband? on second thought, with all these inbreeding amongst...
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    Kind Of Funny Shots - Princely Family of Monaco

    after all they've been through, its unbelievable how carefree this people are...
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    Royalty (Fictional and Real) In Fictional Movies

    and they're also makin a movie about... marie antoinette. the filming had already started, with kirsten dunst as marie antoinette. it is directed by sofia copolla. and it is being shot in the real Versailles palace in France.
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    Royalty (Fictional and Real) In Fictional Movies

    hey what about the "lion in winter," im not sure about the title. but its a movie with peter o toole and kate hepburn. kate was playin a princess of acquitane or somethin. i was gettin bored one afternoon and suddenly this was playin in one of those channels that play old movies. it was one of...
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