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  1. MarNoe

    Victoria, Daniel and Family, General News Part 4: September 2017 - December 2020

    I hope their new puppy is from a rescue! "Designer" dogs are really nothing but mixed breed dogs aka mutts. To me, that makes them more loveable!
  2. MarNoe

    Fashion for the little and teenage royals Part 11: September 2017 - June 2018

    Obviously more relaxed dress code in Norway... jeans to church?
  3. MarNoe

    Andrea Casiraghi, Tatiana & Family Current Events Part 16: March 2015 - December 2019

    I would imagine the school will straighten that uniform pronto!
  4. MarNoe

    Summer Holidays with the Swedish Royal Family: 2016-

    I wonder how long Leonore and Nicolas stayed where they were supposed to be?
  5. MarNoe

    Fashion for the little and teenage royals Part 10: November 2016 - September 2017

    WOW! I'm amazed at how she has grown up and is so elegant and beautiful! And almost as tall as her mother.
  6. MarNoe

    Duke and Duchess of Cambridge: Official Visit to Poland & Germany - July 17-21, 2017

    I wonder if they've taken a cue from Victoria and Daniel of Sweden and what they're doing with little Estelle? I'd love to see these two families meet.
  7. MarNoe

    Duke and Duchess of Cambridge: Official Visit to Poland & Germany - July 17-21, 2017

    IMHO I think that's exactly why they brought the children - to try and lighten the mood. And I love the picture of Charlotte receiving what must be her first bouquet of flowers.
  8. MarNoe

    The 40th Birthday - 14 July, 2017

    Considering Madeleine's position in the Royal Family her children's behavior is terrible! They really need to learn some discipline!
  9. MarNoe

    The 40th Birthday - 14 July, 2017

    I absolutely LOVE that picture of Victoria and Daniel!
  10. MarNoe

    The 40th Birthday - 14 July, 2017

    Love the picture by Daniel! Madeleine and Chris better do something about Lenore and Nicholas's behavior... it's "cute" when they're little but when they get to their teens it's not going to be so cute.
  11. MarNoe

    The Earl and Countess of Snowdon and Family News 1: January 2017 -

    My goodness, he sure looks like his father!
  12. MarNoe

    State Visit from Belgium to Denmark: March 28-30, 2017

    I just saw a picture on FB where QM was sitting in a chair while greeting guests... ????... back problems???
  13. MarNoe

    Future Home for Prince Harry

    I thought I read some while ago that Charles intended to make Windsor his main London residence and only use BP for state/government related affairs.
  14. MarNoe

    Emperor Akihito & Empress Michiko Current Events Part 3: February 2013 - April 2017

    I've had shingles - painful! I would imagine even worse at her age. I wish her well.
  15. MarNoe

    Princess Madeleine, Chris O'Neill and Family, General News 2: June 2015 - Sept 2017

    I'm less concerned about the smoking (I never have but I grew up around smokers) but more with their faces and "body language" in the first set. My thought was that here is a couple who aren't particularly pleased to be there with each other. They look bored.
  16. MarNoe

    A boy for Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice Borromeo - February 28, 2017

    I'm thinking Matilde's post on Instagram has been deleted... all I get is "not available"...
  17. MarNoe

    Fashion for the little and teenage royals Part 10: November 2016 - September 2017

    A beautiful outfit, but for a young lady I think a color other than black for the background would have been better.
  18. MarNoe

    The Duchess of Cornwall's Patronages

    I'm not surprised at all! A great choice!
  19. MarNoe

    International Circus Festival & New Generation Festival 2012 - 2020, 2023 - 2025

    I wonder if, or how the ending of the Ringling Bros. circus will affect others around the world...
  20. MarNoe

    Imperial Family of Japan Current Events 2: June 2008 - April 2017

    I realize this is the 21st century and all, but I do love to see the Japanese ladies in their traditional dress...
  21. MarNoe

    Prince Albert's Older Children Part 1: 2009 - 2023

    I'm seeing a young woman basically trading in on her parentage. A Kardashian wannabe.
  22. MarNoe

    Prince Daniel, Current Events Part 2: February 2015 - August 2018

    O.M.G. The look on Daniel's face is beyond wonderful! Such love!!!!
  23. MarNoe

    Fashion for the little and teenage royals Part 9: April 2016 - November 2016

    Not liking Leonore or Sofia's dresses either... it's a good thing it wasn't windy that day... they would have had a big problem...
  24. MarNoe

    British Royal Family Current Events 8: April 2015-January 2017

    Can't help it - Harry is adorable!
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