The dress is wonderful, nice color and the cut makes her posture so slim.
But the hair! Awful! Its like she has done it herself before minutes to go. Just all wrong!
Nice modern looking shoes would be appropriate for a princess as well :flowers:
Those are not!
Well i has not been claimed by the court but the are news on the CP Mette-Marit finishing her Master's degree flying in the air. If that is true I am very happy for her as she deserves it!
That is a place to discuss vacations in Corsica, not CP Mette-Marit's shape. All further discussion of Crown Princess's appearance will be deleted. Happy holidays to all!
I may be the only one but I kinda like the outfit. At least its not the worst one.
The skirt is ok, The jacket is nice.
Shoes might be different but simmer is short so why not now :whistling:
CP Mette-Marit travelled to NY to support Norwegian designer Nina Skarra's launch in USA.
It is not a coat, it is a jacket and a skirt.
She had a black top under.
The combination of the recycled suit and a blue hat seems odd to me.
The hat itself is not easy one but CP Mary may work it out. Unfortunately not this time.
Black coat from the balcony is just a perfection.
CP Mary is a Queen of recycle on the whole celebrations!
I never liked the dress, way too simple and not special.
Even her perfect make-up and beautiful set of jewelry can't help.