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  1. Laraib

    Prince Ali, Princess Rym & Family Current Events 1: October 2004-July 2008

    I was wondering, does anyone know what his daughter looks like and why he doesn't bring her to these things? I mean this was for fun right? Just wondering. Thanks.:huh:
  2. Laraib

    King Abdullah and Queen Rania, Current News and Pictures, Part 18

    Can anyone like host the images at anyother website and post them here. I can't open the PDF file....:flowers:
  3. Laraib

    Prince Harry Current Events 13: July-August 2006

    I agree with you.:smile: However, it seems like by stating that the pictures are 3 years old, the royal family expects the public to ignore Prince Harry's behavior. Iam not sure I agree with that. Anyways, I hope this all passes as Iam a VERY big fan Prince Harry's but I don't know. I think...
  4. Laraib

    Prince Harry Current Events 13: July-August 2006

    Yeah, I hope he isn't cheating on her. Anyways, I also am curious as to how Kate feels about all of this?:rolleyes: :smile:
  5. Laraib

    Prince Harry Current Events 13: July-August 2006

    Iam afraid I disagree. I think they both should behave like grown men not just like princes. I mean, you don't relax by cheating on your girlfriends and grabbing a womans breast!:ohmy: Drinking is something else, doing what they are doing is, in my opinion, not right. I also agree that there...
  6. Laraib

    Videos and other Links

    Thanks for the video. However, does anyone understand french? Could anyone translate it? PLEASE!!!:w00t2: :bounce: Thank-you.
  7. Laraib

    Kate Middleton Current Events 11: July-September 2006

    Iam kinda confused. What is she joining them for?:ermm:
  8. Laraib

    The Chelsy Davy Thread 4: May-September 2006

    Good point. :flowers:
  9. Laraib

    Kate Middleton Current Events 11: July-September 2006

    I think there are many reasons as to why she has reached 11 threads. First of there OBVIOUSLY is more attention given to her due to the fact she someones girlfriend. Secondly, I think she has been given a lot more media attention due to the same fact hence our curiosty. I don't remember any...
  10. Laraib

    The Chelsy Davy Thread 4: May-September 2006

    :lol: I think Chelsy is very young and I think she is still going through a phase. She will eventually end up with a style that is comfortable to her and accepted by the BRF. (If they last that long...:rolleyes: ) But to judge her right now is not fair. I can tell you from personal experience...
  11. Laraib

    King Abdullah at the Sovereign's Parade, Sandhurst: August 11, 2006

    Really? I didn't know that. Well, anyways, I have NEVER seen her wear ANY sort of a hat. Except a visor, and that is not a hat. :smile:
  12. Laraib

    The Chelsy Davy Thread 4: May-September 2006

    Exactly my point!:clap:
  13. Laraib

    Kate Middleton Current Events 11: July-September 2006

    Yeah, what's more unsual is that the BRF has not said anything since the announcement of the book came? :rolleyes:
  14. Laraib

    Kate Middleton Current Events 11: July-September 2006

    WHAT???!!!!!:blink: :ohmy: Did I miss something?? A book....about.....Kate.... as in Middleton... as in the girl dating william??? Oh GOD:wacko: Just when you thought everyone was laying low and the couple was being given space BAM there is a book.:bang: Just by the synopsis of the book, it...
  15. Laraib

    King Abdullah and Queen Rania, Current News and Pictures, Part 18

    I don't know maybe I missed something, but did the Queen and the King go on vacation with their kids this summer? Thanks.:smile:
  16. Laraib

    The Chelsy Davy Thread 4: May-September 2006

    Iam just wondering why did you or still view Chelsy with no class?:smile:
  17. Laraib

    The Chelsy Davy Thread 4: May-September 2006

    Well, I don't think she is the sole model young girls look up to, so I don't see how her smoking is setting a bad example for young girls?:rolleyes: I think what many people forget is Harry's past. He was just like Chelsy in his old days, and according many, still is. No offense, but how can...
  18. Laraib

    Queen Rania before her marriage

    I was wondering where did you find her pictures with her mother? Do you know what thread it was? Thanks. :smile:
  19. Laraib

    Kate Middleton Current Events 11: July-September 2006

    No offense or anything, but I don't think terrorist really have her on their target list. I don't think declining a body guard really represents a sign of independence. :smile:
  20. Laraib

    The Chelsy Davy Thread 4: May-September 2006

    Correct me if Iam wrong, but didn't people think the same for Princess Maxima?:huh: I don't know, Prince Harry doesn't seem like the type that would miss the Royal Family if he had to leave it for Chelsy. So I don't think he has given a thought about how in the end he might have to leave her...
  21. Laraib

    King Abdullah and Queen Rania, Current News and Pictures, Part 18

    Yes, I believe she does. Yeah, I read that he is a doctor. I don't know if he pratices though. Hope that answered your questions.:smile:
  22. Laraib

    The Chelsy Davy Thread 4: May-September 2006

    I agree with you. The Royal Family already made a mistake which I assume they are not ready to make again. Hope we are right.:smile:
  23. Laraib

    Kate Middleton Current Events 11: July-September 2006

    It HAS been like a million degrees in Chicago this week. :wacko: But I thought the heat wave was gone through London or Europe...:ermm:
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