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  1. J

    Russian Imperial and Other Titles

    Contrary to popular belief, Nicholas did not abdicate for his son. The abdication document says: "Not wishing to part with our dear son, we transfer our legacy to our brother." That statement does *not* take Alexei out of the line of succession. The oath that Nicholas had taken at his...
  2. J

    Reburial of the remains of Alexei and Maria

    From Today's Interfax/Religion 2013-08-09 14:26:00 Russian Orthodox Church still doubts authenticity of Russian royal family remains Moscow, August 9, Interfax - The head of the Moscow Patriarchate Department for Church and Society Relations Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin has said that the...
  3. J

    Reburial of the remains of Alexei and Maria

    July 17th... 95 years since the murder of Nicholas II... and nothing has changed. The Orthodox Church continues to maintain its position against the identification of the Yekaterinburg remains. So... What on earth does the following statement mean, made today by Marie Vladimirovna's lawyer...
  4. J

    George III (1738-1820) and Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1744-1818)

    ... Not to mention the fact that research by Professor John Rohl (one of the three authors of the book "Purple Secret") and his recent exhumation and testing of the remains of George III's great-great-granddaughter Princess Charlotte of Prussia (sister of Kaiser Wilhelm II) had found DNA...
  5. J

    George III (1738-1820) and Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1744-1818)

    George III: Another royal disease fallacy? Magazine 15 April 2013 Last updated at 04:22 ET What was the truth about the madness...
  6. J

    400th Anniversary of the House of Romanov 1613-2013

    400th Anniversary of the House of Romanov 1613-2013 From Interfax/Religion 2013-03-06 10:00:00 Bell music concert to be given in Kremlin on House of Romanov's 400th anniversary Moscow, March 6, Interfax - Bell-ringers of the Moscow Kremlin will give an unprecedented bell music...
  7. J

    The "Sokolov Box": may or may not contain Imperial remains

    Investigator Solovyov's response: From Today's Interfax... August 20th 2012 14:14:00 Materials on Romanov family execution found in Brussels can be studied without resuming official investigation - Investigations Committee Moscow, August 20, Interfax - The Russian Investigations Committee...
  8. J

    The "Sokolov Box": may or may not contain Imperial remains

    Survival stories are not the issue with the Church's sudden decision to suggest testing of the finger in the Sokolov Box to prove its case ... after the Church had so adamantly refused to allow the mtDNA testing of those very same samples for all those many years. The issue is this: If that...
  9. J

    The "Sokolov Box": may or may not contain Imperial remains

    That's what started all this in the first place... 20 years ago now. Now it appears the Church wants to see a DNA comparison with the contents of the so-called "Sokolov Box" that has been hidden for decades in the walls of the Orthodox Church in Belgium. Until now, the Church Abroad has not...
  10. J

    The "Sokolov Box": may or may not contain Imperial remains

    From Today's Interfax: 2012 July 26 16:54:00 New proof will hopefully end dispute over royal remains authenticity - House of Romanov (updated) Moscow, July 26, Interfax - The House of Romanov will be guided by the Russian Orthodox Church's position on the authenticity of the remains of the...
  11. J

    Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna: June 2008-

    ... And the saga continues... From Today's Interfax/Religion 27 March 2012, 14:52 House of Romanov still doubts authenticity of Yekaterinburg remains (updated) Moscow, March 27, Interfax - The House of Romanov has studied the Russian Investigative Committee's statement on the criminal...
  12. J

    Reburial of the remains of Alexei and Maria

    Church still to decide on identity of Crown Prince Alexey and Princess Maria's remains 2011-10-14 10:04:00 See: Interfax-Religion St. Petersburg, October 14, Interfax - The issue of the identity of the remains of Crown Prince Alexey and Princess Maria's remains has not been discussed by the...
  13. J

    Reburial of the remains of Alexei and Maria

    From Interfax/Religion: Talk of reburying remains of Crown Prince Alexey and Princess Maria premature - House of Romanov (updated) 2011-10-13 18:53:00 See: Moscow, October 13, Interfax - The Imperial House of Romanov led by Grand...
  14. J

    Reburial of the remains of Alexei and Maria

    Okay... So which side of the family is this? Nicholas and Dimitry or Maria Vladimirovna? ... and does it yet have the support of the Church? This latest article does not mention any names... but I'm assuming here that it's probably not Marie... ;-) From Today's Interfax 13 October 2011...
  15. J

    2009 Identification of the remains found in July 2007

    I note that one of today's Russian news reports now insists that the discovery of these possible Imperial remains had actually taken place back in 2008... Amateur search group claims grave of Russia's 'man in iron mask' found | Culture | RIA Novosti So the question then arises.. Why has it...
  16. J

    Tsarist Miscellania

    So... Here's a question... What happens to the current world economy if you suddenly dump sixteen hundred tons of newly re-discovered Tsarist gold bars onto the market? ;-) Just a quick calculation... Today's price for gold is $1245 per ounce. Gold is measured in troy ounces and there...
  17. J

    Tsar's Murder: Court Cases

    Investigation ordered re-opened Russian court orders Tsar’s murder case reopened Reuters August 26, 2010 – 4:07 pm By Conor Humphries MOSCOW — A Russian court on Thursday ordered prosecutors to reopen an investigation into the murder of Tsar Nicholas II and his family, despite the fact that...
  18. J

    Reburial of the remains of Alexei and Maria

    From Today's Interfax/Religion 16 June 2010 Russian Church urges not to hurry confirming identification of Crown Prince Alexey and Grand Princess Mary's probable remnants Moscow, June 16, Interfax - The Russian Orthodox Church urges not to hurry to officially confirm identification of...
  19. J

    Tsar's Murder: Court Cases

    Well now... Here's a surprise! We all knew this court date was coming... but who knew the court would rule in Maria Vladimirovna's favour? :-) From Today's Interfax/Religion 12 May 2010, 17:20 Tsar murder case dropped illegally – ruling Moscow, May 12, Interfax - Moscow City Court has...
  20. J

    2009 Identification of the remains found in July 2007

    Okay... So... What gives here? Why is Georgy, of all people, now calling for a re-examination of the Ekaterinburg remains? What could possibly be his motive? From Today's Interfax 24 February 2010, 16:18 House of Romanovs wants royal remains to be re-examined Moscow, February 24...
  21. J

    Alexei and Haemophilia

    Okay, then... What about this: "Two members of the Romanov family carried this F9 mutation: Alexei was hemizygous for the mutation and one of his sisters, likely Anastasia, was a heterozygous carrier." One of his sisters was a "heterozygous carrier"? "Heterozygous" means that the sister had...
  22. J

    Alexei and Haemophilia

    I'm not buying it... and here's why: This latest study also now tells us... They did *not* find any mutations in either the Factor VIII or Factor IX Gene. From Genome Web Daily News: Study Finds Hemophilia B-Causing Mutation in Russian Royal Remains | GenomeWeb Daily News | Sequencing |...
  23. J

    Who is the Head of the Imperial Family?

    Does the question of equal marriage really much matter any more in this day and age... when the heir to a certain European throne can now marry a woman who has, shall we say, a "history" and a child from a previous relationship... without ever losing his position in line in the succession? I...
  24. J

    DNA and the law

    So.... What are we all to make of this latest development in DNA research? From the New York Times: DNA Evidence Can Be Fabricated, Scientists Show By Andrew Pollack Published: August 17, 2009 Scientists in Israel have demonstrated that it is possible to fabricate DNA...
  25. J

    Reburial of the remains of Alexei and Maria

    Don't be surprised if you're all made to wait for another nine years... until the centenary date of July 17th in 2018. JK
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