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  1. Abbigail

    Harry and Meghan: Tour of Southern Africa - September 23-October 2, 2019

    I anticipate that there will be criticism no matter what they decide. So Harry and Meghan should go with what works for them and not worry about what angle people will run with to criticize them.
  2. Abbigail

    Harry and Meghan: Tour of Southern Africa - September 23-October 2, 2019

    Well yes, I read the article. I figured the info he tweeted were new details he got from a source, not that it's confirmed by the palace. It may very well turn out to be false. I was just posting the update.
  3. Abbigail

    Harry and Meghan: Tour of Southern Africa - September 23-October 2, 2019

    Chris Ship says the tour is in mid-September, starts and finishes in SA and that Meghan and Archie will stay there until Harry rejoins them.
  4. Abbigail

    Harry and Meghan: Tour of Southern Africa - September 23-October 2, 2019

    [-][/-] And if they took separate flights back, there would be no criticism of how much taxpayer money was being spent? :lol: There will be criticism either way. We will have to wait for more details but I'm sure if Meghan does stay, she won't just be sitting back, waiting for Harry to return.
  5. Abbigail

    General News about the Sussex Family, Part One: May 2019 - March 2020

    I can't agree. That the focus and criticism remains primarily on Meghan during maternity leave, especially when William and Catherine are out and about, speaks to another level of vitriol, imo.
  6. Abbigail

    Harry and Meghan: Tour of Southern Africa - September 23-October 2, 2019

    I guess we have to wait for more details but I wouldn't be surprised either way, particularly since it's not exactly a short flight and Harry may want to travel with them.
  7. Abbigail

    General News about the Sussex Family, Part One: May 2019 - March 2020

    The problem is that Meghan was never the media darling. They pounced on her from the start and it has only gotten worse since. Not even pregnancy or the birth of her first child has come with any reprieve.
  8. Abbigail

    Harry and Meghan: Tour of Southern Africa - September 23-October 2, 2019

    Archie on his first tour. How exciting! :biggrin: I wonder if Meghan will do some solo engagements in SA while Harry is busy elsewhere? I would not be surprised.
  9. Abbigail

    General News about the Sussex Family, Part One: May 2019 - March 2020

    Deciding not to befriend or have a relationship with them is not antagonizing them. And that is essentially the issue here.
  10. Abbigail

    General News about the Sussex Family, Part One: May 2019 - March 2020

    Meghan will do well to do what is best for her and that obviously doesn't include befriending "journalists" nor should it, imo. That was never going to be the solution for her.
  11. Abbigail

    Duchess of Sussex Jewels 1: November 2017 - December 2024

    Eh. I guess it's a matter of perspective but as far as engagement rings go, this one is still on the simplistic side, even with the change, which wasn't even noticeable until a royal watcher pointed it out weeks after Meghan first wore it. I think that says it all.
  12. Abbigail

    Duchess of Sussex Jewels 1: November 2017 - December 2024

    :previous: Ha. Exactly. I like the original ring and this new version too but even if I didn't, I certainly don't see what makes it messy and vulgar. It's still well within Meghan's minimalist style.
  13. Abbigail

    Questions about British Styles and Titles 1: Ending 2022

    Frankly, I don't think most people care if he ever becomes HRH. In fact, many like that he may have more privacy and freedom to be who he wants. Regardless of his title, however, he will attract a lot interest and attention, as we are already seeing.
  14. Abbigail

    Questions about British Styles and Titles 1: Ending 2022

    It's not unlogical considering that this is about a baby not having a courtesy title. Nothing about his young life changes because he's not referred to as Lord or Earl. Perhaps his parents like the idea of him just being Archie for now. Or perhaps they didn't want to use the courtesy title...
  15. Abbigail

    Birth of Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor: May 6, 2019

    The point is, what if he didn't like either name? He could go with another nickname? Well so could Archie. Maybe he'll prefer Arch or Harrison when he gets older. Is that really what they're doing? Saying a baby won't be using an earl title is not tantamount to saying they want anyone to...
  16. Abbigail

    Birth of Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor: May 6, 2019

    I'm sorry but thank goodness they didn't name him Archibald. :lol: What would happen if Harry didn't like the name Henry either? Fact is, it's the parents' decision. They shouldn't name their child something they didn't like out of fear that said child will grow up wanting a more traditional...
  17. Abbigail

    Birth of Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor: May 6, 2019

    The dislike of the name kinda of reminds me of how "Harry" wasn't exactly a popular choice for a prince. I know it's not quite the same, as Harry is a nickname but I think it's safe to say that most people don't even see it as a nickname now. In fact, so many people are surprised when they learn...
  18. Abbigail

    Birth of Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor: May 6, 2019

    Indeed. I don't get why people think this is some huge difference, particularly given the circumstances. Archie is also already treated as if he is HRH so it's not like much will change if/when he becomes HRH. I really disliked it at first but I've warmed to it and much faster than I thought I...
  19. Abbigail

    Questions about British Styles and Titles 1: Ending 2022

    Victoria Murphy and Jobson, in particular, seem sure of this but as other reporters are saying no preference has been expressed, I don't think we can say this came directly from BP.
  20. Abbigail

    Questions about British Styles and Titles 1: Ending 2022

    I understand why they may not have refused, as Meghan would have been known as Princess Henry. That said, I don't see much reason to believe they have any qualms with Archie becoming DoS or HRH. That's my point. I too was surprised we did not get a clear decision. Though one could argue that...
  21. Abbigail

    Questions about British Styles and Titles 1: Ending 2022

    Yes I know the Queen didn't *have* to act. I'm saying that if Harry and Meghan were so strongly against it or had made up their minds, I think we would know, be it through LP or a statement confirming that Archie won't become HRH. It's because HRH would automatically apply that I don't think...
  22. Abbigail

    Questions about British Styles and Titles 1: Ending 2022

    I don't know if "trick" is the word I would use but I share all of your thoughts on this. I also saw Robert Jobson on one of the morning shows the other day and he is convinced Archie will become HRH. I'm not sure how reliable he is but I think that's more likely to happen than Charles issuing...
  23. Abbigail

    Questions about British Styles and Titles 1: Ending 2022

    It doesn't matter, lol. The point remains the same. Charles is not king, it's ultimately not his decision and since we don't really know his thoughts, we can't put this on him.
  24. Abbigail

    Questions about British Styles and Titles 1: Ending 2022

    She may have very well consulted Charles but I don't think we can say this was his decision. We don't even know if indeed he wants to make any changes to the number of working royals. This is something that's just been assumed prematurely, imo.
  25. Abbigail

    Questions about British Styles and Titles 1: Ending 2022

    :previous: Charles is not yet king so the decision likely has little to do with him. I believe Beatrice and Eugenie aren't working royals because 1) their parents tainted their reputations so much that their daughters taking on larger roles isn't seen as an asset and 2) there simply is no need...
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