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  1. LadyCat

    Catherine Middleton's Wedding Dress

    I have heard that the lace was hand crafted and incorporated the National Flowers of the British Isles - The thistle for Scotland, shamrock for Ireland, daffodils for Wales and roses for England. I have yet to find a good clear closeup of the lace to see if I can spot them all. Can anyone help...
  2. LadyCat

    Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie's Fashion and Style Part 2: June 2010 - June 2011

    Beatrice almost got it right - nice outfit - horrendous hat (is that a stylized bow or antlers?). Eugenie? Wrong on every level! When will these girls get a stylist? They try much to hard and end up being fashion victims every time. After all these years you'd think they would learn. I know...
  3. LadyCat

    Prince William Created Duke of Cambridge: April 29, 2011

    I know this is for a different thread but since it's been mentioned here... I hope Catherine does not use the Cambridge Tiara in conjunction with the title. The media is already drawing way to many comparisons between Catherine and Diana, the use of that particular tiara would only exacerbate...
  4. LadyCat

    Prince William and Kate Middleton Current Events 4: February-May 2008

    I sorta, kinda remember something about it, though I think they had been dating for a while (living together at Buck House IIRC) when it happened. Wasn't it Land Rover the broo-hah was over? At any rate, the probability of Kate finding anyone to employ her are very slim, she doesn't have...
  5. LadyCat

    Crown Prince Frederik's 40th Birthday: May 26, 2008

    I think it was rather nice of the Birthday Boy to share the spotlight with Daniel. Frederik had to know that speculation regarding Victoria and Daniel would overshadow the fact that it was a celebration of his 40th birthday, as well it did. It was nice to see the young royals get together in...
  6. LadyCat

    Prince William and Kate Middleton Current Events 4: February-May 2008

    I'm not real sure what to make of this particular story, though I really doubt anyone close to the Queen voiced her opinion to anyone at any media source. The Queen probably knows how hard it would be for Kate to find a job, any potential employer would know she comes with a huge paparazzi...
  7. LadyCat

    Prince William and Kate Middleton Current Events 4: February-May 2008

    The only "gospel" I can state regarding Kate and anything I've read or heard in the media is that she is obviously discreet, loyal and suitable to William, and this "gospel" comes more from what doesn't appear in the media as Kate is remarkably silent and has never been directly quoted to my...
  8. LadyCat

    Crown Princess Mary's Eveningwear Part 2: May 2008 - January 2009

    can't blame her for the green coat, at least it protected what appears to be a lovely dress from the rain. And it looks a lot better that the yellow Margrethe wore over her fuchsia!:eek: Cat
  9. LadyCat

    Crown Princess Mary Scholarship Event: 2005-2018

    Perhaps it supplemented the funds she already had and that enabled hr to study there a year? Cat
  10. LadyCat

    Prince William and Kate Middleton Current Events 4: February-May 2008

    It's not so much the unflattering articles about Kate/Catherine, but the total lack of credibility. The D----- Mail has a habit of printing wild speculation under the guise of "news" and contradicting itself a week later. The stories of Wills and Kate not attending Peter's wedding because they...
  11. LadyCat

    May 2008: "King, Kaiser, Tsar" by Catrine Clay

    Willy definitely wanted a navy to rival the British Royal Navy and he was most passionate about seeing it come to fruition given the ever expanding budget he gave the navy. The only reason to have a large navy would be if you planned to use it. I think Clay was mistaken that Willy didn't want a...
  12. LadyCat

    Crown Prince Frederik's 40th Birthday: May 26, 2008

    I'm sure Isabella's looks will change over the next year or so. At almost two, my granddaughter looks very different from the way she looked at 12 months. Funny how their looks can change in such a short time. Cat
  13. LadyCat

    Prince Joachim of Denmark and Marie Cavallier: May 24, 2008

    It is a tradition with the Danish Royal family to marry a foreigner. I don't know exactly why but that's the way it is. Cat
  14. LadyCat

    Crown Prince Frederik's 40th Birthday: May 26, 2008

    Love the balcony photos! Christian must be an arm-breaker at his age, and Isabella appears to be a little wiggle-worm. It is so heartwarming to see this little family together. They show very clearly that "duty" and family can mix quite nicely.:wub: Cat
  15. LadyCat

    Victoria, Princess Royal (1840-1901)

    Why would her jewelry been hidden in the basement during WWI? She had been dead several years at the time. I loved the way Vicky managed to get her personal papers and correspondence out of the house prior to her death, just as sh and Frederick had the foresight to spirit the same away from...
  16. LadyCat

    Sarah, Duchess of York Current Events 11: February-July 2008

    Janet, I'm sure all the French members are just thrilled with your suggestions!:biggrin: I like Russo's plan, let's send them all to North Dakota! I doubt they would even be noticed there! I would opt for Siberia but I think they have enough trouble. I haven't seen Sarah's TV...
  17. LadyCat

    Identification of the remains found in 2007: Alexei and Marie (Coble, 2009)

    If Alicky and the girls had survived Ekaterinburg I should think there would have been reports of it. How would the Tsarina and her daughters been able to live anywhere in the world without a single one of them being detected? Cat
  18. LadyCat

    Prince William and Kate Middleton Current Events 4: February-May 2008

    I missed the articles a couple of years ago so all of this broo-hah over Catherine using her own name flew right by me. Once more the D---- Mail had column inches to fill and decided to fill them with ridiculous stories such as this. Though, as always, I have to thank them and their staff for...
  19. LadyCat

    May 2008: "King, Kaiser, Tsar" by Catrine Clay

    I think the author focused on the three cousins and their relationships because they all wore the big "hats" at the crucial time during the war. The contrast between the three rulers really caught my attention and shows that a constitutional monarchy probably would have benefited all three...
  20. LadyCat

    Prince Joachim of Denmark and Marie Cavallier: May 24, 2008

    This has been one of the few threads on any of the royals that has not been riddled with controversy and marred by "scandal", a quite enjoyable change of pace, which I hope continues. Marie was a stunning bride, Mary an elegant and refined Crown Princess whose lovely smile showed her pleasure...
  21. LadyCat

    Crown Prince Frederik's 40th Birthday: May 26, 2008

    Thank you so much for the video links GT! (and thank Emma at CPMB as well). I haven't seen many photos of Henrik in his younger years, quite the handsome devil! And Frederik was an adorable baby. I think both Christian and Isabella look quite a bit like him. Of course, I haven't seen baby photos...
  22. LadyCat

    Prince Andrew, Duke of York Current Events 3: March 2007-September 2008

    It appears to be "old news", the sale was done last September. At any rate, Andrew's office has confirmed the sale and the price. Prince's office confirms sale of house for £15m | UK news | The Guardian Cat
  23. LadyCat

    Future York Weddings

    Andrew got a 3 mil bonus when he sold Sunninghill. Maybe he will set it aside or his daughters' future nuptuals.:whistling: Prince's office confirms sale of house for £15m | UK news | The Guardian Cat
  24. LadyCat

    Prince William and Kate Middleton Current Events 4: February-May 2008

    It is indeed her name and, according to this report, she has always used it. People - Entertainment - However, the Herald Sun claims she is "assuming" or "adopting" the more formal "royal" name. Funny, I thought it was already hers. Kate Middleton assumes formal 'royal' name |...
  25. LadyCat

    May 2008: "King, Kaiser, Tsar" by Catrine Clay

    Finally I get to talk about the war! I have been biting my tongue (fingers) for weeks about the lead up to WWI.:biggrin: If Austria hadn't needed backup, and Germany hadn't been so quick to offer it, there would have been no war. I'm not sure if Willy was just spoiling for a fight and a chance...
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