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  1. TamaraKhan

    State visit from Jordan: January 13-15, 2008

    I agree with you Carlota:wub:, and what is your opinion about princess Lalla Meryam?
  2. TamaraKhan

    State visit from Jordan: January 13-15, 2008

    Thanks shrifia for beautiful pictures. Which gentelman you are talking about?you mean the man who coutrsied the ladies? I wish that princess Lalla meryem will loose some weight, fuller face doesn't suit her,a nd she looks different.
  3. TamaraKhan

    Princess Lalla Salma Current Events: February 2005-September 2011

    This proofs something, lot of people love her, she deserves it.
  4. TamaraKhan

    Princess Lalla Salma's Fashion and Style Part 1: April 2005-March 2009

    That's right, that's one colour which matchs her skin colours very well, sh's one of those royal women who dares and choose some difficults colours, and doesn't keep wearing only the classic and neutral one. As for her day wears, we can say that she made good job and choices.
  5. TamaraKhan

    State visit from Jordan: January 13-15, 2008

    Thanks for videos and pictures. Salma was stunning, you girls you say that she doesn't recycle her clothes enough, here she is, plus that purple colour matchs her very well, in the other hand her jewels were stunning, but maybe a diamond parrure could be a better choice to match the silver...
  6. TamaraKhan

    State visit from Jordan: January 13-15, 2008

    Thanks all for pictures! Lalla Salma is stunning, i must say that her suit is beautiful, it reminds me of what wore Princess Letizia last week on parade, but Salma's suit is more fit and more beautiful color, i also love her hair. I loved too Mulay Hassan, very cute as usual. Queen Rania...
  7. TamaraKhan

    State visit from Jordan: January 13-15, 2008

    That's good news, sounds nice, looking also forward to the photos of the stunning princess Lalla Salma. Maybe the cutie Hashim will come also and we will see him with the cutie pie Moulay Hassan.
  8. TamaraKhan

    Foundation Lalla Salma: Prevention and Treatment of Cancers

    Actually, i also find a bit too much the total pink look, espaecially for the bag, nails, and ring. But i find that pink and purple are the coulors which suit her most, when they are matched with the right accessories, it brings out the fresh snow color of her complexion. Anyway, Salma is...
  9. TamaraKhan

    Crown Princess Mary Jewellery 2: January 2006 - June2008

    I love the gold french Tank Cartier watch that she is wearing lately, i think it's recent one, she has very good taste, actually it's the kind of intomporel and classy accessories that a woman can own.
  10. TamaraKhan

    Princess Lalla Salma's role in Morocco and the Royal Family

    This is exactly what i want to say,people who critisize her should be fair and should know what they want from her,when she makes good job,it's called monopol and it's just for her own image,and when we don't see her a lot,so she's lazy and not hard working,i just gave the example of princess...
  11. TamaraKhan

    Princess Lalla Salma's role in Morocco and the Royal Family

    I personally think that a lot of people here are unfair when it comes to princess Lalla Salma,when her sisters in law do the same "fashion mistakes" or make the same work as members of the royal family they don't have half of critics that she usually has,...and what about the third sister of the...
  12. TamaraKhan

    Queen Rania's official visit to Morocco: May 31-June 2, 2007

    so you call all that dark blush and eyes' shadows simplicity!amazing,and also princess lalla Meryem put a lot of light makeup on her face,that's why maybe she looks like if she put on weight,if you see her arms and face you can see the difference.
  13. TamaraKhan

    Queen Rania's official visit to Morocco: May 31-June 2, 2007

    I totally agree with,I happy that this event shows that Salma who is always compared to Rania or princess lalla Meryem IS OBVIOUSLY THE MOST BEAUTIFUL and natural, i like her smile. I personally don't like what Rania wore,since this is the most important in this discussion nor her strong dark...
  14. TamaraKhan

    Foundation Lalla Salma: Prevention and Treatment of Cancers

    You are talking about this association like if it was an association for trade,i think words like rivalitay and monopol don't have a place in such as issue,imo i think it's good for the people who suffer from an illness like cancer,if they got more interest and aids because a princess made an...
  15. TamaraKhan

    Royals before and after!

    ^well I don't agree with all your sentences,but we agree at least that Rania lost lot of weight,had plastic surergy at least on nose (i believe that botox is not eternal,it stays 3 to 6months depending of the intensity of the product ,and Rania looks in many pictures with no expressions,so i...
  16. TamaraKhan

    Royals before and after!

    It's totally my thoughts,and I could not say it better. For me Mary is exactly the same,unless she lost some weight,i mean no plastic surergy on there,and the pictures posted above are from her at Sydeny Olympics looking tired under sun with nomakeup and no fashion clothes,for me she was still...
  17. TamaraKhan

    Rose Ball, Monaco: 2005 - 2024

    Thanks everybody for beautiful pictures,Charlotte looks wonderful,all is perfect,her makeup,hair and the dress is just awsome!
  18. TamaraKhan

    Cute royal kids

    King of Morocco and Princess Lalla Salma with their children prince Moulay Hassan and Princess Lalla Khadija (posted by shrifia)
  19. TamaraKhan

    Birth of Princess Lalla Khadija: February 28, 2007

    Wonderful pictures,thanks shrifia! I see that the moroccan royal family choose a moroccan magazine,to present the new portrait (not only french magazines like some people accused the king),it was a good idea!,we have also the answer about prince Moulay Rachid is always living in Morocco,and...
  20. TamaraKhan

    Birth of Princess Lalla Khadija: February 28, 2007

    Oh,really?I would like to see that!:bang: It's a shame i can't watch moroccan TV or to have access to moroccan magazines:sad:
  21. TamaraKhan

    Is Rania Popular in Jordan?

    I think she's ,popular like how is any royal to his country,but my question is is she loved by Jordanians, because popular doesn't mean being loved!
  22. TamaraKhan

    Birth of Princess Lalla Khadija: February 28, 2007

    I think in english -ka(in arabic between (r) and (k),like the kh of alan rikhman and -dee -ja(of japan)
  23. TamaraKhan

    Birth of Princess Lalla Khadija: February 28, 2007

    :wub: :wub: :wub: The baby is so cute,I think she's a redhead like her mom! Great choice of name KHADIJA,believe or not I was thinking when Salma had showen her belly, i thought that she will have a daughter and will be named Khadija. Congratulations for the moroccan royal family,and may God...
  24. TamaraKhan

    King Abdullah and Queen Rania Picture thread

    I thought the opposit,he was such as a cutie when he was a kid:flowers: ,we can't say the same when he got older,the same goes for princes Hamzah and Hashim,they were so cute as kids.
  25. TamaraKhan

    King Abdullah & Queen Rania: Current Events Part 21

    I agree with u amina and Leomama,this heighlights looks awful imo,and the quality of hair is very bad
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