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  1. Lusa_Monarquia


    No referendums were offered and the republican constitution does not allow it to be (the monarchic constitution of 1836 allowed it, but republicanism was not strong enough by then... so the king was killed and republic imposed). I believe the only republican country that offered a referendum was...
  2. Lusa_Monarquia


    Well it is a matter of culture, isn't it? How can you say that by 2100 monarchies will disappear? just because in the States that doesn't make sense? Hierarchy exists everywhere! in monarchies, in republics, in companies, even in trains or planes! The world does not live without hierarchy (it...
  3. Lusa_Monarquia


    Hello Smart, welcome to the forum. The monarchies of Europe are now all democracies and, according to the Democracy Ranking (Democracy Ranking) more democratic than some that call themselves republics. Does a President feel "above another human"? or do we treat them as equals? Well it depends...
  4. Lusa_Monarquia

    The Duke and Duchess of Bragança and Family: February 2008- December 2014

    Thanks for Sharing Elsa, really Nice Christmas card :)
  5. Lusa_Monarquia


    Thank you Warren! :)
  6. Lusa_Monarquia

    Restoration of Monarchy in Portugal

    I n my opinion the number of monarchists in Portugal is higher than it shows. There are few monarchists that really show themselves without shame, but there are many others hidden. I believe a large number of population has a empathy with monarchy, but really don't mind about it. In a recent...
  7. Lusa_Monarquia

    Infanta Leonor and Infanta Sofía, News and Pictures Part 4: June 2008 - December 2010

    I must congratulate all Spanish for their beautiful Royal Family :) this two little princess are specially wonderful! :)
  8. Lusa_Monarquia

    Which Country Could Become A Monarchy?

    In Portugal the Pro-Monarchy movement is getting stronger. Portugal Stopped being a Monarchy in 1910 (after the regicide of king and prince in 1908), and Republic was implanted in a very violent way. There was a lot of confusion after that, with revolutions and riots, and in 1926 a military...
  9. Lusa_Monarquia


    My name is Sara. I'm Portuguese. Thanks for the forum :)
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