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  1. Michael HR

    Tsar Nicholas II (1868-1918) and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna (Alix) (1872-1918)

    At last the family can rest in peace and soon together in the fortress. I never thought this would happen in my life time and I am so happy this chapter has come to an end,
  2. Michael HR

    Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna: June 2008-

    Very unlike the Queen to bow to anyone except heads of state (and then I cannot recall if and when), the Pope or a crowned sovereign such as the king of Greece or Queen Beatrix) . I cannot see her bowing to Prince Nicholas but he of course would bow to her as a crowned sovereign. Just my thoughts
  3. Michael HR

    Crash: 7 Victims & Perpetrator Dead, 10 Wounded at Queen's Day 2009

    What a dreadful day. So many innocent people killed and injured and the Royal family in danger. This is not the Holland I knew and loved, used to live in Nijmegen, and my prayers go out to the families at this sad time.
  4. Michael HR

    Who is the Head of the Imperial Family?

    It was changed to the above rule, children and grand children, as the Tsar thought there would be to many Grand Dukes and the cost from the Tsar's funds would be to high hence the rule.
  5. Michael HR

    Tsar's Murder: Court Cases

    Can we not all wait for the final reports to be published in this matter and then we can discuss to our hearts content. at present it just seems that we are going in circles with this subject and getting nowhere.
  6. Michael HR

    Who is the Head of the Imperial Family?

    I think it was regarded as valid if only for the reason that they were both Grand Duke/Duchess and the Tsar would not have done this if it was not acceptable to him. I think however they took some time to bestow the title on his wife but that may have been more to do with the Empress who was not...
  7. Michael HR

    Who is the Head of the Imperial Family?

    Nicholas could have done and was thinking of this before Alexis was born. Once Alexis came along they did not change the Pauline laws. He might have had a battle with the other members of the family who fell in line but as Tsar he could change had he wished and had the backbone. Even with Alexis...
  8. Michael HR

    Languages spoken by Nicholas, Alexandra and Family

    Sorry folks but I do not understand what difference it makes either way with regard to German. Even if they did it would have been at school room level as suggested by the school books and the language would not be in common usage in the household or court. Russian, French and English seem to...
  9. Michael HR

    Tsar Nicholas II (1868-1918) and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna (Alix) (1872-1918)

    What I would give to sit down over afternoon tea with Prince Nicholas. I would learn more in one afternoon I think than I have in 40 years.
  10. Michael HR

    Russia: Past and Present Imperial and Princely Families

    Fab site! well worth a visit
  11. Michael HR

    Alexei and Haemophilia

    I know it may be nice to confirm if Alexis suffered from hemophilia but as his remains have been identified does it make any difference? We know he died with his family in 1918 so I am not sure why we need to know this unless the DNA test just happened to confirm it as well. Is it not time to...
  12. Michael HR

    Alexei and Haemophilia

    I see your point and I suppose that would be interesting to confirm or not the long held theory about Alexis. Should I thought be quite easy if there is a DNA code?
  13. Michael HR

    2009 Identification of the remains found in July 2007

    Whilst confirming the gene would be interesting it actually makes little difference as Alexis is confirmed as being there with one of the Sisters and seems all are accounted for across the two pits. I have argued for some time that they should simply publish all the markers thus showing the...
  14. Michael HR

    2009 Identification of the remains found in July 2007

    Thank God that's now over and done with. I have argued for months that we needed the markers to account for all and that is now done. This should now be the end to the matter once and for all.
  15. Michael HR

    2009 Identification of the remains found in July 2007

    As far as I can remember it was his Brother who was used for the DNA. GD George as I remember?
  16. Michael HR

    2009 Identification of the remains found in July 2007

    All they have to do is to show the right number of DNA markers -v- the family and that is the end of it. Not difficult I would have thought? The world awaits
  17. Michael HR

    Could Nicholas II have changed the Imperial Succession?

    Was not Michael killed first? If he was then on the death of Alexis the throne would have passed to the next in line. But at the time it was in the favor of Michael who handed power to the government bringing to an end the dynasty
  18. Michael HR

    2009 Identification of the remains found in July 2007

    This argument just goes on and on. I agree with Warren and will wait and see
  19. Michael HR

    Who is the Head of the Imperial Family?

    Russia is not a member of the European Court sadly. I agree that Kyril's line is not my favorite for the reasons stated by others. I feel the Russian people should choose who if anyone they wish as Emperor.
  20. Michael HR

    Identification of the remains found in 2007: Alexei and Marie (Coble, 2009)

    If they have the four DNA patterns they can show that there are four closely matched DNA thus showing siblings from the Empress and Emperor and that would account for the four daughters. Surely that should be quite easy to show? No problem Bear.
  21. Michael HR

    Identification of the remains found in 2007: Alexei and Marie (Coble, 2009)

    Once again this seems to be going in circles. Should we not all wait for the DNA results to see what they say? I agree with Bear that I would like to see four nDNA showing four separate daughters of the Tsar and Tsarina thus accounting for all female members beyond any doubt and further...
  22. Michael HR

    Tsar Nicholas II (1868-1918) and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna (Alix) (1872-1918)

    The reds were far worse than the Tsarist dynasty IMHO
  23. Michael HR

    Anna Anderson's claim to be Grand Duchess Anastasia

    Is this argument that goes on for pages with each side throwing the same stats at each other running out of steam? DNA shows that Anna Anderson was not a Grand Duchess and anything she said is besides the point? DNA is conclusive and proves she was not a Grand Duchess and surely the more...
  24. Michael HR

    Tsar's Murder: Court Cases

    if Maria goes after money etc that will be the end of her, thankfully.
  25. Michael HR

    Anna Anderson's claim to be Grand Duchess Anastasia

    Alexandra must have known German as she spent a large part of her youth living there as well as England. I always thought that English and German would have been her two first languages and spoken fluently by her. French would have followed and then Russian. While the Empress spoke German like a...
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