Long or Short Hair?

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May 10, 2006
Long or Short hair?

What do you think? Which Royals look better with long or short hair?

Here are a few examples:


Long hair:
Short hair:

In my opinion Letizia looks a million times better with longer hair!
The bob just doesn't grow on me..


Long hair
Short hair

I think both, long hair and short hair, suit her... but I definitely prefer her with long hair!


Long hair:

Short hair

I prefer MM having shorter hair... IMO she has wonderful hair, but it starts to look a little messy when it's too long.. she doesn't seem to care that much about it then.
On the other hand: I love her long, blonde hair when she has it done nicely!

Countess Alexandra

Short hair looks great on her! Cannot imagine her with longer hair!

Märtha Louise

Short hair
Longer hair
Faked long hair

IMO Märtha belongs to the group of people who look great with shorter hair!
It was funny to see her with (faked) long hair... but I think I prefer her with shorter hair!
The way she has her right now... sometimes it looks messy... sometimes good.

Ari Behn

Short hair
Longer hair

I liked his longer hair. :D


With bob
ImageShack - Hosting :: yourneytousa1976wk0.png Scanpix

Like Märtha Louise: I think short hair suited her well!

What's your opinion?
Which Royal woman/ man ( ;) ) looks better with short hair, who looks better with long hair?
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Both suit her.. i just don't like when she do curls with her short hair..... terrible. I prefer LONG hair, she has a beautiful hair, long hair suit her very well..

Definitely LONG HAIR... I don't like short hair for her..

Long Hair!

Martha Louise
Both, she always looks great!

" *Love Is Like A Rose In Winter,Only The Strong Survives* My Favorite Rose: Felipe & Letizia
Letizia: Either way I think is fine! She had a more youthful look with the longer hair and now her hair seems to be more serious. Not that there is anything wrong with that but it's just very simple and blunt. Over a long period of time I'm not sure Letizia's current hair is going to be all that exciting.

Mary: I never really liked the long hair that she had when she first got married. It was always fixed nicely but it just makes her face seem so long. The short hair was fine but I little too dull to last a long time. Therefore, I prefer her current medium length hair that she has right now. She has plenty of layers to add excitement and yet it's long enough to do up nicely.

Mette-Marit: I think I prefer it longer. She has this little kid look to me when she gets it cut a little above the shoulders or a little under the shoulders. I think I say this because her hair is always cut so bluntly, little to no layers. If they would cut her hair to have an overall shorter length but add some movement with some nice face framing layers it wouldn't look like kids hair. I say a kid's hair because usually little girls don't have lots of layers and things like that in their hair it's pretty much all one length.

Martha-Louise: I have to say both! She is one royal that I watch for mostly to see what new style she has.

What about Maxima?
Long hair:
ANP Beeldbank
ANP Beeldbank

Shorter hair:
ANP Beeldbank
This pic was soon after the birth of Alexia she cut her hair and had bangs.

I think for Maxima I prefer the longer hair. Her hair not always in place which she is criticized for but I think that is somewhat part of her appeal at times. She gets in there and does her job and who cares if a few strands are out of place.
For Máxima I prefer long hair, she looks much better!

Her Majesty I have to say that I LOVE your sweet avatar!
" *Love Is Like A Rose In Winter,Only The Strong Survives* My Favorite Rose: Felipe & Letizia
Letizia- Definately long hair. She looks pretty with the short hair- not with curls- but it makes her look too old, I think. The longer hair was very youthful. She just needs to make it more lively, kind of like it was at the begining of her marriage. Back right before she got it cut, it was boring and blah.

Mary- Definately long hair. The short just didn't look good on her. I also like her length now, kind of medium.

Mette-Marit- Definately long. She looks odd with short hair, no offense to her.

Ari- Long hair makes him look younger and "sexier".

Martha-Louise- She looks really very nice in long and short hair, IMO! But don't do the fake long hair, it's just too, well, fake.

Maxima- Long hair, long bangs. She looks strange with short hair.
Letizia looks better in long hair.
Mary looks better in long hair too.
Mette-Marit looks better in long hair, short hair doesn't and didn't suit her at all.
Queen Sonja in short hair, but not as in the old photos that you have posted Her_Majesty, the haircuts are very old fashioned.
Martha Louise in both, but I would go with the short haircut more.
Ari looks better in a long hair but if he only trims his beard a little he would look more handsome.
Maxima looks better in long hair.
As for Andrea and Pierre of Monaco, they both look better in long hair.
Letizia looks better with long hair; she has an angular face and the shorter style just doesn't suit her as well.
Mary looks beautiful no matter what.
Mette-Marit looks lovely as well, but I do prefer the shorter do on her. But, she has a pointy chin so she needs to be careful, too. Longer hair makes her look softer, but it also tends to looks less polished so its a catch 22
Queen Sonja looks lovely except when she has on that modern gold tiara :O
Martha Louise--short hair, and please, no more extensions. She looks silly
Ari--long hair, long hair, long hair--he is so gorgeous. He's easily the best looking royal spouse
Maxima always looks great, to me, and I like the longer hair on her.
Mary looks great with both long and slightly above the shoulders length. Long or short she's still fabulous in my book.

Mette Marit. Honestly, I believe she looks great with her hair a tad shorter than it is now. She's uniquely beautiful, in my opinion, so what ever length she has, she still looks fierce.

Letizia, again, like Mary she can get away with long or short hair. It all depends on how it's styled. Nonetheless, Letizia is so laid back chic.

Maxima. Oh I don't know.

Martha Lousie. She gets a free pass.

Ari. Long or short he looks fine. Although, with the long hair he looks like my high school art teacher who used to wear his ratty Birkenstocks every single day no matter if it was raining.

Mathilde. She's such a beautiful woman, but I like it when it is slightly below her ears.
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I like maxima better with shorter hair. For the same reason why I like Mette-marit better with short hair:
She cannot have her hair long without having kind of a messy hairdo.
Máxima's hair is always blown in all directions, looks unbrushed or whatever.
So: I prefer shorter hair!
For Máxima and MM! ;)

This just happends too often when they have their hair long:

Two more Princesses who look great with short hair:


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Letizia-Definitely long hair.I love her long hairs!
Mary-Both of them!
Mette-Marit-Short hair is good!
Ari Behn-He looks wonderful with long hair!
Sonja-Short hair is good!
Maxima-Both of them!
Martha-Louise-Both of them!
I think that Mette-Marit's braided hair at Holmenkollen shows that she can look good with long hair, as long as something is done with it - as long as she doesn't just keep it in the same old do. Medium length tend to suit her best.
To me, women in general are far more pretty with long hair, with some exceptions though . All the ladies you've mentioned are prettier with long hair, especially Letizia, who is absolutely stunning with her long brown hair :rolleyes:.

Ari, is, to me, better looking with short hair .
Maxima = shorter hair since her hair is a bit thin and tends to get messy easily. It looks great when she puts it up though.

Mary = she looks great either way, she does a good job managing it, it rarely looks messy. My favorite on her is shoulderlength.

Martha-Louise = longer hair. Not so sure about the blondish dye though.

Sonja = longer as well. But sometimes it seems that it gets a little too long and she has those outward flips going which IMO are really ugly.

M-M = shorter hair since she rarely does anything with it and like Maxima it seems to get messy easily. I do not like the braided Heidi-look either, looks a bit childish.

Air = looks yummy either way. Short hair makes him look distinguised and long hair makes him look bohemian.
This is very interesting to read everyones opinions on the different hair lengths. I wish though that we could add 3 princesses: CP Victoria, Princess Madeleine, and Princess Mathilde. All 3 have not changed their appearances in years. Although I must admit Mathilde's hair is so perfect for her in my opinion that it's difficult to picture her with a different style. But as for the 2 Swedish princesses, I've been very curious for some time now as to what they would look like with a new 'do!
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Mathilde's hair did also slightly change. I have to say the I preferred the longer versions. She never had it really long, but sometimes it was longer, early in her marriage, and also recently before she cut it again.
I will see if I find some pictures.
This is very interesting to read everyones opinions on the different hair lengths. I wish though that we could add 3 princesses: CP Victoria, Princess Madeleine, and Princess Mathilde. All 3 have not changed their appearances in years. Although I must admit Mathilde's hair is so perfect for her in my opinion that it's difficult to picture her with a different style. But as for the 2 Swedish princesses, I've been very curious for some time now as to what they would look like with a new 'do!

I would like to see more photos of Victoria with her hair down. I have only seen one, but she looked quite lovely. She has long hair, but always wears it pulled back.
Maxima = shorter hair since her hair is a bit thin and tends to get messy easily.

I have to disagree. Maxima has a very wide face and jaw. Plus, with her thin limp locks short hair on her would look gawd awful hideous. She needs to sew or glue in a weave or something if she wants to keep it below the shoulders.
Only women with "perfect" faces can wear short hair. Long hair hides imperfections. Imo, only Mathilde and Mette-Marit could wear short hair.

Letizia and Mary's short hair make them look older and tired. Maxima would look bad with a short hair since her face is already a bit large. But short and healthy hair is better than long, fryed and dry hair. :whistling:
concerning rania the pictures with the long hair looks very nice..ut overall i think that "short" hair..and imo none of the ladys well maybe martha louise wears really short hair...anyway..loos good on her to..so i would say short hair for most of them...ut thats just a matter of taste..
well, I present my opinion:
Letizia: long hair, best for her is curles.
Mary: I like her with short straight hair. lookes very stylish.
Mette-Marit: definitly long hair.
Martha-Luisa: I like her current haitcut. she lookes nice and young.
Ari Behn: short hair, because when they are long I always want him to wash his head :lol:
Victoria: long hair.
Mary- Prefer long but also hair shoulder length looks good. Shorter than shoulders doesnt look good.
Letizia - Long
Mette-Marit - Short, no longer than shoulder length
Mathilde - Really short
Martha Louise - Current/Short
Maxima - Long
Victoria - Long
apart from the question of long or short hair, i am really curious to know if there are any royal girls with natural curly hair because they all seem to have straight hair apart from fergie in the 80s which i guess was permed.
apart from the question of long or short hair, i am really curious to know if there are any royal girls with natural curly hair because they all seem to have straight hair apart from fergie in the 80s which i guess was permed.

Infanta Leonor has a natural curly hair ;)

I think Countess Alexandra of Denmark has a natural wave in her hair but I wouldn't call it "curly".
Lalla Salma is well-known for having curly hair.
Infanta Leonor has a natural curly hair ;)

I think Countess Alexandra of Denmark has a natural wave in her hair but I wouldn't call it "curly".

I tend to think that Infanta Elena also has wavy hair, but the length and weight is pulling it down. If you look around her temples, you can see the curls.
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