The Book of Royal Lists

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Heir Presumptive
Aug 10, 2003
United Kingdom
I came across this amazing book containing lists about the British royal family. Since it was published in 1981 -it is horribly out of date, but it is worth a laugh and a few discussions
Three Things that are under Buckingham Palace

1. A Sewer (I remember in 2000, a special project was put together to exterminate spiders that we found there.
2. A Underground line (to take members of the RF to safety if the need arose)
3. A corspe (the Shah of Persia had one of his servants killed on the property and although they looked for the body, it wasn't found.)

17 Physical Percularities of the British Royals

1. Anne Bolyn was born with three breasts and an extra pinky on one of her hands
2. Queen Anne was very large and very short. Her coffin was nearly twice as wide as it was long
3. Queen Mary shrank as she grew older.
4. William the Conqueror was known to jump on to his war horse with full armour on - a deed which showed his great strength (poor horse)
5. Queen Mary was 4 inches taller than his husband William of Orange.
6. Catherine of Aragon's hair was so long in reached down to her ankles, she wore it loose at wedding.
7. Edward IV was said to be almost 7 foot tall
8. James I's tongue was too large for his mouth resulting in a speech impediment, his one leg was also severally shorter than the other and was known to constantly adjusting his codpiece.
9.Henry III had very large fatty eyelids, that covered the pupils of his eyes.
10. Queen Victoria had large bosoms, which she concelled in her clothing. She also instructed painters to make her look better. Oddly enough she later commented in her diary that Queen Alexander, her daughter in law was as "flat as a board"
11. Queen Matilda, wife of William the Conqueror was 4 feet and 2 inchs. Charles I was 4 foot 7 inches.
12. The Queen Mother's shoe size was 3 and a half.
13. King Edward I leg's were short, but the matter was made worst by the fact that his arms were over a yard long.
14. Henry VIII was so large a special pulley was constructed to help put him on the saddle.
15. Edward the Confessor was an albino.
16. William of Orange was rumoured to be a hunchback. His father in law, George II also noted that he resembled a baboon rather than a man.
17. Princess Andrew once remarked that Prince Andrew, like Prince Philip both hunched their shoulders and picked up their eyes when something excited or confused them.
7 Members of the Royals who have been spanked

1. Priince Charles was disciplined on several occasions for sticking his tongue out to the crowd, slipping ice down the backs of footmen, at Cheams for switching his fellow class mates caps around on their pegs with a cricket bat.
2. George VI was caned for letting out fireworks during Guy Fawkes. He was sentenced to six stroked but disputed it as the cane broke on the fourth stroke and they found another cane and continued the punishment.
3. Prince Micheal of Kent was caned at Eton by the Headmaster for mobbing in the corridors.
4. Princess Anne was smacked by the Duke of Edinburgh for refusing to wear a sweater during winter.
5. The Queen was smacked by her nanny for scratching in the toolbag of a visiting repairman to her nursey.
6. Queen Mary was smacked on a regular occassion through the orders of Anne Boleyn, her step-mother.
7. Prince William of Denmark was publically smack by his sister, Queen Alexandra with the scroll of the civil address given to her by the major shortly before.

10 Royal Collections

1. George V started the great royal stamp collection, he also collected snuff boxes
2. King George III collected books - over 50 000 books and 5 000 bibles. (impressive at the time)
3. Prince Charles collects loo seats.
4. The Duke and Duchess of Windsor collected china dogs
5. Prince Philip collects cartoons and caricatures of himself and keeps them in his loo at Sundringham.
6. George IV collected fine paintings and furniture, although he was criticised then for his spending. His collection now forms the basis of the Queen's collection
7. Queen Victoria collected death bed photos and sketches of family and friends.
8. Queen Victoria also had a collection of marble sculptures of her husband Albert's eyes and all of her children's hands
9. Queen Mary collected jade figurines, china, tea cadies and family portraits and minitures.
10. Prince Charles collected trolls figurines, they were once displayed on his mantlepiece.
4 Unusual possessions of Royals

1. The government of France gave the Queen the world's smallest watch (five-sixteenths of an inch in diameter) she lost it on a walk and they replaced it with another one.
2. Prince Charles brought two miniature chastity belts. He told the press he was going to use them as loo paper holders.
3. Henry VII was treasured possession was St. George's left leg.
4. The Queen Mother's most tresured possession was a racehorse commentary system. Even if the race was not on the radio the Queen Mother was able to hear the commentary at the event.

18 Gifts given to Royal Family by their family

1. A pink wooden rocking horse - given to Prince Andrew by Prince Charles, he had made it in woodshop. (Must have wanted another sister)
2. Every year George VI gave the Queen Mother Chelsea China for her birthday.
3. Miniture Gardening tools - Queen Mary gave a set to Princess Elizabeth for her 7th birthday.
4. A bowl and a pot - Prince Andrew gave them to the Queen Mother, he had made them in art.
5. Miniature Aston Martin complete with 007 goodies - given to Prince Andrew by his parents.
6. Queen Mary gave Prince Charles a silver gilt cup for his christening, THe cup had been given to George VI by George III.
7. Prince Charles gave the Princess Royal and mark Phillips a pair of leather gun cases for their wedding.
8. Queen Mary gave Princess Elizabeth a clockwork monkey for her 3rd birthday.
9. Prince Philip gave Prince Charles a miniature polo mallet on his 13th birthday.
10. On Prince Philip's 40th birthday, Prince Charles gave him a caroon dran by himself depicting his aging father standing on a bottle of hair restorer.
11. Princess Margaret gave the Queen and Prince Philip a pinic set for their wedding.
12. King George Vi sent three braces of grouse to the Duke of Windor from hospital shortly before he dies.
13. Prince Philip gives the Queen a bunch of white flowers every year on their anniversary, every year it gets bigger.
14. Lord Mountbatten gave Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip a cinema for their wedding.
15. Edward VIII gave George V a gold soup bowl for Christmas. King George wanted the bowl but didn't want to buy it for himself so he got several members of the family to drop hints about.
16. Queen Mary gave Princess Elizabeth and Princess Maragret musical cornation mugs.
17. George VI was a expert in petit point ( a type of needle craft) He presented the Queen Mother with a dozen chair covers that he had done himself for the Royal Lodge.
12 Naughty moments for the British Royals

1. Prince Charles threw the moderator of the Church of Scotland in to the fountain at Balmoral.
2. Princess Margaret enjoyed putting acorns into any shoes and boots left outdoors.
3. Edward VII would often terorise his tutor. He would make face, spit and throw things at the young man.
4. Prince Andrew was caught tobogganing down the stairs at Buckingham palace with a silver tea tray. He also tied laces together while laying under tables and chairs. He also poured bubble bath into the Windsor fountain and was later talked to in the navy for watching blue movies in the Mess.
5. George VI and Edward VIII would often hide in the trees to avoid their tutor.
6. Princess Anne was continuously walk in front of the sentries to get them to stand at attention.
7. Prince Philip let a sty of pigs loose on the Countess of Hesse's tea party when her was 5. He later took one of his parents' persian rugs and attempted to sell it outside their house in Paris.
8. The Queen poured ink over her head as she was frustrated at her french lessions.
9. Princess Diana ripped the wirring out of her step-mother's Raine's stero-player after she was not allowed using it.
10. Prince Edward covered himself with honey at the tea with Prince Andrew and Diana and Charles Spencer.

The book is by : Craig Brown and Lesley Cunliffe (Routledge & Kegan Paul :1982)
O, my. That is some funny and interesting minor things.
I don't get Charles' fascination with toilet (loo) seats. :confused: I think that is a little revolting. :p
Maybe he´s thinking of the throne! :)
Interesting. Too bad that was published too early to include anything on William or Harry. Now that would be even more interesting to read.
9 books about Tonga:

Lonely Planet Tonga by Matt Fletcher. This travel guide includes facts about Tonga's history.

Shirley Baker and the King of Tonga by Noel Rutherford. Examines English minister Shirley Baker's relationship with Tupou I, Tonga's first king.

Queen Salote of Tonga: The Story of an Era 1900-1965 by Elizabeth Wood-Ellem. An extensive biography that gives an in-depth account of Queen Salote's skills in building and maintaining the loyalty of her people.

Salote: Queen of Paradise by Margaret Hixon. Biography.

Queen Salote and Her Kingdom by Sir Harry Luke. Published in 1954. The author was the governor of Fiji. Out of print, but available from Alibris.

Friendly Queen by Hector Macquarrie. The story of Tonga and its queen. Published in 1955. Available from Alibris.

His Majesty King Taufaahau Tupou IV of the Kingdom of Tonga by Amanaki Taulahi. An official biography of the current king of Tonga, published in 1995. Sometimes available from Alibris.

Kinship to Kingship by Christine W. Gailey is about gender hierarchy and state formation in the Tongan islands. From Alibris.

Obscure Kingdoms: Around the World in Search of Royal Courts by Edward Fox. Published in 1993. The author travelled to Tonga, Oman, Nigeria, Swaziland, and Java. Part travel book and part commentary on kingship and its traditions. Out of print, but available from Alibris.
17 Physical Percularities of the British Royals

1. Anne Bolyn was born with three breasts and an extra pinky on one of her hands
:bang: oh my .. if the other points on this list are as much bullsh*t as this point... .

Anne Boleyn was a normal girl, nothing wrong with her. That stuff was made up later, much of it in Queen bloody Marys times to let the replacement of her mother look like a witch. :ermm:
4 Unusual possessions of Royals

6. Queen Mary gave Prince Charles a silver gilt cup for his christening, THe cup had been given to George VI by George III.

George III had been in his grave a long time before George VI came into this world.
is there anything on the list that *is* true? :)
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