The Babywatch.

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Here's the article. It's late here and I have to get up early so I don't have time to translate...but for all you out there who can manage norwegian/swedish/ you go!

Til Rikshospitalet i natt

Kronprinsesse Mette-Marit er lagt inn på Rikshospitalet i forbindelse med den forestående fødselen, bekrefter Slottet nå i de tidlige morgentimene.

På Føden. Kronprinsessen ble innlagt i natt.
# - Kronprinsesse Mette-Marit på Rikshospitalet - 17.01.04
# Mette-Marit i fin form etter kontroll - 18.01.04
# Kongen til Riksen - men hvor er kronprinsessen? - 21.01.04
# Lytt til radio via nett - 12.12.03

- Jeg kan bekrefte at kronprinsessen er lagt inn, sier informasjonsrådgiver Sven Gj. Gjeruldsen.

Kronprinsesse Mette-Marit ankom Rikshospitalet i en kortesje på tre biler. I den midterste bilen satt kronprinsessen og kronprinsregent Haakon, som selv kjørte sin kone til sykehuset.
Fin form

Kronprinsessen har den siste tiden vært til jevnlig kontroll på sykehuset. Hun har ikke hatt noe offisielt program siden før jul, men kunne så sent som lille julaften bekrefte at alt sto bra til og at formen var fin.

Det er lange ventelister for å få føde på nye «Riksen», noe som førte til at sykehuset i fjor måtte avvise 650 fødende. For tiden er det så fullt at korridorene er tatt i bruk på barselavdelingen, men det gjelder selvsagt ikke for en fødende kronprinsesse.

- Vi skal nok rydde plass for den kongelige fødselen når den tid kommer, sa klinikkoverlege, professor Thomas Åbyholm, til NTB for en kort tid tilbake.
Offentliggjort 4. juli

Den 4. juli i fjor, på dronning Sonjas 66-årsdag, kunngjorde kongehuset at kronprinsesse Mette-Marit og kronprins Haakon ventet sitt første barn sammen. Bare to dager tidligere ble vesle Maud Angelica båret til dåpen av sin bestefar kong Harald, samme dag som 100-årsdagen for kong Olavs fødsel ble feiret.

Det var kronprins Haakon som selv orienterte regjeringen i statsråd om at kronprinsesse Mette-Marit var gravid.

Kronprinsparets førstefødte blir nummer to i arvefølgen til tronen - uansett om det blir en gutt eller jente. Den lille skyver dermed prinsesse Märtha Louise og hennes datter Maud Angelica et hakk lenger ned på listen.

Kronprinsparet har i flere intervjuer gjennom årene gitt uttrykk for at de ønsker seg barn. Med studiene i London bak seg og en ny familieleilighet på Skaugum ferdig like før jul, kunne tidspunktet ikke passet bedre.

Storebror Marius, som fylte sju år 13. januar, begynte på Jansløkka skole like ved Skaugum ved skoleårets start sist høst.

oops! forgot to add the car :innocent:
Thanks for the info. I know as of 15 min. ago, no news on if she'd given birth. Can anyone translate?
She's back again. It's coming!
Dagbladet's front page is saying that "all signs point to the heir to the throne being born shortly..." Hmmm...I want to wait up and see what happens but I'm already falling asleep!!!
I am so staying up for this one! I missed Sophie and Edwards birth and Willem Alexander and Maxima's...Not missing this one! Good luck to MM and Hakkon!

Here's the article from Dagbladet with a VERY quick translation...

Basically, they're saying that the CP had been into the office before but now that she's been admitted in the middle of the night, that all signs point to a royal birth happening.

They then asked if they could assume (due to the time) that this wasn't planned...Gjeruldson replied that he couldn't comment on that.

The crown couple came to the hospital a little after 4 a.m with an extensive escort and police. The cars went in the backway...apparently Martha came too. It is unknown whether others in the family came with the CP.

The article then talks about how Princess Martha chose to have accupuncture when she gave birth to Maud. The hospital has said that MM will also have it, but the palace will not confirm that.

The last part of the article just mentions that she's due tomorrow (the 22nd) and that the palace issued a small statement at 5, not really saying much but that they'll issue a formal statement on the royal website after the president of the parliament is notified.

So...I guess keep your eyes out for that! Good luck, royal baby watchers...I'm off to find some sleep :)
Acupuncture helps? I'd think that needles would not be plesant during labour. Very cool to see that Mette-Marit and Martha Louise are good friends!
Ok...I lied. I'm still awake. I can't stop looking!

Dagbladet is posting this article :

They are saying that one in five men don't think that the new baby, if a princess, should be the heir to the throne. UGH!!! Haven't they taken a good look at Victoria? I think they're still living in caves!!! :lol: (The men who think that a girl shouldn't be queen still live in caves, NOT the Norwegians!)
Yes, really. Look to Sweden, Norwegians. There will be a great queen there one day!
Yeah...acupuncture is great for pain. It basically revs up your body's own "pain blocking" system in your brain - without the grogginess of anesthetics!
Quick translation of the Dagbladet article on the polls:

Of which kronprinsesse Mette Marit give birth a a girl , only one in five men that girl no matter ought to inherit the throne. 20,7 per cent of men think that Norway ought to stand fast against foregoing the tradition., Few women consider it as well.Only 4 per cent of Norwegian women seem to think that only boys should inherit the throne. Elderly are they mainly sceptical.
Apologies LTR members....

In my rush to quickly translate that article, I "misspoke". The article said that the cars went in the back way, LIKE they did when Martha came in - NOT that she was there with the crown couple. They then said that they didn't know if any other family members were along... SORRY! My sleepy eyes are deceiving me! :flower:
That makes sense (the needles building up the pain tolerance).
as for the men only ruling idea, my personal opinion (not supported by LTR or any one at Invasion Board) is that's so not fair, and out of date. I'm happy that the Norse amongst others are reconizing the rights of females :)
Thanks, Holly, but I'm winging it though based on a service and my understanding contexts.
Kronprinsparets becomes second in the order of succession at the throne no matter about facts becomes a boy or a girl.

Is that so? Yes, cool. Sorry. I thought they meant Mette-Marit. My head at this late hour!
In another sentence they said that they announced that she was pregnant on July 4th?

Name article:

"Ingeborg, Olav. . . eller Guttorm

De heteste navnetipsene til kronprinsparets førstefødte er Ingeborg og Olav. Men det finnes et utall andre tradisjonelle navn å velge mellom.

Kjært kongebarn har mange navn. Det er vanlig å gi kongelige babyer mange fornavn. Vår nye tronarving vil helt sikkert få to navn. Spørsmålet er om kronprinsparet overrasker med å gi sin førstefødte også et navn fra kronprinsessen familie, altså Tjessem-Høiby-grenen.

- Det er ikke noen tradisjon for å gjøre det i Norge. Både konprins Haakon (prins Haakon Magnus red.anm.) og prinsesse Märtha Louise fikk navn etter sin kongelige slekt. Dronning Sonjas bror heter Haakon, så i det tilfellet kan man jo si at kronprinsen er oppkalt etter sin oldefar kong Haakon VII og sin onkel Haakon Haraldsen, sier Dag T.Hoelseth, historiker med blant annet kongsslekter som sitt spesialfelt.

Blir tronarvingen en gutt, er det nærliggende å tro at han vil døpes Olav, etter kong Olav V. Kronprinsesse Mette-Marits far heter Sven Olaf. Høiby, så her vil navnet ha sin bakgrunn fra både kongeslekt og Høiby-grenen.

- Jeg hadde håpet vi slapp Olav for det er så mang andre fine kongenavn. Eirik, Øystein, Inge, Sigurd og Sverre. Min favoritt er forøvrig Guttorm. Kong Guttorm Sigurdsson var barnekonge og døde i 1205, fire måneder gammel. Han regnes ikke i kongerekken. I tilegg hadde kong Harald Hårfagre en sønnesønn som het Guttormsom sier Hoelseth.

Kong Sverre klinger godt for mange, og kronprinsessens morfar het Sverre Tjessem.

Når det gjelder dronningnavn håper og tror Hoelseth på Ingeborg.

- Det er personlig min favoritt. Dessuten har navnet gode tradisjoner, sier historikeren."
Dag T.Hoelseth, historiker med blant annet kongsslekter som sitt spesialfelt.

He's on the Scandinavian Royal Board often and other boards too.
At the end Dag says that his personal favorite would be Ingeborg.
Dag says that there is nothing to tell at 6 a-m. (extra news at NRK TV). Was called up by the first journalist at 05:45...

It is now close to 7:00 CET.
I wish I could stay up and wait to hear about the baby but it's almost 1 am here. My prayers are with Crown Princess Mette-Marit and the family. Good luck to all LTR posters who are waiting up for the good news!! :flower:
According to an article in Adresseavisen on Saturday an 18 year's old girl in Trondheim named Ingeborg has collected 140 signatures supporting the name selection Ingeborg if the Crown prince couple is a girl. The petition is now sent to the Palace!

She also has an alternative if it is a boy: Inge is an old kingly name, while Marius's middle name is Borg (his father's surname), so Ingeborg believes a boy could be called Inge Borg to strengthen the brotherly feeling between them

Here's an article from aftenposten speculating on the name of the baby...

It says:


Beloved royal children have many names. It is common to give royal babies many first names. Our new heir will certainly get to names. The question is if the crown couple with surprise everyone and give their first born also a name from the crown princesses family, accordingly the Tjessem-Hoiby branch.

"It isn't a tradition to do that in Norway. Both crownprince Haakon and princess ML got names after their royal lineage. Queen Sonjas brother is named Haakon, so you can then also say that the crown prince is named after his great-grandfather, King Haakon VII AND his uncle Haakon Haraldsen," says Dag T. Hoelseth, an expert in the royal family.

If the heir is a boy, it is very likely that he will be baptised Olav, after king Olave V. Crownprincess MM's father is named Sven Olaf. Hoiby, so then the name will have a background in both sides of the family.

"I had hoped we forgot Olav because there are so many other fine king names. Eirik, Oystein, Inge, Sigurd, og Sverre. My favorite is Guttorm. King Guttorm Sigurdsson was a child king and died in 1205, four months old. He didn't reign. In addition, had King Harald Harfagre a grandson that was named Guttorm," says Hoelseth.

King Sverre wears well for many, and the crown princess' grandfather is named Sverre Tjessem.

Now concerning queen names Hoelseth hopes for Ingeborg.

"It is personally my favorite. Besides, the name has good traditions," says the historian.
Thanks, Holly. But Ingeborg could be good though.
Obviously, I'm a tool. While I stepped away from my computer to make some popcorn, Dennism started in on this article! Above is the full translation, with apologies for usurping on your news, Dennism!
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