Haakon in Cambodia 2004

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Kronprinsen demonstrerte kondom-bruk

Someone please explain this one to me....

VG Nett - Helse : Kronprinsen demonstrerte kondom-bruk

[size=+3]Kronprinsen demonstrerte kondom-bruk[/size]

KAMBODSJA (VG Nett) Kronprins Haakon tok utfordringen da en kvinne i salen ba ham demonstrere hvordan man trer på en kondom.

Kronprins Haakon er i Kambodsja som goodwill-ambassadør for FN. Torsdag besøkte han HIV-positive og AIDS-syke kvinner som er med på et prosjekt i Wat Preh Dak.

- Det er imponerende å se hvordan folk her står fram og snakker offentlig om hiv/aids. Det man kan snakke om, blir ikke så truende, sa kronprinsen i en spontan tale etter møtet utenfor tempelet, melder NTB.

Han sa at han var blitt svært inspirert av møtet, og at han ville ta med seg erfaringen hjem til Norge.

Til de unge lederne sa han at det hadde vært inspirerende å møte unge og entusiastiske mennesker som arbeider for endringer til det bedre. Han kritiserte spesielt stigmatiseringen av hiv/aids-smittede.

- Stigmatisering er et av de vanskeligste delene av problemet, men det er ingen skam å ha fatt hiv/aids. Alle mennesker har like stor verdi, sa han.

Ble utfordret

Under møtet fortalte kvinnene litt om de utbredte HIV- og AIDS-problemene i Kambodsja. Blant annet blir bruk av kondom sett på som flaut, noe som gjør at mange dropper det. Konsekvensen er at mange blir HIV-smittet.

HIV-positive Yann Touch viste forsamlingen hvordan man trer en kondom på en trepenis.

Etterpå reiste en annen dame i salen seg og spurte om ikke kronprins Haakon kunne vise hvordan man trer på en kondom i Norge.

Kronprinsen tok utfordringen. Han gikk smilende frem og fikk utdelt en kondom, som han deretter tredde på tre-penisen.

- Et eksempel

Etterpå høstet Haakon stor applaus, og ble holdt fram som et eksempel av generalsekretæren i det kambodsjanske forbundet for hiv/aids-syke, doktor Tia Phaella.

- Når selv en kronprins fra Norge kan snakke åpent om aids, er det ingen grunn for oss her til å diskriminere dem som er syke, sa han til NTB.

Kronprinsen kom til Kambodsjas hovedstad Phnom Penh mandag kveld. I dag reiser han hjem til Norge.


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What is there to explain :) Haakon shows, that he´s a modern man and crown prince and that he´s really engaged and interested in the topic HIV and AIDS, and that he´s not just talking about it or greeting people in Norway, who work for organisations.

The article basically says, that Haakon has visited an organisation, which fights against HIV/AIDS. HIV-infected women were deeply impressed by Haakon´s words (he said, that he was inspired by the meeting and will take these experiences home, further he has talked about the discrimination, that people, who suffer from HIV/AIDS have to go through...) and by his demonstration...he has shown how to use a condom.
IMO it´s obvious that this was a little bit embarrassing for him, but therefore it´s even braver, that he did it!
First there was a demonstration by one of the local workers how to put a condom on a wooden penis, and then one of the women in the audience asked Haakon how one does it in Norway... and he took the challenge, and did it.

One of the local workers, or someone, then said that how could putting a condom being shameful, as it's viewed in Cambodia, when the Crown Prince of Norway can be on stage and talk about it, and actually show them how to put it on.
hahaahahaha you're kidding me ! ;)
Amira said:
hahaahahaha you're kidding me ! ;)
AIDS is a serious business and the fact that Haakon had enough courage to demonstrate proper condom use is no laughing matter either. I say Bravo to Haakon.

Lena said:
What is there to explain :) Haakon shows, that he´s a modern man and crown prince and that he´s really engaged and interested in the topic HIV and AIDS, and that he´s not just talking about it or greeting people in Norway, who work for organisations.

The article basically says, that Haakon has visited an organisation, which fights against HIV/AIDS. HIV-infected women were deeply impressed by Haakon´s words (he said, that he was inspired by the meeting and will take these experiences home, further he has talked about the discrimination, that people, who suffer from HIV/AIDS have to go through...) and by his demonstration...he has shown how to use a condom.
IMO it´s obvious that this was a little bit embarrassing for him, but therefore it´s even braver, that he did it!
What's there to explain???? uhm, I don't speak Norwegian so that's why I asked. Of the little I do understand I sort of figured it was UN Aids related issues.

Excellent work Haakon!!!! I'm so proud of him, that was amazing. He is such an inspiration to me.
norwegianne said:
First there was a demonstration by one of the local workers how to put a condom on a wooden penis, and then one of the women in the audience asked Haakon how one does it in Norway... and he took the challenge, and did it.

One of the local workers, or someone, then said that how could putting a condom being shameful, as it's viewed in Cambodia, when the Crown Prince of Norway can be on stage and talk about it, and actually show them how to put it on.
That's great, I mean really. I think this is one of the things that has impressed me most about him. I've always had such great respect for him but this shows him as a modern royal & someome who is willing to do what needs to be done even if it's a bit uncumfy.
Angel S. said:
What's there to explain???? uhm, I don't speak Norwegian so that's why I asked. Of the little I do understand I sort of figured it was UN Aids related issues.
Sorry, I wasn´t sure if you´ve meant the meaning of Haakon´s engagement/work or if there were "linguistic barriers"...obviously it was the second one :)
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