Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 32: Dec.2008 - July 2009

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Jan 29, 2005
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I looked up her University (AUP) awhile ago and found out that it has an agreement with NYU. So it would be possible for her to go to school in the US. Her brother and Tatiana attend NYU grad so I guess it would be an option. The real factor, (IMO) is if she likes NYC enough. NYU does not have a centralized campus and it scattered throughout the city.

I just wish her (well everyone) the best in life and happy holidays to everyone on the forum
She's used to getting around in a major city - Paris isn't exactly the country!:lol: If she is visiting Andrea and Tatiana to see how they live, how they like the city, NYU - seeing the city through the eyes of someone who is living there (as opposed to as a tourist) will help her determine if the pace, people, and daily cost is worth it....IMO - there is NO PLACE like it!!:)
I looked up her American Parisian university awhile ago and found out that it has an agreement with NYU. So it would be possible for her to go to school in the US. Her brother and Tatiana attend NYU grad so I guess it would be an option. The real factor, (IMO) is if she likes NYC enough. NYU does not have a centralized campus and it scattered throughout the city.

I just wish her (well everyone) the best in life and happy holidays to everyone on the forum

American Parisian University? I've never heard of that...

Do you mean American University of Paris (AUP)?
I looked up her American Parisian university awhile ago and found out that it has an agreement with NYU. So it would be possible for her to go to school in the US. Her brother and Tatiana attend NYU grad so I guess it would be an option.

I think you mean AUP? American University of Paris?

Tatiana attended grad school at The New School Eugene Lang College. This school is not NYU.
Yeah, AUP is what I meant (it was a looong night surgery sucks). My bad about Tatiana "In January 2007, she reportedly started graduate studies in Art History at The New School, in Manhattan. -Wiki

So I still stand by part of my statement that she could go to NYU, but I have no clue who is attending there, maybe it is Andrea and I got confused.
Glistening Seas

:) ho ho hooo merry christmas everyone (soon very soon hee) here's hoping everyone including charlotte and the brothers all a merry christmas wherever they are!!! Didn't someone say NYC was getting snow??? brrr Besides it would be surprising to not see the kids in Monaco with PA Caroline and stephanie and all their kids. Don't you think so too. As nice as we all over here have heard NYC is still there's no place like Monaco for the holidays!!!! (it doesn't quite rhyme, but... you get the point!!!) :lol: are there family pics today of them???:harvest::candycane::poinsettia:
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Yeah, AUP is what I meant (it was a looong night surgery sucks). My bad about Tatiana "In January 2007, she reportedly started graduate studies in Art History at The New School, in Manhattan. -Wiki

So I still stand by part of my statement that she could go to NYU, but I have no clue who is attending there, maybe it is Andrea and I got confused.
It could be Andrea at NYU but I don't know because some articles have stated that he is, like Tatiana, enrolled at the New School, but the press are so unreliable much of the time, so there is really no telling for sure. :lol:
Come and Check My Gaff. Mixed exhibition in an empty house in Chelsea. I Petyt Place. London. 16 December 2008
Pic1** Pic2 ** Pic3

She's changed so much since her younger days. I don't know what it is, but I liked her style back then a lot more. She's still gorgeous though.
Is this Chelsea exhibition in private house? It seems like.
I am crazy about Charlotte style here, maybe it is too London like and she is so French-refined girl.
^ I'm totally opposite. I like her exhibition outfit a lot, it's not very hipster or London IMO, it's just young and fresh...unlike the one from the "Family" thread.
I also prefer her outfits when she was younger, I dont think she can carry the hippie look well IMO.
i love her style! charlotte is so gorgeous with that outfit... and she looked that she enjoyed herself so much...
Charlotte change alot since she begun dating alex dellal. I don't know. She seems different.. London change her A-LOT! yup she change....
Its hard to say certain things on here because people are very apt to argue on this subforum and I def don't want to get the forum sued, but

I think she has changed a lot since her grandfather passed away. IMO that is probably what sparked the change and it just may have taken her awhile to show or process it. That's how I also explain the decline of her brother. IMO he was their father or father figure. I don't know their relationship worth Albert, butShe always seemed extremely close to Prince Rainier. I remember seeing the video of him holding her hand and she was a teenage, its was so sweet I think it almost brought tears to my eyes. She (and Andrea) were probably to old to look at Prince EA as more than a stepfather. Don't get me wrong I think she still cares about him and loves him, but nothing will replace Rainer.

I don't know about Dellal, maybe he is a really great guy. Maybe it is her way to rebel. I also find it odd we haven't seen her photographed with him especially at that art exhibit. He seems to be an art guy. Oh well maybe it wasn't his thing.

As I said before we can only wish her the best, so do I. I think someone early one the forum thought I was being a B****, but in my life I wish everyone the best and I don't believe there is some quantity of happiness that diminishes from others.
I agree that London and Alex have changed Charlotte a lot. I'm still not sure if it is a good change or not. I'm not saying that Alex is a bad influence or anything like that, but Charlotte has just lost a little of her class. She seems a lot edgier and more "london" than before. I can't really describe it though.
i think she has change as well, but she has to do it. don´t forget that she´s very young so, i think she will change again and again. look at her mother, when she was a teenager....well.....and now she is a very different person because a lot of things have happened in her life (and i like her as well)
charlotte hasn´t suffered most of that things, but she will change as well and i hope she will be OK with the person she wanted
(i´m sorry because i have written a lot but i make a lot of mistakes)
Hi People!!!

Happy New Year!!:)...There are some pics in isifa of Char...Can somebody post it, PLEASE!!! Thanks a lot in advance!...:flowers:
The pics you may mean, Doncella, the ones that appear first when
you search for her name today, are not new, they show Charlotte
at the opening of the exhibition "Pierre Bonnard" in Paris in February
2006 :)
Well, with Charlotte it seems like ....... she is at an experimental stage in her life, the early 20s, a very exciting time of life, a French girl on the London party scene, what do you expect? 22,23 years old
Can anyone tell me what Charlotte is doing these days? university? post-graduate work?
^^ Attending art galleries.
I think of all the royals over the world she is by far the most beautiful one of them but is it just me but she changed a bit negatively? Maybe because she dresses in a lot in dark colours from what I have seen from her but there's something a bit depressing about her.
I think of all the royals over the world she is by far the most beautiful one of them but is it just me but she changed a bit negatively? Maybe because she dresses in a lot in dark colours from what I have seen from her but there's something a bit depressing about her.

I thought it was just me who felt that way. I agree about her beauty, I think it's astonishing. She is more beautiful than even her mother Princess Caroline was at the same age, IMO.

BUT...Caroline had a certain "spirit" about her that Charlotte seems to be lacking....I like to think it's because we knew more about Caroline back then, her passions, her interests, her intellect. Charlotte is probably much shyer and more private, more mysterious.

Still, there seems to be a strange, dead energy around that young woman that I can't quite put my finger on, especially since she has moved to London. Hopefully she has a spark that just doesn't translate well on camera....
I thought it was just me who felt that way. I agree about her beauty, I think it's astonishing. She is more beautiful than even her mother Princess Caroline was at the same age, IMO.

BUT...Caroline had a certain "spirit" about her that Charlotte seems to be lacking....I like to think it's because we knew more about Caroline back then, her passions, her interests, her intellect. Charlotte is probably much shyer and more private, more mysterious.

Still, there seems to be a strange, dead energy around that young woman that I can't quite put my finger on, especially since she has moved to London. Hopefully she has a spark that just doesn't translate well on camera....

Yes she is beautiful and I agree also about the dead energy but then I thought that was because of the new boyfriend. I thought she was more alive when she dated Felix.
I thought it was just me who felt that way. I agree about her beauty, I think it's astonishing. She is more beautiful than even her mother Princess Caroline was at the same age, IMO.

BUT...Caroline had a certain "spirit" about her that Charlotte seems to be lacking....I like to think it's because we knew more about Caroline back then, her passions, her interests, her intellect. Charlotte is probably much shyer and more private, more mysterious.

Still, there seems to be a strange, dead energy around that young woman that I can't quite put my finger on, especially since she has moved to London. Hopefully she has a spark that just doesn't translate well on camera....
I'm glad i'm not the only one with that opinion. I was doubting if I would even post the suggestion because I thought it looked a bit silly.
I think her beauty is something that you can't see in the royals of this generation but when I see photo's from her when se was with Felix she looked more lively, enjoying life more and just having fun but now she is dating Alex and I just can't see that. I can't really put my finger on it to be honest.
I thought it was just me who felt that way. I agree about her beauty, I think it's astonishing. She is more beautiful than even her mother Princess Caroline was at the same age, IMO.

BUT...Caroline had a certain "spirit" about her that Charlotte seems to be lacking....I like to think it's because we knew more about Caroline back then, her passions, her interests, her intellect. Charlotte is probably much shyer and more private, more mysterious.

Still, there seems to be a strange, dead energy around that young woman that I can't quite put my finger on, especially since she has moved to London. Hopefully she has a spark that just doesn't translate well on camera....

What a wonderful expression, "dead energy" ! If I can put in my two cents' worth, we may agree or disagree about who is the fairest of them all, since beauty is all in the eyes of the beholder. I kind of lean toward Caroline being more beautiful, partly because Charlotte can often look "like the girl next door" (yes, there are a lot of beautiful girls out there), as she can "femme fatale". Caroline never looked like "the girl next door" and never really went for a femme fatale look except for photoshoots. Charlotte is definitely more mysterious and hard to pin down.

I'll venture some explanations as to why Caroline showed more "spirit".
1. I think that being raised as the eldest child in a princely family and carrying and understanding the title of princess from birth must have added to a personality that was already and always (from the biographies and so on) a domineering one. She had "attitude" and showed it. It seems that Charlotte always had a more delicate personality for lack of a better word.
2. Her build is different from Charlotte's build, broader, taller. I think that makes a difference in how others perceive you and in turn how you perceive yourself. She has always accentuated that advantage by wearing very high heels from early adolescence on, carrying herself with her shoulders down and pushed back and tilting her head up. Her demeanor is imposing, and add to that her sparkling smile and habit of laughing her heart out when something amuses her, and it gives her that "spirit" lacking in Charlotte, whose often sulky look, unfortunate habit of standing and walking with shoulders hunched over (a habit she seems to have worked on repairing, thank goodness), and, as someone pointed out, not knowing how to walk in high heels, all give her an awkward look. Her heels are usually too high for her figure anyway, they call attention to themselves too much, and it doesn't have the same effect as on Caroline, whose high heels were better proportioned with her figure or outfit and just enhanced her heigth unobstrusively. Caroline had a lot of presence, with a body language which, even on photographs, showed a "need to move". Having been privileged to see her from up close (with press credentials) at the Jubilee picnic in 1974 with her whole family, when she was 17, she had a way of moving that called irresistible attention on to her, without having to put on a "look at me" manner. She seemed to take after Prince Rainier that way, very at ease, whereas Princess Grace looked stiff and wooden and poor Stephanie looked like she wanted to crawl into a hole. Caroline would have been great at "working the crowds" as they say. Her father, in spite of being said to be shy, could obviously conquer that shyness and seemed very jolly and comfortable. I don't think Princess Grace liked crowds. Also, Caroline never shied at the camera, looking straight at the lens with a combination of simplicity and haughtiness.
3. When Caroline was young, her mother looked already quite middle-aged and started looking frumpy and dowdy compared to her lovely daughter who enjoyed being experimental in her clothing. Caroline, until recently, shared the limelight with her daughter in terms of style, youthful appearance, and had not lost that characteristic ebullience and exuberance, even making her daughter sometimes look a bit dull by comparison. Princess Grace was more low-key, at least in public, so from the age of 15 or 16, Caroline got center-stage attention. Caroline often accompanied her mother with little Stephanie in tow (as for Stephanie's first day of school) and somehow, it looked different from when Charlotte and Alexandra and Caroline are together. Charlotte is often more affectionate in public with Alexandra than Caroline ever was with Stephanie (in public), acting more like a benevolent and a little bored second mum than the big sister. (except for posed pictures as in their skiing vacations).
4. Caroline was brought up with duties and public appearances associated with her rank and manifested leadership qualities from early on, whether carrying her own when meeting important people in gala gowns (such as Prince Charles at 19 or so) or leading Red Cross groups of youth through Monaco in her shorts for fund-raising occasions and so on. Being given state enhancing responsibilities from an early age, she was able to strengthen and hone qualities that were in her from the beginning. Remember that even Princess Diana did not really come into her own until she was comfortable in her role as a princess with the attending responsibilities. Being raised as a princess with the entailing "noblesse oblige" behavior may make a difference.
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