Marie: Possible Future Challenges, Patronages and Successes as Princess of Denmark

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Nov 26, 2003
Marie mentioned at the Engagement press conference that she wasn't sure what she would take up as protectorates and work with. Which causes/organizations do you think she should concentrate on?
The organizations that already have the patronage of the Danish Royal Family - excluding Alexandra's.

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World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses
World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe
Zoologisk Have
We know she enjoys skiing, so maybe something like the Danish skiing association would be something for her to start out with?

Skiportal - Velkommen

And maybe something located in Southern Jutland?
Maybe she will start by taking over a couple of patronages from princess Benedikte or prince Henrik? Princess Benedikte is very active but wonder how long she can keep travelling to Denmark so much to attend to her patronages?
i just hope she doesn't get any fashion patronages. there's already one member of the family doing it, and i don't think it's the best option for someone who tries to hide from a frivolous image. let's wait and see. i'm sure she will get something connected with sports and humanitarian aid. isn't her background in finance? she might as well get something linked with it (perhaps microcredits, just as maxima, maria teresa and mathilde?).
from a frivolous image

Is there any insinuation that Mary herself is "frivolous" for being patroness to such a sector of industry?

Not damning the sited extraction, merely inquiring and wanting to get any misrepresentation out of the way :)
Is there any insinuation that Mary herself is "frivolous" for being patroness to such a sector of industry?

Not damning the sited extraction, merely inquiring and wanting to get any misrepresentation out of the way :)

giving a frivolous image doesn't mean mary is frivolous. it's the whole concept of "what we see", which may, or may not, correspond with reality. (as you see, i'm being extra careful when i say "frivolous image" in order to not enter in discussion about it, as it was discussed endlessly)
i just hope she doesn't get any fashion patronages. there's already one member of the family doing it, and i don't think it's the best option for someone who tries to hide from a frivolous image.

IMO getting a fashion patronage will be fine. Especially consideringe that design i rather impotant for Denmark.
I know I'll get thrown to the wolves for this comment, but since Marie is obviously very fond of animals, maybe she can do something with them.
(I'm suprised she did not have her stinking dog "apple" with her at the press conference yesterday for the annoucement of her engagment since she carries the dumb dog everywhere with her!)

And yes, this is just my opinion, so please do not jump down my throat about it. I personally just do not like it when people treat their dogs or any other animals/pets like a baby or a child. I am not trying to offend anyone with my comments.
But I also do not like hearing about animals that have been abused and/or neglected. I'm not sure if Europe or Denmark even has a problem with this type of thing, but here in the States there is a major problem with this. they are always using well known, high profile stars and musicians to promote different organizations in regards to raising money to help rescue animals in bad situations, rehabilitate them, and adopt them out. They get them the care they need if they are wounded or sick. it's a great cause for someone new to the RF to take up if there is a cause for it.
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I know I'll get thrown to the wolves for this comment, but since Marie is obviously very fond of animals, maybe she can do something with them.
(I'm suprised she did not have her stinking dog "apple" with her at the press conference yesterday for the annoucement of her engagment since she carries the dumb dog everywhere with her!)

And yes, this is just my opinion, so please do not jump down my throat about it. I personally just do not like it when people treat their dogs or any other animals/pets like a baby or a child. I am not trying to offend anyone with my comments.
But I also do not like hearing about animals that have been abused and/or neglected. I'm not sure if Europe or Denmark even has a problem with this type of thing, but here in the States there is a major problem with this. they are always using well known, high profile stars and musicians to promote different organizations in regards to raising money to help rescue animals in bad situations, rehabilitate them, and adopt them out. They get them the care they need if they are wounded or sick. it's a great cause for someone new to the RF to take up if there is a cause for it.
Animal welfare would be an interesting choice. The one problem with that might be that Marie could face criticism if she wore fur to any occasion.
I think she should focus on a few things she is intrested in and also focus on a maybe one thing that concerns health & the other children or elder. a nice mix would be nice & intresting.
i just hope she doesn't get any fashion patronages. there's already one member of the family doing it, and i don't think it's the best option for someone who tries to hide from a frivolous image. let's wait and see.
And I hope that she will have a fashion patronage :) If people can keep on focusing on Mary's two - 2 - fashion patronages and apparently forget about the rest (today a new patronage with the HjerneSagen (the brain cause) was announced) we need more fashion patronages to overcome all that hypocrisy surrounding fashion patronages. If complaints about fashion patronages keep coming but not about patronages related to other parts of Danish trade and industry, I say bring on the fashion patronages for Marie! :flowers:y
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you are welcome, mme royal.

Animal welfare would be an interesting choice. The one problem with that might be that Marie could face criticism if she wore fur to any occasion.

i also think animal welfare would be an excellent choice, appart from being a very favourite of mine. both her and mary seem really fond of animals, and none of the family members has anything to do with animal welfare, so i think it's a wise one. i know it's not really up to the royals to decide some of their patronages but if it happens, she will (personally) win a lot of points in my (again personal) scale.

i doubt though she will wear fur if she does support an animal welfare cause, though. in fact, we don't really know if she likes fur already or if she will wear it at all. i never saw her in fur.

If complaints about fashion patronages keep coming but not about patronages related to other parts of Danish trade and industry, I say bring on the fashion patronages for Marie! :flowers:y

i couldn't really understand the meaning of this phrase can you re-explain? :flowers:
If Marie were to pursue an interest in animal welfare then that would surely provide us with an insight into her own personal objections to the use of fur, and as such, I'd be most certain we would never see her wear a gorgeous mink otherwise worn by Margrethe, Benedikte or Mary.

Personally, I'm not inclined to think she shall take on such a patronage given the RF openly endorses and partakes in the sport of hunting, as is their right and as is a tradition long entwined through Danish history.

I think it would be advised with the utmost certitude that such patronages aren't quite fitting for a member of the RF, if the inquiry were raised. Not because it's something unworthy of royal attention as it were, because it's as worthy a cause as any for those who believe in it, but because it could then place the credibility of the current dynasty's interests in question.

Now, many most likely won't agree and that's perfectly fine and expected :flowers:
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your point is certainly quite interesting, mme royale. it would be quite strange to give her a protectorate on animal welfare with margrethe attending every year the royal huntings, although i see nothing wrong in only just one member with such patronage and refraining from attending these kind of events because of that cause. i can however understand this can lead to misinterpretation on the RF's position about the issue.

it's quite a shame however, as margrethe and mary seem quite fond of animals and so does marie, that because of tradition they need to give support to this kind of troglodytic and barbaric activities.
I enjoy reading many of your posts, carlota :flowers:

To me, Margrethe seems perfectly content with maintaining the age old tradition. Infact, it would seem she thoroughly enjoys the hunting season. The stags lined up in the grounds of Fredensborg by light of bonfires with family and friends abound. It's clear HM The Queen bares no ill feeling towards it.

She also has a clear liking of furs and minks so I don't think it's entirely based around tradition for Margrethe per say, but that she also likes and enjoys wearing fur.
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Do we know that's real and not faux fur?
your point is certainly quite interesting, mme royale. it would be quite strange to give her a protectorate on animal welfare with margrethe attending every year the royal huntings, although i see nothing wrong in only just one member with such patronage and refraining from attending these kind of events because of that cause. i can however understand this can lead to misinterpretation on the RF's position about the issue.

it's quite a shame however, as margrethe and mary seem quite fond of animals and so does marie, that because of tradition they need to give support to this kind of troglodytic and barbaric activities.
Still, there are animal related issues that to me present a more pressing problem that the issue of hunting; I am not a hunter and have never attended one but as far as I understand you can be an animal lover and still be a hunter. I suppose I am of the opinion that if I eat meat I cannot be whole-heartedly against hunting when done properly. I'd rather eat a deer that has lived in the woods and shot by a hunter than a pig or a calf which has been raised indoor in a too confined space - or even tied up all its life.

If I could choose an animal issue as a patronage for a royal it would be the cause of slaughter animals. I am so furious about the transports that takes place all over Europe with slaughter animals and some of the pictures we see from these transports are so awful they defy description. It is an extremely controversial issue within the EU - but I would love to see it get some royal patronage!
i couldn't really understand the meaning of this phrase can you re-explain? :flowers:
Sure :) What I mean is that the two fashion patronages held by the DRF are some of those which at the website of the royal family are explained as meant to further trade. If Marie is offered a patronage to further sale of a specific Danish agricultural produce for example, no one will lift an eyebrow. If she is asked to help promote sale of a certain niche of Danish fashion sale on the other hand.....
So, I would like to see Marie take on as many fashion patronages as she is offered and wants to take because the only way to remove the negative attitude surrounding fashion patronages that is sometimes displayed in these forums for example, may be to bring on more of them to underline that they are just like any other trade related patronage :flowers:
She loves her dog. Maybe she will be interested in animal causes. I'm not thinking of something controversial like PETA but there are other things that aren't politically charged. Princess Anne the Princess Royal of Britain is a good example of a royal who is involved in animal-related charities which are not politically charged. I'm sure Denmark has them too. I have no idea what "Princess Marie" will take on, but it's an idea. :flowers:
Still, there are animal related issues that to me present a more pressing problem that the issue of hunting; I am not a hunter and have never attended one but as far as I understand you can be an animal lover and still be a hunter. I suppose I am of the opinion that if I eat meat I cannot be whole-heartedly against hunting when done properly. I'd rather eat a deer that has lived in the woods and shot by a hunter than a pig or a calf which has been raised indoor in a too confined space - or even tied up all its life.

If I could choose an animal issue as a patronage for a royal it would be the cause of slaughter animals. I am so furious about the transports that takes place all over Europe with slaughter animals and some of the pictures we see from these transports are so awful they defy description. It is an extremely controversial issue within the EU - but I would love to see it get some royal patronage!

i know what you mean, and i think you are totally right. i see nothing wrong in hunting as long as it's ethical (well, let's put that into inverted commas as after all, there's nothing ethical about killing another "live creature") and causing the least suffering to the animal. i totally support animal welfare, but i can't say i don't enjoy eating meat at all, and in fact i come from a country where meat production is important and exquisite as well. and as you said, i'd rather eat an animal that lived a "happy" life rather than another that was fed and kept in a farm to be slaughtered afterwards just because of the purpose of being eaten some day.

it is quite a difficult topic, but i hope they get around it and give some members of the family an animal connected patronage. i know mette-marit was once written by a fan to help a killer whale live in a more appropriate place - i can't remember the exact situation - but that was the closest i heard of a royal becoming involved in an animal welfare activity.

can any of the experts in the danish royal family tell us when mary's profile was online and when she started being given patronages? i'm curious as to when to expect the announcement happening. when did she start attending activities along with frederik during the engagement period?
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I don't know when Mary's profile was online since I only took notice of her a few weeks before the wedding.
But she started doing activities with Frederik in the same month of her engagement, she took part in the state visit from Luxembourg in October 2003.

Regarding patronages: the first 3 (The Christmas Seal Foundation, Danish Association for Mental Health, The Danish Mental Health Fund) were announced shortly before Christmas 2004 and afterwards a few almost every month. I do remember she had 16 patronages after 1 year of marriage.
There were many requests and she had to decide carefully which ones she would take. Actually the patronages are not "given to you" just like that, the organisations ask you to become their patron and you say yes or no. If they don't ask you you can't become patron even if you would like to.

So, in the end I think Marie will be patron of those organisations who ask her and which she accepts. I can also imagine that - within time - she might take over from Henrik his patronages which are related to France and French language/culture (e.g. Alliance Francais).

Anyhow, I don't think we should compare her too much with Mary. I think everything will be handled differently. Marie does not live in DK, so perhaps she will not attend many events with Joachim during her engagement time. She is not going to be queen and she has to learn the language first. I think everything will be much more relaxed, more like it was in Alexandra's case. IIRC Alexandra's first patronage was Randers Rainforest in June 1996, then she became patron of the cultural house Svenska Villa and the newly built Arken Museum. The first organisations she was patron of were quite "light" and the more important like UNICEF came later.
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There are many kinds of charities involving animals' concerns that have nothing whatsoever to do with hunting. There is animals' care, and the problem of over-breeding (for profit) as too much breeding contributes to many animals being homeless and too many being "put down" and even negatively impacts the biological genetics. There are issues like horse slaughter, although that particular one can be very political; hundreds of horses who are perfectly healthy are sent to have their heads cut off daily, although there is nothing wrong with most of them, it's just that the breeders need money and can't "race" them (and they get money from the slaughter houses, who then sell the meat). But the list of animal issues apart from hunting goes on.
I find very probably that casiraghitrio is right, and Marie will be actively engaged in patronages, connected with animals.
It also looks like she is the natural successor of Henrik's patronages, connected with France (as ricarda suggested).

And of course, she will have the usual pack of the Princesses: art, orphans, enviroment...
hopefully they will let us know what her patronages will be shortly before the wedding (or perhaps a bit before?).
Well, I doubt Marie will have an agenda on fashion since IMO she's not fashionably dressed like other royal women. Her sense of style is normal, kind of safe. So I guess animals would be her agenda. I haven't seen her with any jaw-dropping, super elegant outfit so I'm guessing the fashion industry in Denmark will not consider her but she maybe invited to any fashion shows. Her engagement outfit is boring with those chunky shoes and black?! She could have worn other color close to her outfit. Not a good choice IMO!:rolleyes::ermm:
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